Well 2020 has finally come to end.
Thank goodness I hear you say?
I have to say I’m in agreement with you on this one!
Whether 2020 was a struggle or you had a successful year, I’m sure it was physically, mentally and emotionally draining. Right now, it’s important to relax and reflect over the past year so you have the energy to get fired up and going again in 2021. And what better way to do that than curled up with a good book?
I wrote an article back in 2017, 11 books that all thought leaders should read, and I thought it was high time I created an updated list.
So, if you’re looking for inspiration for your holiday reading list, I’ve compiled a list of titles that I have enjoyed recently, to offer new insights and resources to grow your personal brand and your business in 2021 and beyond.
So here goes and in no-particular order…
Someone Has To Be The Most Expensive So It May As Well Be You – Andrew Griffiths
Many business owners shy away from charging top shelf prices, and many are not making much more than a small wage. Your business needs to make money, otherwise it’s just an expensive hobby.
If you’re ready to step up and be a top player in your niche, then I highly suggest you read this book – because it’s not as simple as just increasing your prices.
SYSTEMology – David Jenyns
Are you too busy putting out daily figurative fires to work on your business’ year-long plan?
Do you want to take a long holiday but can’t even take a day off from work? Do you think that having a business that runs smoothly even without you is just a dream?
Well, dream no more.
This book has the step-by-step guide for you to create the systems so you manage your time, reduce errors from your team and scale your business to the next level.
David walks through the SYSTEMology process with me on the Thought Leaders Business Lab episode 231: The SYSTEMology To Scale Your Business.
Who Not How – Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy
There are several keys to succeeding in business. One of the important keys is asking the right question.
This book will help you shift your perspective from asking “How do I do this?”, to “Who do I need to speak with?”. This small shift will bring big results, through new and interesting ideas, collaborations and achievements.
Building A Story Brand – Donald Miller
Do you find yourself unable to explain simply and succinctly what it is that you do and what’s unique about your product or service? Then this book is a must for you.
Powerful stories have seven universal elements that people respond to. Learn how to incorporate these elements into your brand so you create more effective messages that lead to more customers and business growth.
The Alter Ego Effect – Todd Herman
It’s not just superheroes who utilize alter egos. Professional athletes like football player Bo Jackson does. Celebrities like Beyonce does. And business owners and entrepreneurs can utilize them as well.
This book guides you to create your alter ego to help you overcome negative thoughts and behaviours like self-doubt, imposter syndrome and negativity. With it, you empower yourself to be a more confident and driven business owner.
From Individual To Empire – Laura Bull
We’ve all heard the saying, you are your brand. But what do you get when you combine positive psychology principles and traditional branding strategies? You get Laura Bull’s Brand Matrix, which helps business owners go from personal branding to empire-level influencer branding.
This book gives you the steps of this game-changing matrix. It includes the tools, exercises and resources to help you take your personal brand from individual to empire.
I interviewed Laura on episode of 156 on the Thought Leaders Business Lab Podcast: From Individual To Empire
Hook Point – Brendan Kane
People are bombarded with over 60 billion messages every single day. So, you only have 3 seconds to capture your audience’s attention. This may seem like an impossible task, but you can do it. The key is to shape your message so you can always hook your audience quickly and efficiently.
Through many great case studies, you will learn how to create great hooks without changing who you are and what you offer to your customers.
I interview Brendan on episode 220 of the Thought Leaders Business Lab podcast: How To Stand Out In A 3-Second World.
Clockwork: Design Your Business To Run Itself – Mike Michalowicz
I’m guessing you started your business to make more money and live life on your own terms. Does it feel that way? Or are you sacrificing everything to bring your dream to life?
To be able to scale your business, you absolutely must delegate. But many owners struggle with the idea, let alone actually doing it.
This book offers a step-by-step path to empower your employees to act like owners, and to fix the efficiencies to finally make your business work for you.
The following two books don’t need to be read cover to cover (although you could read them like this if you prefer), but are great to pick up for a quick shot of inspiration and creativity…
The Practise: Shipping Creative Work – Seth Godin
Seth Godin is a thought leader in the area’s of marketing and scaling your business. I often mention his book Tribes in many of my podcast episodes.
This new recommendation touches on a specific topic: pursuing your passion. Seth debunks the myth of writer’s block, lists the benefits of consistency and gives tips on how to overcome that nagging and fearful inner voice we all have.
A Beautiful Constraint: How To Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages, and Why It’s Everyone’s Business – Adam Morgan & Mark Barden
How do you turn your limitations into opportunities?
This book provides simple and practical tools, and anecdotes to help you use constraints as a source of inspiration rather than asphyxiation. Keep it handy, because this book is a wealth of ideas.
What books do you think should have been included in this list and how have they impacted your business?
Leave your recommendations in the comments below.
Happy reading,