Accessing your higher self starts with your mindset.
In this episode, I speak with the “Bruce Lee of Revenue Generation”, Erik Luhrs, on how to scale your business and create more profit and fulfilment. By accessing your higher mind, you can then leverage that to redevelop your Brand, Positioning and Go-To-Market activities.
If you look at your entire sales process from beginning to end, sales is where the river meets the sea. The goal is to get more water flowing faster, which is more people and more money moving faster.
When creating sales, don’t look at the bottom or middle of the mountain. To get the biggest bang for your buck, go straight to the top of the mountain and change your mindset so that your mountain gets bigger and your river head gets wider.
By hiking to the top of the mountain and shifting your mindset first, everything will follow.
Are you ready to journey up the mountain?
- The aim of marketing (3:30)
- Lead generation (3:46)
- Positioning comes before lead generation (4:08)
- Brand comes before positioning (4:45)
- The founder comes before positioning (4:49)
- It all starts with the mindset (6:10)
- The process of sales starts with the right mindset (6:45)
- Stepping into the higher version of yourself (11:28)
- Where do you find leads? (14:04)
- Two aspects of your moniker (17:38)
- Mixing context with curiosity (24:10)
- Positioning yourself in the marketplace (25:20)
- Imposter Syndrome (26:20)
- Beingness of ego (26:50)
- The ego is both sides of the coin (27:07)
- Meditation to divorce your higher self from the ego (27:35)
- The real work of success is working on yourself and becoming a more successful version of you (28:29)
- Imposter syndrome (29:40)
- The fact that you have imposter syndrome proves that you are not an imposter (31:04)
- Changing and evolving of your brand (32:22)
- How you view your business (33:13)
- You are always growing as a person and so does your brand (34:38)
- Positioning in Martial Arts (36:49)
Erik Luhrs is known as the Bruce Lee of Revenue Generation, and is the creator of Revenue Kung-Fu. He partners with Visionaries, Founders, Entrepreneurs, Experts, Consultants and Coaches to scale their business and create more profit and fulfilment by accessing their higher mind (AKA their “Dragon”), and then leveraging that to redevelop their Brand, Positioning and Go To Market activities.
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