Today I’m going to share my two accidental discoveries with you, which helped me to make more money and get more done in my coaching business…
Happy New Year!
I don’t know about you, but 2024 feels like it has a magical air about it. Do you feel it?
If you’re not only excited but ready to tap into this powerful energy and make 2024 your most profitable and in-flow year yet, then this post is for you.
I want to share my simple system with you so that you will attract the right types of clients to work with you, as well as have more time to spend doing the things that bring you joy.
This system will work for you even if you’ve been working at this business thing for a while now…
But before we dive in, there’s something important that I need you to know.
We’re smack bang in the middle of New Year excitement.

It’s an easy time of the year to be dreaming about all the things you’re going to achieve now that you’ve left that pesky 2023 behind…
Like checking your inbox to see a flood of new clients have signed up to work with you…
Knowing that your team totally have your back, and are looking after your social media…
Having your next overseas vacation booked and in your calendar…
Seeing your calendar full of sales calls with qualified leads…
To buy the gorgeous pair of shoes that caught your eye, without even giving it a second thought…
And best of all, to know you’re making a positive impact by working with people from all corners of the world, every single day.
Ahhhh…… it feels so good while you’re looking at your business through your glittery, novelty 2024 New Year’s Eve glasses.
But what happens once the glasses are off, the champagne has stopped flowing and it’s time to get back to work?

I know you know what I’m talking about…
That moment when you pull your laptop out for the first time of the year and the fear creeps back in.
The thoughts of your family and friends seeing your social media posts and judging what you’re doing…
The thoughts that you couldn’t make it work last year, so how can you possibly make it work this year?
That you’re already too busy and you don’t have the time, or quite frankly the energy, to implement something new…
That you’re not tech-savvy enough…
The thoughts that you’re not smart enough. Confident enough. Strong enough. Pretty enough…
That you’re just not enough.
The self-doubt takes over and paralyses you to play a game much smaller than you’re capable of.
You totally feel what I’m saying here, don’t you?
It’s exhausting keeping all these thoughts and feelings to yourself.
Pretending like everything is all rainbows and unicorns…
Back in 2010, my 20-year marriage ended. And along with that, so did our business partnership.
This was such a personally challenging time for me, but every cloud has a silver lining if we search hard enough.
My situation meant I had an opportunity to do something different.
I wanted to build a business that gave me the type of freedom I hadn’t experienced before. I wanted to be able to work where and when I wanted.
This is when I decided to fully immerse myself in the fitness industry.
Due to my previous business experience, I knew how to get clients, and I had clients straight away.
Lots of them.
In fact, I won “Newcomer Of The Year Award To The Fitness Industry” for the results I was achieving.
But I was working a ridiculous amount of hours trying to fit all my clients in.
The opportunity of creating a fresh, exciting new chapter was feeling more like a chapter out of a horror story where this Mum was suffering a bout of burn-out that she was going to have to endure for eternity.
I’d stepped straight into what I knew without even realising it.
I was exhausted, and I hated working six-day weeks.
Seeing clients before the sun came up.
Still with clients when my kids had well and truly finished dinner.
I had chosen to work in this industry to help people with their health and vitality. And here I was feeling like I wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep for a year – and then some!

I was neglecting the things that were really important to me.
My family.
My friends.
And more importantly I was neglecting myself.
I wanted a business that helped people and was also personally fulfilling.
I wanted to truly make a difference in many peoples lives.
But I also wanted the freedom to work where and when I wanted, but I didn’t know how to make it happen.
At this point, all I had was a dream and I wasn’t even sure if it was possible to create a business in the way I dreamed of living.
I knew I needed help because I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
I invested over a hundred thousand dollars in coaches and mentors.
Now instead of being with clients from sunrise to sunset, I spent my life from morning until night creating content…
Creating lead magnets…
Social media posts…
Working on my website…
Designing funnels…
Writing copy for opt-in pages. Thank you pages. Registration pages.
All sorts of tech-related activities that were not anywhere remotely close to my zone of genius.
This had me in tears of frustration on more occasions than I have fingers and toes.
Feeling me here?
I started to wonder if I should give up and go and find a J.O.B.
But I knew people who were making this kind of business model work. I knew it was possible.
Although, I was starting to think this business model was not possible for me.
However, through experience of being a 7-figure business owner previously, I knew that if you wanted something bad enough, you can totally have it as long as you are willing to continually review and adjust along the way until you reach your goal.
I knew something needed to change.
You see, most people put in the work and give up just before they get to the diamonds.
But that wasn’t going to be me.
So I kept searching for the missing piece.
It wasn’t for lack of understanding business.
But I didn’t fully understand the online world – it’s a whole different kettle of fish.
I felt insanely frustrated and incredibly alone.
In the midst of trying to figure this all out, I had some investments go south, and I lost a large portion of my savings.
Whilst things were going OK in my business and I was slowly growing, it wasn’t anything to write home about, so losing this money added pressure whilst I was trying to grow.
I either had to figure out the equation of this online coaching world, or I had to give up.
It’s amazing what happens when your back is against the wall.
I paused, took a step back, and went back to what I knew had worked for me in my previous businesses.
Revelation Number 1...

Everything is so much easier when you have a step by step system to follow.
So I started to unpack the process of what was moving the needle most in my business.
Instead of trying to get everything to work, I just focussed on what was giving me the best return.
Once I figured out the most efficient route, it was simple. All I had to do was implement the system. Just follow the process. Tick the boxes in the right order.
You see, building a business isn’t easy, but it is simple when you have a roadmap.
I finally realised that I was busy every day doing a lot of “stuff” in my business that wasn’t generating any income.
I was busy, but it hadn’t occurred to me earlier that I was busy doing things that didn’t matter.
So now I had a system, it was time to map out an implementation plan – a 90-day plan.
I was having a pensive moment thinking back over the way my 90 days looked after I created my plan, and realised that most of the implementation of my 90-day plans happened in the second half of each cycle. During the first half of the cycle, I would think I had all the time in the world. I’d get caught up doing a whole heap of “stuff” that really didn’t matter. I was busy being busy.
And before I knew it, I’d be 30 days away from the end of my 90-day block, and I’d be scrambling to get everything implemented.
And of course, I’d run out of time, and those unfinished jobs would get hand-balled on to the next 90-day plan. Again.
Revelation Number 2…
What if I had a 6 week implementation plan instead of a 12 week plan?
Can you imagine how game-changing this could be?
So I put together my first 6 week plan and followed my system.

Ticking the boxes in order.
Implementing, and then moving onto the next thing.
I was laser-focused on doing just one thing. Implementing, and then moving on.
And guess what happened?
The things I had been wishing would happen, all of a sudden were now my reality.
My email list was growing, and I had ideal prospects joining my list every single day…
I had more clients signing up to work with me, which meant I was making more money….
I was attracting speaking opportunities and being invited to be a guest on podcasts and my audience was growing…
I was making a much bigger impact, by sharing my message with thousands of people.
And what surprised me was that I was working fewer hours, so I had more time to do what I loved. I was spending more time on my fitness, more time with friends, and more time traveling.
And this strategy can change the game for you too.
How would it feel to have the clarity to know where to focus in your business?
To have clients consistently signing up to work with you?
To feel confident knowing that you’ve got this?
And that you no longer need to have a sneaky look at the classifieds “just in case” you need to go back to a J.O.B…
You just need to follow the road map.
And have an achievable implementation plan.
2024 isn’t the year to do the same thing as last year, and expect different results.
It’s not the year to make excuses as to why you don’t deserve to have the business of your dreams.
And it’s not the year to give up on yourself, your clients and your family.
2024 is the year to make the income you desire, so you can finally take that vacation that you’ve been dreaming of!
It is the year for you to have the freedom to work when and where you want.
And it is the year to proudly share your message, and create a huge ripple of impact.
The only thing getting in the way of your dream right now is your belief…
That you’re not techy enough…
That you’re not smart enough…
That you don’t have enough experience…
Or any of the other BS stories that you tell yourself as a reason why you don’t deserve this.

I’ve walked the path before you and I know what it feels like to lose money on Facebook ads that haven’t worked…
To not understand what a funnel is, let alone build one…
To be working from sun up to sun down and still feel like I haven’t achieved anything…
And losing confidence FAST!
I started to believe I wasn’t good enough.
That I should just throw in the towel.
But instead of throwing in the towel, I made one game-changing decision.
The decision to do something different from what I was currently doing, even though doing something different scared the pants off me!
Do you know what I think?
I think 2024 is your year if you want it badly enough.
The year to make the income you know you want to make so you can go on that overseas holiday.
It’s the year to stop grinding away for hours on end doing the jobs that are wasting your time.
It’s the year to serve more of your people.
And it’s the year to finally grow the business in a way that you’ve been dreaming about for way too long now.
It’s your time.
Samantha ‘I believe in you’ Riley
PS. Want to brainstorm a plan to accelerate the growth in your business this year?
Book a quick 15-minute Accelerator Call and we’ll dive into…
• Reviewing your niche, offer, and pricing to map out your potential for the next 6 weeks and beyond..
• Evaluating your marketing, sales, and delivery systems to pinpoint what’s hitting and what’s missing the mark…
• Identifying the primary bottleneck that’s holding you back from growing and scaling…
•Creating a 3-step, results-driven action plan to accelerate your business success immediately.
CLICK HERE to book a free call with one of our specialists.