All Thought Leaders have down times, when things in business seem like a bit of a struggle.
I do, and I know you do too.
When you’re in a period of feeling depleted, it’s not only hard to push through each day, but you’ll produce sub-par quality work. Even worse, if you ignore it you’ll burn out.
If you’re feeling un-fulfilled in your business, do a quick check of your environment.
Sam, did you just say your environment?
When a fish gets sick, the first thing that has to be done is to treat the water.
And we’re no different. I mean, we don’t need to treat our water, BUT we do need to take a look at what we need to change in our environment.
There are three area’s for you to do the quick environment check-in…
- The People You’re Around
Are you surrounded by Negative Nelly’s? Small thinkers?
Maybe you’ve spent way too much time working in your office alone, with the only conversation you’ve been engaging in, having been in your own head…
For me, the greatest fuel in my business is attending conferences and in-person masterminds. That’s where my passion re-ignites if I’m feeling a little low. There’s nothing like having a conversation that stretches your brain with like-minded people.
2. The Technology You Use
Do you have automations in place? Are you using technology that integrates easily? That is easy to use?
If you’re doing things the manual way to save yourself $20 a month… stop it!
If it means you can’t get away from your work to fill your cup because you’re too busy working, then that’s definitely false economy.
3. Your Physical Space
Do you have a clean desk, in a well-lit room?
Does everything have it’s place?
Are you in a geography of your choosing? I absolutely love the ocean, and that’s where I choose to live. If I was living in a country town, 2 hours from the closest city, I would not have the energy to function my way. But I know others who do their best work, when they’re feeling comfy in their quiet country town.
If we look after ourselves, we can serve our clients to the best of our ability.
If we don’t take care of our environment according to our needs, we can’t.
What part of your environment needs a bit of change right now?
Just remember, even one little tweak will make you feel so much better.
Shine like a diamond,
Samantha Riley.