Getting the interest of the people towards your business can be a challenge. There’s a high chance that you would want to prioritize the demands of people rather than your craft. Well, JP Sears proves otherwise!
JP Sears is a well-known emotional healing coach, a YouTuber, a writer, and an entrepreneur, and today’s episode, he shares how he transcends his creative and compelling ideas to have a multi-faceted business.
I’m pretty sure that some of you have stumbled upon one of his funny Ultra Spiritual Life episodes on social media. As well as having 100 million YouTube views, he’s also recently published his book, “How to Be Ultra Spiritual.”
JP is very passionate about his craft and, at the same time, helping people. It is amazing how he grew it into a successful business. Getting the people on social media interested and engaged in what you produce is an incredible ability, so, let’s get started listening to our episode and be inspired by JP Sears!
In this episode you’ll learn:
- What makes JP Sears tick? (01:45)
- JP Sears gives a quick overview of his business and the audience it caters to. (04:45)
- JP Sears shares his experience as a C.H.E.K. practitioner. (07:20)
- It is important to believe in yourself and also have someone to believe in you! (13:26)
- How important are co-dependency and self-sufficiency? (15:04)
- How did JP Sears make the transition from being a C.H.E.K. practitioner to pursuing the ‘ultra-spiritual life?’ (18:20)
- Overcoming the fear of putting yourself out there. (23:51)
- Three things that contribute great impact to JP’s personal brand
- Being true to your creative spirit. (29:18)
- Tips on reaching huge numbers of engagement on social media. (38:57)
- Respecting the native formats of every social media. (42:27)
- And much, much more!
JP’s website
His YouTube channel, Facebook & Instagram
Connect with me on Instagram and Facebook
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