We all have the capability to jump out of our ordinary lives and experience exponential growth but the question is, are you really ready for it? In this episode, we discuss how to quantum leap into your leadership and business success with Matthew Patti.
Matthew is a modern mystic and global leader who applies the unique blend of metaphysical principles and business strategies to help clients scale their business and consciousness.
Quantum leaping is a radical departure from the ordinary, and the decision to break from “the normal” is needed.
If you’re a leader who is willing to do something different and is ready to flourish, be sure to listen to the episode.
- What a quantum leap is – and what it isn’t (03:13)
- Why is it a radical departure from the ordinary? (04:55)
- Are you ready for a quantum leap? (06:17)
- The value of embracing your uniqueness (10:13)
- How to create a radical departure from the ordinary (15:25)
- Why time is irrelevant for quantum leaping (21:35)
- The significance of having a partner aligned with your quantum leap (26:35)
- Embrace this if you want to quantum leap (34:05)
- “It’s so important that we’re surrounded by the right people because we can’t do everything alone.” -Samantha Riley
- “Signs always follow, they do not proceed. A sign that you are ready always follows your decision. Not before it.” -Matthew Patti
- “The quantum leap is primed and ready for the person who looks at three bricks high and calls it a wall.” -Matthew Patti
- Influence By Design Episode 078: Creating A Life With Zero Limits with Matthew Patti
- Influence By Design Episode 119: Quantum Reverse Engineer Your Dream Business And Life
- Book Your Call with Matthew Patti: https://matthewpatti.com/bookacall
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/matthewcpatti
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewpatti/
- High Performance Consciousness Podcast: https://matthewpatti.com/podcasts/
If you’re an expert doing over $10k per month, and want to be known as the Unapologetic Leader in your industry, you may be just a few small tweaks away from doubling your income and visibility.
On this quick 15 minute call, we’ll:
- Conduct a quick audit of your marketing to see what is and isn’t working.
- Review your niche, positioning and pricing of your current offers.
- Uncover the top 3 bottlenecks from holding you and your business back from scaling
- Develop a 3-step implementation plan to get the growth results you are looking for.
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Matthew is the Founder of Innerversal ™ and The Quantum Leap Project ™, Host of the High Performance Consciousness podcast and Creator of the Zero Limits: Shape Your Best Life ™ program. He is admired among his peers as a visionary, futurist, and modern mystic.
Matthew has thrived on the leading-edge of entrepreneurship and conscious business growth for more than two decades.
He has personally helped 50,000 plus coaches, creatives and community builders upgrade their personal and business success applying his signature knowledge of metaphysical principles with business strategy to achieve quantum leaps in influence, impact, and success.
Matthew Patti Snippet (00:00):
But if you make the leap, then the bridge of incidents, the bridge of events that bring your counterpart along the journey with you start being built after your decision. They are never built before. So signs always follow they do not proceed. So a sign that you are ready always follows your decision, not before.
Samantha Riley Intro (00:22):
My name is Samantha Riley, and this is the podcast for experts who want to be the unapologetic leader in their industry. We’re going to share the latest business growth, marketing, and leadership strategies, as well as discussing how you can use your human design to create success in business and life. Inside and out. It’s time to take your influence, income, and impact to the level you know you’re capable of. Are you ready to make a bigger difference and scale up? This is the Influence By Design podcast.
Welcome to today’s episode of Influence By Design, I’m your host, Samantha Riley.
and joined by my very good friend, Matthew Patti, who has been here before we’re going to talk a little bit about that. But today, we’re here to talk about taking your success to not just the next level, but really take an exponential leap. And we’re going to talk about quantum leaping. So welcome to the show, Matt.
Matthew (01:19):
Hey, Sam, great to be back with you spent a little while but nothing has been
Samantha (01:22):
it has been. But I’m super glad to be back. Like I said, You’ve been on the show before, we’re not going to cover your background and kind of what you do, if you haven’t been, I was going to say if you haven’t been exposed to map before. But if you that might sound a little bit strange.
If you haven’t heard of Matt before, go back and listen to episode 78, where we talked about living a life with zero limits. And also Episode 119, where we talked about quantum reverse engineering, two of our highest downloaded episodes out of 400.
And something shows here we are again for the third time. And we’re going to talk about quantum leaping. And I am so excited to have this conversation with you. Because where, you know, there’s this energetic, I’m going to say an ease but not in an awful way.
There’s this like rustling that the people that are ready to step into their leadership and really go next level. And if you’re being feeling this, you kind of know it, because there’s a lot of oh, gosh, how would you explain it like you’re seeing it too, right?
All of these leaders that are just sort of almost like a phoenix rising moment where a lot of things are being broken down? And people are kind of rebuilding? Is that what you’re seeing?
Matthew (02:33):
Yes, yeah, you and I spoke about it a little bit previously, as well is, you know, it’s like, there’s a knife’s edge of sitting in the middle of the unknown, that you could lean into apathy. And just think I’ll just default to what I’ve always known and what the way it’s done. But there’s this strong urge that wants you to, to lean forward, and just let go and dive deeper, more deeply than you’ve done before in precision into who you really are, and the chemistry of what you’re here to really share Ignite, influence, and impact with
Samantha (03:12):
Totally. So quantum leaping. Can you explain to us, for those that don’t know what it is? How can you explain what a quantum leap is?
Matthew (03:22):
Okay. Well, I think for context, let me say of what a quantum leap is not what you are currently doing to get the results you are getting. It’s not who you’re currently being to get the results you want.
It’s not a sideways step, or following a sequential order up a staircase. It is a an exponential jump into a radical new environment, one that you create one that you build. So the tagline that I shared with you before it’s a radical departure from the ordinary Quantum Leap must by definition, be catastrophic to your past.
Like it blows the doors of your past but also invites you into a new realm a new altitude, a new elevation that is created and experienced at speed. So it’s not a one by one, we’re not adding one plus one we’re into the multiples now. We’re now using multiplication. So that’s if I reduce it down to that, no more plussing and minor thing. It’s multiplying and fixing from there.
Samantha (04:42):
So it’s not being the person that you are today. And looking at what is the next system I can implement tomorrow? It’s not looking at what the next step is. Can you talk more about this radical departure of the ordinary because when you say that, you said it a few want to me in the last week, and it gives me goosebumps? And I’m so excited when I hear it. And I don’t know why. But there’s just you’ve absolutely nailed this.
Matthew (05:11):
Thank you. Yeah, it excites me too. So when it came out on the paper, and I could lean into it and feel it, that’s what it is. So when we’ve just break it down, it is radical, it feels foreign, it almost feels edgy, it feels challenging, but it also feels challenging to the status quo. And so then we go to departure, it’s a departure from what you’ve always known, the stepping stones, the systems, the tools that you’ve currently got, or you’re implementing right now. But most importantly, it’s a departure from what you thought you were capable of.
And then we go into the ordinary, while the ordinary, it’s limited, it doesn’t matter whether you’re looking on Instagram, or Facebook, or LinkedIn or YouTube, there’s a countless array of examples of people that are living that are producing great results through the same substance, the same mechanisms, the same effort, the same grind, the same workhorse mentality. That’s not part of the quantum leap.
Samantha (06:14):
So exciting. So is everyone ready for this? Is this the kind of thing that anyone can take on right now? What can you tell us about who it’s for how to know if you’re ready, all that kind of juicy stuff?
Matthew (06:29):
Yeah, yeah, it’s, again, the quantum leap, even just the phrase, you know, some might say, look, it’s bending reality, it’s a quantum jump, whatever it may be, exponentially. Everyone has the capability to make the jump to make the leap. From a conceptual perspective, if we just dropped the word quantum, and we make it a sizable grand exponential. I think most people want to believe it’s possible for them, most importantly, they want to believe they’re capable of it. But when we reduced it down, and we listened to the music between the notes we listened to, where are they at?
Have they earned some stripes in life? Have they earned some runs on the board in the gamification of business or entrepreneurship? Are they ready to try something different? Because the quantum leap is primed and ready for the person that looks at three bricks high and calls it a wall. Because they’ve had enough, they’re just tired of doing the same thing, even though more great, like greater results and beckoning them forward or being urged by mentor peers, environments, colleagues, those sort of things.
But for a three brick high to be called a wall, when they can just step over it, when they’re ready to just say, Okay, there’s got to be a different way. There’s got to be another way, what am I missing? The Quantum Leap is primed for the person that wants to dive in between the noise and the distraction and get to the quintessence I guess, of success.
Samantha (08:09):
Taking that a little bit further. Is it someone that is also okay with feeling that unease?
Matthew (08:16):
Yeah, well, I guess we could play devil’s advocate, are we ever fully comfortable with feeling uneasy, or maybe a little bit lost in the unknown? No, I’ve never been comfortable, fully, completely comfortable in the unknown. My scale is a lot higher than other people. I know, because I keep testing the limits.
But yes, there is a specific person, the way show up the front here builder, the wizard, the mage in business, all the people that have broken the rule so many times and bucked the system and status quo. They are typically the ones that are closer to being primed for the leap, looked at the world outside of them and said, I can see the muggle world for Harry Potter fans or the world of the mundane and the ordinary. And I challenge that I choose to challenge that I choose to not get my PhD in business in 10 years and my success, then I choose to do it in two or three. I choose to make big leaps in my personal performance.
And I seek to I guess, quench your thirst for knowledge, and be able to apply that. So they’re the creators, they’re the idea builders, they’re the community builders, coaches, entrepreneurs that stretch or have boundaries. They are lone wolves a lot of the time too, because those of us that build teams and operate in very small packs of colleagues tend to be of like mine. So we move on things quickly.
You know, move quickly on serendipity. And this word speak to you images speak to You ideas speak to you most. So the bigger the idea, the greater the shift within you, and that movement of your potential.
Samantha (10:12):
So it’s interesting, because as you were speaking, there was this like, thought that flew through my mind about, you know, a lot of us are the lone wolves, as you said, were often misunderstood by other people. But at the same time, it’s so important that we’re surrounded by the right people, because we can’t do everything alone.
I’d love you’re tight, you work with a lot of people that are sort of making these quantum leaps, I guess, I don’t know why I said, sort of, because you are, when they come to you. Are they feeling alone? Or, you know, do they already have their people around them? I kind of want to explore this a little bit, because I think that this is one of the biggest stumbling blocks of a lfor of people that are going on this journey.
Matthew (11:06):
Yeah, definitely. It’s when I look at all the people that work with me privately, or in a group environment, they are all embracing, and owning, at some level, a greater degree than most others, the uniqueness and through their uniqueness, they’re actually saying, I am different. I’m the oddball, you know, so they see the world differently, maybe they have a very close group of friends, maybe they have an appreciation for a certain length of time with a group of people.
And then now it’s time to move on because they enjoy. You know what I mean? So so there is this deep burn to connect with like minds, that there’s a very deep, short sureness to their individuality. But it doesn’t mean that we’re not lonely at times, it doesn’t mean a connection, because, at the deepest part of our being, we all crave connection.
And so the, just like what you’re doing, you know, we, you bring people together of like minds with a common view to move in a direction for themselves. That’s where the power is. So you know, when you start to get people think together, act together, commune share, leap together. Now, this momentum is built so quickly, just like off a call this morning that we had with one of our masterminds. Now, I’m not going to say his name, because you may end up you guys watching this may end up watching an interview, that are pis of that, that that same there. But just from one call, shifting his perspective, and his language, he was able to go to his founders, because he works with CEOs and founders.
And he ran, he enrolled them through the same quantum mechanics that I share in a new vision for their companies and raised their cap their capital value to $30 million within four hours. And that’s at the center of the spectrum. But we’re all just talking about numbers. It’s all just zeros. A number is just a number the meaning we give to it is what’s important. But then you go to the other end of the spectrum.
And you suddenly think well, the entrepreneur that’s maybe been 234 years in business that’s got some stripes, and now says okay, what’s the next Facebook ad campaign that I need to run? What’s the next you know, the copywriting thing that I need to do, what’s the next hire I need to make? There’s still an emptiness that comes from that. So you can install it and get the results.
But imagine going from a 10k month to 100k month, or 30k month to a 200k month. So soon as we start to make that leap in the imagination. All of a sudden, two parts of us come up in awareness, and they’re fighting like the two wolves that the shadow one and the light one, you know, that feels good. And I can give meaning and why I want that and how dispense and use that masterfully that new revenue.
The other parts is I have no idea how to make that water or the house. So now they default back into the doing. And so they leave the field of the quantum and they can track back into the world of matter back into the world of doing and trying to accelerate their plan and their results by doing more within a finite period of time. Typically they lose steam, lose the idea lose its luster and power at the end not for everyone but for most and they reduce the 200 if they’re going from 30 to 200.
They reduced the 200 idea down to something that picks up and utilizes The old self. So have they radically departed from the ordinary? No, they’ve just lowered the gear to a level that they can appreciate, feel comfortable, and operate in because they have not changed.
Samantha (15:17):
Okay, mind is just going in a million different directions right now. So how do people make that radical departure of the ordinary? Instead of just changing gears? Like you were talking about? What are the pieces that need to come in? We’ve talked a little bit about having like-minded people around us around the belief, what’s the what’s the, I guess, the chemistry of it, you know, like, what’s the chemistry make up of this?
Matthew (15:50):
First thing is, you must have a desire, a burn, that is so big and bright, that you can connect with. So if someone just says I want to be 100, millionaire, whatever, you know, I’m 10 figures, whatever, it’s going to be 11 figures. But they’ve got no emotional attachment to that. It’s just a figure that they’ve out of something that it’s just like playing in the sandpit. You know, what I mean, is if there’s a reason behind it, and there’s this burn for it, I can see how to connect the world, I can see how to solve this global problem, I can see how to solve this community problem.
And by solving that community problem, I can then help other communities exactly the same around the planet do that, that might feel them or fill them with a sense of all inspiration. So in spirit, you’ve got motivation, inspiration, and then or as far as our be concerned, it wants to feel, or Wow, okay, that I can feel the thrill running through my body, my cells exchanging new information, I’m drinking in the idea of this, I don’t allow myself to go to the house yet.
I just drink in the idea of that. So that’s the first point of so our chemistry, our physiological chemistry now becomes activated based on the scene. And so from that perspective, then it’s let’s invest time and energy and attention in that end, first. And for some, it may be three days, it may be a week, some maybe three months, and they invest time in the energy. And the reason why you invest time, energy, and attention in the end, is so that you can build out the strength of what it feels like looks like how it articulates talk to people, you know.
And so, as you build it out, the answers actually start to form and the noise from the old self, that’s trying to buff buffer against the idea, start to start to reduce as well. So now you’re not looking to increase the doing or increase the amount of steps, you’re now looking at reducing it like this special source.
What are the things that create the synaptic junction 16? Eight create the connections particle to particle? The most? It’s, who do I know, in my network? You know, what are they doing? Let me get some feedback. What have I done before that I can borrow some process tool resource from doesn’t have to be inserted yet.
And then leaving room as part of their the quantum leap is a large part of it is going to be unknown, which is, which is the excitement in the leap? So how do you depart from the past? By investing time, energy, and attention here? And unpacking it? How’s it look? How does it feel? How does it operate? And so that you could actually say, as if you were speaking to some to investors, which essentially are your clients, you can speak to investors and you can speak with such clarity and detail and articulation and confidence and all that they immediately say, shut up and take my money.
Yeah. Yeah. And so so then the departure from the old is now I’ve stacked, there’s a lot of energy being built here. And it would be natural for me to say, the ordinary world would snap me back and I think okay, now I’ve got to start from this point. No, the next step is who do I need to become to make this vision a reality?
Samantha (19:53):
There was something that came up while you were while you were going through that. And for me, what I was here saying, and I could be wrong. So I’d love you to expand on this, that that snapback happens when we ask ourselves how? Because all of a sudden, we’re in this new reality, where we don’t actually know how. And it’s about being resourceful and asking more resourceful questions like, you know, who do I need to ask or, you know, what, can I tap into all of the different kinds of questions than how, you know, is that what you’re essentially saying?
Matthew (20:27):
Yes, yeah. And so our current identity typically, is connected to the hell. So if you want to snap yourself out of this quantum leap, and this future, go into the house straightaway, well, I need to raise this much money and do this and do that and do this, and bla bla, bla, bla, stop that just don’t do it. It’s a broken methodology. In the quantum leap, it actually comes not second, it comes third or fourth in the process.
So as we get snapped back from the house, by engaging the house, our operating system, our thoughts and beliefs, and our hardwiring, and our behavior and our identity, the concept we have of ourselves is re affirmed, oh, God, it’s going to be so hard. You know, that’s going to take a long time, that’s going to take a lot of work, that requires a lot of effort. And so then, then there’s this, this stronghold, that starts to build, again, around our current perception of self, and what we believe to be possible for us.
Samantha (21:33):
You’ve talked about time, quite a bit. You haven’t talked about it, you’ve mentioned it quite a bit. And I feel that when we go to this new place that time, and I’ve heard you say it before, time doesn’t exist. And I know it’s something that I’ve been talking about with my hubby, Leon a lot this year, that it feels like time has got this whole new reality on what it is that time is kind of expanding and contracting and doing all these weird things. Can you talk a little bit about time in relation to the quantum leap? Because I love the way you talk about this.
Matthew (22:15):
I’d love to talk about I love time, asked myself, where did I come from before this, to have such a whatever about time and interest or an appreciation of time. So it makes me curious to one of the statements that I’ve used has been time as irrelevant. And people have taken me out of context with that.
And typically, those that have taken me out of context or misunderstood have typically been materialists, those people that live in the third dimension of objects and things, people place events and circumstances and are bound by the limits of perception within the five senses. So they say, okay, I can see it, I can feel it, taste and touch it.
Therefore, it’s real. Therefore, time is unbound by time. So I’ve got to do these things in sequential order, and pass through time to get to results. But in the quantum world, you’re folding the page, essentially, like in one of my podcasts as well, you know, in the movie Interstellar, which is one of my favorite movies, you know, you got wrongly and anyway, the you got the two characters there, they’re talking. And so how do we get through that wormhole or whatever it says, Well, we’re passing through this space time concept reality into another universe, dot point A on one side of the page, point B on the other side, all the pages together.
And that’s the fastest path between them. That there is the representation of the quantum leap now is saying time is irrelevant to the manifestation of the results of the leap. But also, by me investing time, energy and attention in the end of what it looks like and feels like as a concept as an idea as a creation.
Now, time is irrelevant, because you are feeling it right now. And so one of the laws from one of the quantum incubator running right now, one of the laws that I’m sharing with people is that default, when you think when you become impatient when you want to push harder and stretch and grind, impatience is an undermining of your confidence. Impatience essentially says, I’m bound by time. I’m impatient. Why isn’t the results here? Why aren’t I leaping? Why is it so difficult?
Because you’re bound inside a time concept. And so if you can to make the leap, you make the leap in the imagination, you make the leap in and the capability is built around you inside the imaginal act. And as you explore that more, so time equals now, the more now you can string together you dilate time. And so as diet, you’re dilating time, and that’s where you were talking about it, as well as Leon, that time feels very liquid, when you’re in flow from one day to the next one week to the next slide. When I think about time, it doesn’t feel the same. at any particular point. It’s like it’s changing all the time, excuse the pun, but it’s, it’s changing, it’s because it’s liquid.
So if time is now and the movement from the third dimension, which is the the world of objects and things into the quantum world, which some may know, as the fifth dimension, then leap into the fifth dimension is about a timeless experience, like if I can think it, and encourage it and activate and expanded, it exists right now.
So I don’t need to wait for it to arrive. Because all potentials exist simultaneously in the quantum field right now. And so time is also your friend, that your ally, because, you know, we might say, well, you know, a child requires nine months of gestation, a chicken requires 21 days, you know, an elephant calf requires longer. So we can engineer ourselves into quantum entrepreneurs, or quantum thinkers and operators, by embracing time as a different concept to be utilized as an ally. Meaning now what can I do now?
Samantha (26:32):
How often do you see this being a problem where let’s talk about to people that are in a relationship, where there’s someone that is ready to do this quantum leap? Or maybe even, you know, has started to explore this, and they’ve got someone else in the relationship? That is not. And I want to talk about this, because I think that there’s so many entrepreneurs that don’t, that aren’t as lucky as what I am and have the full support of my partner that still want to move forward. And, and you know, how that plays out?
Matthew (27:09):
Yeah, it’s big question, it really is. First, let’s start by saying that the partner you’re with represents the duality that you entertain, consciously or unconsciously. So what does that mean? They are representing the counterpoint, experience perception concept of you.
So they are in your vibration in your awareness in your life, because there is some part of you, that thinks acts, and behaves the same way as they are towards you. So by you, by virtue of you changing and departing from the ordinary part of that, that psychology and that fear is, I’m going to leave people behind, there’s going to be a trail of destruction or upset or contraction, something’s going to break. Yeah, something’s gonna break. It doesn’t have to be your relationship.
So first and foremost, look at and acknowledge that your counterpoint in your partner is there, as like the Jiminy Cricket on your shoulder that says, Are you sure you’re doing the right thing? Come on, you can do it or whatever it’s going to be. Now, if you default to the lessor staying in the ordinary, because don’t have the money, not right timing, you know, you’ve got quadruplets on the way and on it’s whatever it’s gonna be, you know, then you’re not ready.
You’re actually not ready. But if you make the leap, then the bridge of incidence the bridge of events that bring the your counterpart along the journey with you start built after your decision. They are never built before. So signs always follow they do not proceed. So a sign that you are ready always follows your decision. Not before.
Samantha (28:57):
Oh my goodness, right there value bomb. Because I think that a lot of people think and I’ll put my hand up and say sometimes, you know, in the past, I have had that thought or it can sneak in that you have to, you know, have a certain thing first, rather than what you’re talking about there being that person first.
Matthew (29:24):
Yeah, I mean, you have countless examples of leaping and then the resources the people that connections whatever shows up after and we just forget it. So while we’re on the other while we’re in the leap, we actually enter experiencing that the byproducts the effects of our decision, we actually forget that we created it. Mm-hmm. It was just it came by another means no, you created that you just forgot that you were the operating power for all the science synchronicities and serendipities too. Find you.
Samantha (30:01):
So how do you personally create that Bank of evidence that it is working so that you can stay there? Okay,
Matthew (30:09):
Great question. So in the beginning, so decide, evidence never precedes, it always follows the evidence before you leap in making a decision. I had this call with a client first thing this morning. And he rattled off all the things, all the things.
Now this person in that and this just connected and that person’s coming in, and I said, what else do you need in order to make a decision? He sat with it for an uncomfortably long time, or longer than I would have, I could see that he was reading. And so you know, a couple more Squeezy questions.
And then he said, right, I’m ready, I’m going to make the decision. I said, a making the decision? Or have you made the decision? Because you made the decision, you’re already in a quantum field? Because made is referring to that decision being passed hence. So now, when we’re in the leap, and I kind of remember your question, to be honest, like, what,
Samantha (31:10):
How do you build that Bank of evidence?
Matthew (31:12):
Build it, you stay as the observer? And you ask, through curiosity. And you observe, you think, Wow, isn’t that curious? I’ve just been talking about that. And that’s happened. Like, now this conversation has led me to this conversation, or this email to this link, or whatever it is, be curious. But curious enough not to discount any information.
Because we will have a conscious bias, we’ll have a conscious bias, I’m in the leap. I’ve already made the leap, or I’m not yet making the leap, we have a conscious bias, we look for evidence to support where our true where we are. And so some people are mid leap, and they’re saying, quietly, I’m looking for evidence that this is not the right thing, or that I’ve made the wrong decision, you’re going to find it, you absolutely are going to find it.
But if you stay in the leap, the bridge of events, the series and significance of those events will only be able to be observed looking backwards through the keyhole. So yeah, so what I like to do is I like to have a little notebook, maybe you know, something like, if you can see that, yeah, something this size, or you know, like that, but I just write all the little signs and synchronicities and serendipities that occur. noted that saw that now who gives it meaning I do, they’re just things to someone else that’s not in the league with me, they would never have seen it.
But write them down. And then it’s a conscious bias towards saying I am now stringing New Wave potentials together in the field. And when they gather enough strength, they will collapse as a wave from a wave into a particle, which means they drop into the material world as a result, or as
Samantha (33:04):
I also write things down. And I was interested to hear you know, the way that you did it, because I also like to not just write them down as they come up, but have a real gratitude practice at the end of the day. Because when you give gratitude to those things, it’s amazing how exponentially they can grow.
Matthew (33:24):
Yes, totally agree with gratitude, gratitude is confirmation of the event having already taken place. So if you’re already in the leap, and you’re experiencing and your body salivating at a cellular level, then and you’re grateful for that, then of course, more is going to come more evidence is going to come to support you. And that is time bends, and dilates because it’s now like, well, you’re actually broadcasting a signature and providing the field with evidence, it then feeds back mirrors back to you. Gradually good. Love that.
Samantha (34:03):
Yeah. So if we really want to, or if people really want to make that quantum leap into something big, and whatever that biggest for them. And, you know, I’m a big believer, you know, in human design, and we talk a lot about that on this show. We’re all unique. We’re all here for different reasons.
We’re all motivated by different things. And it’s not up to anyone to say what motivates us and what doesn’t. Some people are motivated by money. Some people are motivated by having time with their family. None of it’s right or wrong. But, you know, whatever that big thing is, how can people really embrace that without having that I guess that 3d fear coming in saying all but that’s too big? Who am I to do that? Maybe I’m not good enough to do that.
Matthew (35:00):
Yeah, great question. First thing is, go and seek out people that have created leaps. They could be, you know, in families, it could be from the street and now running a ridiculously sized Empire. They could be, you know, having healed from something that I you know, but if it’s in your land, go and research them go and find them. What did they do? What was the belief structure around that for them?
Most importantly, what was the point where the decision became so critical, and the ShakeOut so extreme in their life, that they had no choice but to leave? Some people, they they’re on their deathbed, some people are, everything’s about to crumble, or they’ve got one minute to midnight type of thing. Or go and seek out those people and get inspiration from that.
The other thing that is really important is, even if it’s with friends, or colleagues, or maybe your own circle, your own little Quantum Leap, brains trust, where you can hold each other accountable. You can spit ball ideas, so that there is a trusted, nurtured space for leaps to grow. Maybe you’ve got that in your spouse, or your partner or a close friend, that’s great. But if you don’t feel like you do, then remember, they’re your counterpoint. So go and explore that. And of course, then if you feel you’re ready for a curated environment, a nurtured environment where it’s specifically designed for leaps, speak to me
Samantha (36:30):
So on that note, how do people stay connected with you,
Matthew (36:37):
Matt? Well, you can find me on all the socials, you can go to Matthew paddy.com, forward slash book a call, if you feel that you’ve listened to this evening, I am ready to explore my league. I’m not going to validate it for you, I’m just going to help you unpack it and crystallize it. In preparation for which direction you want to go in.
Matthewpatti.com, forward slash book a call, you can find me on the socials, this podcast that was at the High Performance consciousness podcast, go back and listen to all of that. And there’s all the Prime Minister’s all the foundation there for really
Samantha (37:17):
Love it. I always love our conversations. But for someone that’s listening specifically to this topic, about quantum leaping, about really leaning in, to who they’re here to be, I believe that anyone that’s in my world is here to make a really big impact. They understand that they are. And you know, we have human moments, every single one of us we have human moments where we think, Oh, maybe this isn’t for me right now. What is something that you want to leave these people with?
Matthew (37:53):
Great question, understand from quantum physics, quantum mechanics, that whatever you can imagine, whatever you can ideate on and expand upon exists right now, in the field of potential, your role is to reach out and pull it to you. Your role is to do that. So every single idea you have is a potential waiting to be realized or waiting to be manifested or nurtured and brought into the world, your role is to reach out, grab it and pull it into this dimension. And by pulling it into this dimension, you ground it, and by grounding it, you nurture it, you water it like a seed in the garden. And when you do that, it will flower and it will bear fruit, and they’re the results that you want.
Samantha (38:50):
Love it. Thanks so much for joining me today, man. It’s been an absolute pleasure chatting with
Matthew (38:54):
you. And you, Sam, so excited. Thank you.
Samantha Outro (38:58):
Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Influence By Design podcast. If you want more head over to influencebydesignpodcast.com for the show notes and links to today’s gifts and sponsors. And if you’re looking to connect with other experts who are growing and scaling their business to join us in the coaches, thought leaders, and changemakers community on Facebook, the links are waiting for you over at influencebydesignpodcast.com
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