Success is often dictated by the people around us and we’ve unconsciously developed what we think it should look like. That’s why it’s so important to realise that success is unique for each of us. In this episode, we’ll discuss how to move beyond human limitations and step into higher possibilities with Tracy Yates.
Tracy is an activator of boundary-less potential. She works with legendary leaders and entrepreneurs and helps them fulfil a life beyond limitations.
Most of us think about success as being things like having an abundance of wealth, being able to travel, and not having to worry about business growth.
As we begin to redefine what success is and feel empowered to reach higher possibilities, we also learn how to move away from these limiting beliefs.
Tune in to the episode to find out how you can move beyond your energetic deadweight and achieve all of your goals as well as the goals you didn’t even know you had!
- Tracy’s entrepreneurial journey and her marker of success (01:37)
- The big misconceptions about success and fulfilment (04:20)
- How to deal with the resistance in achieving success (07:48)
- What is transformation and why it’s different from healing (11:38)
- The best way to move towards your grandest vision (16:29)
- The higher frequency of success – What is it and how it impacts our lives (22:12)
- The benefits of moving beyond our energetic deadweight (25:25)
- How does the collective energy influence business and personal life (31:20)
- The Scale of Force vs Flow – How to shift the resistance (35:40)
- “When you’re operating from a higher frequency of success, amazing and extraordinary things happen.” -Tracy Yates
- “If you step outside the ambition paradox, you step into a higher frequency of success. This means that you are in flow and crystal clear about where you’re heading.” -Tracy Yates
- “The higher frequency version of yourself doesn’t attract the lower frequency.” -Samantha Riley
Higher Frequency of Success Blueprint
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If you’re an expert doing over $10k per month, and want to be known as the Unapologetic Leader in your industry, you may be just a few small tweaks away from doubling your income and visibility.
On this quick 15 minute call, we’ll:
- Conduct a quick audit of your marketing to see what is and isn’t working.
- Review your niche, positioning and pricing of your current offers.
- Uncover the top 3 bottlenecks from holding you and your business back from scaling
- Develop a 3-step implementation plan to get the growth results you are looking for.
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Tracy Yates is a sought-after Transformational Architect, Alchemist, and Mentor to thought leaders and changemakers who go beyond the bounds of limitations in business, in life, and within themselves.
Tracy built an 8-figure business from the ground up marketing for the world’s biggest brands like Google, Hulu, Disney, and Amazon, she’s a serial entrepreneur spanning two decades, an award-winning strategist, and a catalyst for boundary-less potential. She is a secret weapon to iconic leaders who create extraordinary lives, revolutionary and prosperous businesses with aliveness and fulfillment within their being.
Tracy Yates Snippet (00:00):
When you have really become this higher frequency, right, this higher frequency of success, you’re not bothered, you’re not triggered by what’s going on in the collective.
Samantha Riley Intro (00:17):
My name is Samantha Riley, and this is the podcast for experts who want to be the unapologetic leader in their industry. We’re going to share the latest business growth, marketing, and leadership strategies, as well as discussing how you can use your human design to create success in business and life. Inside and out. It’s time to take your influence, income, and impact to the level you know you’re capable of. Are you ready to make a bigger difference and scale up? This is the Influence By Design podcast.
Welcome to today’s episode of influence by design, I’m your host Smith Riley. And I’m very excited for today’s topic. We’re going to talk about how you can move beyond the shroud of human limitations to a higher plane of possibilities and prosperity. And if that sounds very exciting to you. And as excited as I am about this episode, then we definitely are in for a treat. Tracy Yates, welcome to the podcast.
Tracy (01:19):
Thank you so much for having me. It’s really exciting to be here with you.
Samantha (01:23):
I’m looking forward to this. I think this is a fabulous topic. When we were introduced by a mutual friend and she reached out she told me your topic. I was like, Yes, we have to get her on the podcast. So before we dive in, why don’t you tell us a little bit about the kinds of clients that you work with and how you help them?
Tracy (01:43):
Absolutely. So I basically work with entrepreneurs and impact-driven leaders. And what I do is I unlock untapped dormant brilliance, power, and vision within them, that literally skyrockets their impact, income, and personal fulfillment. So, my work is truly at the intersection of personal evolution and business expansion.
Samantha (02:14):
Totally love this so much. Now you have an amazing career or expertise that brought you to this place. I’d love you to share this, you know, just a little bit of the journey that brought you here because I find that I love people’s stories of this, you know, a to b that went via 25 different places.
Tracy (02:37):
Yeah. Well, this journey, the full journey will probably take much longer than our podcast episode. So right as always, but um, yeah, so I am an I’ve been an entrepreneur for actually over two decades, I’ve built three companies, successful companies, one into an eight-figure marketing agency, working with the world’s leading brands like Google, Disney, Amazon, I’m also an award-winning marketer and strategist.
So that’s my quick background that ultimately brought me here today, which is I have reached traditional levels of success. Uh-huh. And I got to that place. And I wasn’t fulfilled. And I knew there was something more for me. But I didn’t know what it is, or what it was, or how to find it, which put me on this trajectory to creating the holistic approach that I use with my clients today. And addressing our entire ecosystem, the mental, the emotional, the spiritual, and the energetic.
Samantha (03:49):
I think that this is so important. I’m a big believer in holistic in No, in my old business life of being a holistic lifestyle practitioner, and now very much believing in holistic principles. And I feel that there are so many gurus that are hurting the growth of business owners by trying just to layer in a tactic, because it just doesn’t work. There are so many layers into what build success. And you mentioned before, you know, traditional success. And I find that really interesting before we even go sort of go there. How would you describe traditional success? In your words?
Tracy (04:32):
Yeah, you know, when it’s funny, I really had to find a way to define it to for others, because I think success is actually unique to art to each of us, right? But traditional success and the larger term is, you know, having an abundant life, being comfortable travel, right, not worrying about the growth of your business, right, just really being calm. trouble being really comfortable. And but that’s more about external things. Uh-huh.
Samantha (05:07):
Uh huh. So when you talk about helping people to reach a level of fulfillment, does this mean that people need to let some of their traditional success go? Do they need to, you know, not be as ambitious in the traditional sense to get that fulfillment? Or is that you know, how much of it is you can have that and that
Tracy (05:34):
You could have it all. And I think this is the big misconception, when we start to talk about, you know, shifting or redefining success, ambitious, people start to get a little nervous. Because their, their ambition, right is in their DNA, like, that’s just who they are. So this is not about unplugging from your ambition. This is about actually shifting out of these hidden, limiting beliefs, wounds, patterns, drama, and energetic deadweight. So you actually don’t have to work as hard. And you can reach all of your goals, and more.
Samantha (06:21):
I love this so much. Because I do and the reason I asked that is because I think that there’s a lot of talk about, you know, I got to this certain time in my life, and I realized I wasn’t fulfilled. And I think that this story can get a little bit misconstrued sometimes, in that we left behind the money we left behind the travel, we left behind all of this to be fulfilled and sit, you know, in the grass on a breezy, no. And, you know, and we’d all our time away. And for someone that is very ambitious, when I hear that, I’m like, Well, that might be good for you. But that’s not good for me. Yeah,
Tracy (07:00):
Absolutely. And I think, you know, our brains are linear. It’s either this, or that, right? It’s always like, the grass is always greener analogy. But we have to I operate from and, and doesn’t mean you abandoned or, or blow your business up and complete and go live on a whatever, go off the grid, unless you want to. This is about your ambition. But removing the resistance that’s within your system within your body, that’s actually making it more difficult and harder for you to reach your goals and fulfillment and enjoying your life.
Samantha (07:47):
So let’s talk about how that resistance. And of course, we’re humans having a human experience. So there’s going to be, you know, what is resistance at one point, it is going to change because we’re going through this human experience? Where do you start with your clients? Or where can we start to start to shift that resistance or give it a shake-up?
Tracy (08:11):
Yes, well, I think the first step really, and I don’t, and I, I’m going to retract the word step, because I don’t operate and use a framework, or step-by-step process. It is all unique to the individual. So it’s completely customized. So I’m going to retract the word step. Yeah. And the place to start that’s better is really to understand that we are an interconnected, B. Right? We’re emotional, we’re mental, we’re physical, we’re spiritual, we’re energetic.
And if we zoom out and look at ourselves, holistically, we have to understand that we have to treat all parts of those because they’re interconnected. Versus I’m going to work on my mindset, for example, or I’m just going to build my business, and I’m going to focus purely on strategy and tactics. You’re only addressing one piece. So I think the first really where to start is to know that you are fully a holistic, right interconnected being what’s an ecosystem?
And I think we don’t often think that way, right? People are, like most of my clients that come to me they’ve done energy work, they’ve done breath work. They’ve worked with a business coach, right? They’ve they’ve even done plant medicine. And they’re still searching for these answers, still searching for what’s going to fulfill them what’s going to make them happy and fulfilled meaning off this constant striving, striving for more. Mm-hmm. And it’s because they’ve only looked at certain pieces of themselves, and they haven’t gotten to the origin, the root of the issue, the origin. That is,
Samantha (10:11):
I’m going to get a very deep, I think we were chatting before we started recording. And you said that there was something about seven layers? seven layers? Where are the seven layers come from? And how do we even start working back into that origin?
Tracy (10:31):
Well, then that’s the thing. Instead of imagining an onion, imagine us as an onion, white with the multiple layers. Generally, what people are doing is they’re going to the exterior layers, surface layers, and they’re peeling them away, piece by piece, slowly, slowly. And that’s why they still experience the same struggles over and over.
But instead of going and approaching it layer by layer, you go directly to the root, the origin that’s creating the pattern, created the wound, created the trauma, big T and little T, I know often people get afraid when we use the word trauma. And if you go to the root, and then literally dissolve it across all of your ecosystem, the mental, the spiritual, right, the energetic piece, the emotional piece, it’s gone. And I view that as transformation versus healing. Mm-hmm.
Samantha (11:38):
What’s your explanation of transformation? And I was gonna say, and why is it different to healing?
Tracy (11:49):
Yeah. Transformation is a sustainable change shift, almost really a recalibration. In my perspective, it’s less about a shift, it’s more of a recalibration that sustainable, where you’re no longer trying, you’re working on X, working on your mindset, working on your self-doubt working on your confidence.
It’s where you are Uber confident. And so those insidious, pesky patterns that we all deal with no matter my clients who have running a $50 million company, who are running a million dollar company, they struggle with the exact same thing. And so transformation is, you’ve become it, you’re no longer searching, or striving to reach it. And that’s magnetic. And that’s when it’s just life defining change takes place. And your external world starts to respond to that. Hmm.
Samantha (13:11):
I love that when we’re bringing that whole holistic being together, and changing, or don’t even know that it’s the word changing. I mean, you using the word transformation, I don’t know that that’s sort of a direct change, you can tell that I’m processing this as I’m speaking. Yeah. You know, when we’re going through that there is that, you know, the mental, the spiritual, the physical, the emotional, that are all sort of changing at different times that are going to give us that different outcome that are going to change our frequency that is going to be magnetic to the people around us.
And what I find interesting about speaking about this topic, is that sometimes it can’t feel very tangible. Yeah, or because it is a feeling. And I was talking to someone yesterday, and, you know, we were sort of going down this path, and I was saying, Well, you know, how do you know when you’ve reached that? And she said, I just feel like my heart is popping out of my chest and radiating out. And I said, you know, is there any other way you experienced it? She said, No, because it’s just such a feeling. You know, it’s not a it’s not a knowing it’s a feeling, and that’s what people are attracted to.
Tracy (14:30):
Totally. Other people are attracted to the feeling because they can’t necessarily pinpoint put their finger on it and say, Oh, Sam’s magnetic. Yeah, right. But they’re like, Wow, there’s something about her I’m attracted to her. She sounds really interesting. She sounds really you know, powerful, right, all of these things, but within ourselves, it is also a feeling for Sure, to me, it’s a feeling of immense joy. And immense potency.
Samantha (15:10):
Oh, I love that word potency. Because when you put ambition and potency together, that is the birthplace of magic
Tracy (15:21):
100% It is magic and, you know, as a marketer, and I know, you’ll understand this as doing what you do as a marketer, right of 20 plus years, I was like, Okay, how am I going to explain to people that my work is magic? How do I describe that? How do I put a tangible results on that? So it’s very interesting.
That’s where I landed up, right? Where this is struggle, but it is magic. I mean, I really call myself Dunley, a mentor and a strategist, but an alchemist. Because change happens instantly. And I think another, you know, sort of misunderstanding about this is that we often regulate this kind of work, to just, you know, personal. But it impacts everything on our lives, not only our business and our personal life, but our relationships, our teams. It’s that’s why it’s life defining. Mm-hmm.
Samantha (16:24):
Totally. So the opposite of this feeling is, I believe, because I’ve definitely been here. And I would say that most people have been at one point in their life. And, you know, let’s just use the word successful people or people that have achieved success, which is, you know, the people that you and I work with, they’ve already achieved these traditional areas of success.
They’ve all at some point felt trapped. Oh, yeah. You know, I wrote a whole chapter in my last book about this feeling of being trapped. And I didn’t know how to move like, it is very, what’s the word? Like it? It really, it really pulls you in, and you feel like you can’t move from it. Yeah, paralyzing. That was the exact word I was looking for paralyzing, I’d love you to share a story.
And obviously, without sharing personal details, but to help us understand how you help someone move from this feeling of being trapped out of this, I think you call a paradox, to go and do something different? Because I think this might help us to understand the concept a little bit different.
Tracy (17:41):
Yeah, absolutely. Well, and I think, again, just going back to this feeling of being trapped and paralyzed, right? Because we think if we make a change, or we step into a bigger, even bigger role, we’re going to disrupt what we’ve built. Mm-hmm. 100%, right? And we’ve spent decades and a ton of effort, sweat sacrifice, right? And we’re going into fear, that’s where the trap and paralyzation comes from, we go into fear because we think, Oh, we’re going to disrupt it means I’m gonna have to go live, you know, on a on a commune or whatever, like, like, stret, like extremes are right. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And it’s none of that. Right.
So, one of my clients, she’s very successful brand messaging, been doing it for many years. And she had gained weight, really lost that passion, and real inspiration for what she was doing. Like, and she was doing all the things, right, doing all the things that every business owner does, doubling down on strategy. And she kept saying, There’s something I know there’s something else for me.
But I’ve no idea what it is or how to find it, or what that means for my life. I’m terrified of losing, or disrupting my relationship, disrupting my life, right, disrupting my friendships, all the things we talked about. And the thing is, it’s not about that. It’s actually the and it’s unlocking this dormant, brilliance, genius, superpower, whatever you want to call it. That really then literally illuminates this grandest vision that you didn’t even see coming. Because you were in fear. And you were trapped.
So now after our work together, we’ve unraveled re recalibrated her And now she’s actually calls herself a new paradigm marketing agency. And she’s changing. She’s redefining the way marketing is done. She’s still ambitious. She didn’t have to blow up her life. She didn’t have to blow up her business. And she’s thrilled.
She’s passionate. And things are just happening in her life and her business that she would have never imagined. So it’s not giving up. It’s not abandoning. I think that’s the thing. It’s not unplugging and abandoning, it’s unraveling to step into what you’ve been searching for. Mm hmm.
Samantha (20:45):
Thank you for sharing the story. Because that gives context to to this situation. Because when I think back, that I had one of these trapped moments, maybe about 15 years ago, and I remember people at the time saying, all you need to do is do something different. And at the time, I was like, well, it’s okay for you to say, I’ve got a mortgage to pay. I’ve got kids to feed. And that it was that that was keeping me stuck. I did move through it. And afterward, it was like, it actually was that easy. But it didn’t feel it before I went through it.
Tracy (21:23):
Yes, absolutely. And that’s the trapped, right. That’s what keeps us trapped. But there’s this inner pool that says, either, there’s more for me, I’m built for more, every one of my clients comes to me, and they just know that they are here. They are built for big impact for change for making a change in the world. And it’s this inner stifling. Because they’re trapped where they are. And fearful because they think they have to give it up in order to follow where they’re being called. And it’s just, there’s not it’s not necessary to give it up. It’s just shifting. It’s shifting how you do it.
Samantha (22:11):
Now you talk about the higher frequency of success. Can you explain more about what this is?
Tracy (22:18):
Yeah, absolutely. So I describe it as if you step outside of the ambition paradox that we’ve been talking about, right. And you step into higher frequency of success, which means that you are in flow, where you are crystal clear about where you’re going, and where you’re headed. You’re passionate, you’re inspired, and you become magnetic.
Everything shifts and recalibrates and changes within your system. And so you become this, we were talking about earlier, this person who to others, is just It’s infectious. There’s something about you. And that’s when you partnerships, new opportunities, bigger opportunities. You know, my clients have started speaking on stages, they landed million dollar deals, they’ve 5x their revenue.
They’ve saved their marriages, they’ve found lifelong partners they’ve been searching for. I mean, it’s not just business. And I think that’s the thing when you are operating from this higher frequency of success. Amazing, extraordinary things happen. And I think, you know, you mentioned earlier you were talking about these gurus who were making things even, you know, confusing.
So this doesn’t mean you don’t have to take effort and take action in business. Of course you do. It’s not you know, you have to put yourself in situations in the line of sight, if you will, as an analogy to be seen. Absolutely. But what you don’t need to do is spent all this time and effort on these unaligned strategies on doing more and more and more worry, stress, overwhelm, that all goes away.
Samantha (24:28)::
I love when you saying this, I get the feeling like I know what you’re talking about. Because it is such a feeling of all of a sudden being so tapped into that future vision of who you are, and having that feeling in your body where you’re just so excited.
And I love that you talk about it being not just business because I don’t think people realize sometimes how interconnected everything is Yeah, you know, when things aren’t working well, in relationships, it can have effects on business, which has effects on finances, which, you know, has effects on health, like, our energy doesn’t know certain buckets of we only going to keep that bad energy or that that’s the wrong way to explain it. You know, that challenging energy in the bucket of business, but everything else is going to be amazing.
It just doesn’t work that way. Now. So how often do you find that you work with people? Where once you start going down these layers, that it’s actually got nothing to do with business whatsoever?
Tracy (25:37):
All the time? Yeah. Yeah, pretty much all the time. And I think that’s, you know, surprising to most people, because, you know, there’s so much knowledge and information available to us. And so we’ve, you know, ambitious people, right, are constantly absorbing and reading and learning, right?
And what it’s doing. It’s, it’s feeding the mental. And so we think we understand the concept, which maybe we do at a high level mentally. But what’s happening is, we’re not addressing the other parts of us. And so we are not embody that. We are not anchored into that. I mean, I think the feelings ham could be liberation. Mm hmm. If we had a word for it.
Samantha (26:33):
Yeah. I love that word.
Tracy (26:34):
Right. But so it’s, they don’t realize that all this stuff is going on, because it’s hidden from us. It’s hidden, it lies in our subconscious. It lies in epigenetics, you know, passed down through our DNA through generations and generations and generations. It’s energetic, deadweight. It’s spiritual. It’s, you know, and, and we just don’t realize the impact.
Samantha (27:04):
Energetic dead white. I just love that. I’ve never heard anyone say it like that. I’m sure a million people have said it. But I’ve never heard it said like that. And just the visual of just letting that go. Just amazing.
Tracy (27:20):
Yeah, yeah. And I think that’s, that’s why it really is magic. Because, again, we’re going to the origin. We’re looking at all the parts and pieces. And there’s instant transformation. There’s instant chefs. You know, and I think a lot of people also get sort of apprehensive, they think it takes a lot of courage to be truthful with yourself.
I know I, of course, that does take courage, I agree. But I think we’ve come to believe that we have to re experience all the things that we actually have put away because we don’t want to experience them. Mm hmm. In order for them to dissolve and transmute and to let them go. And that’s just also not true.
Samantha (28:19):
Well, I love that you brought that up, you must have just picked up on my next question, which was exactly that. You know, it can take a lot of courage. I think the hardest thing is to take that first step. And for a lot of people, there is a fear of, Oh, my goodness, I’m going to have to go through all of this stuff. And I’m so stuck and overwhelmed and tired right now. I don’t have the energy to actually do the work. But what you’re saying is you don’t need to, it doesn’t need to be that hard.
Tracy (28:58):
It’s not. I mean, it can be it certainly can. But you know, my clients are we are transforming and dissolving things in an hour that have been with them for decades. Sometimes it can be emotionally hard. Absolutely. But it’s gone. It’s behind you. I would personally and I know very ambitious people.
I think they like efficiency. They like to move quick. Right? Absolutely. And I would personally much rather deal with something in 30 minutes and have it be done, then let it fester. Keep pushing it away, pushing it away. And have it impact what I really want in my life for the next year. 10 years, whatever.
Samantha (29:52):
Mm hmm. And I think also as an ambitious person, we don’t want to get caught in this cycle of drama like I see people dissolving some of this stuff. And they end up just their whole life gets consumed by them sort of like going there trying to dissolve and get out of it. But what they end up doing is going deeper into it. And this, you know, they’re reliving all this trauma in Islam. I don’t have time for that.
Tracy (30:21):
And it’s not necessary to me, I think that’s another thing that’s a lot of it is being misunderstood is that you know, people get in this healing cycle. Like, they’re like, there’s something wrong with me, this isn’t working, there must be something wrong with me, it must be X, Y, and Z. And the reason why they are stuck in this cycle is because they haven’t dealt with the origin. I mean, it’s that simple.
Samantha (30:48):
We’re at a time. So we’re recording this at the end of 2022. We all thought that 2020 was like, going to be the hardest year of our lives. And then 2021 came, and we’re like, oh, wow, it actually gets a little heavier. And then 2020 twos come, and the people that I’m speaking to are just like, I’m actually getting tired. I’m, you know, I really need the end of the year to come I need some space. How were you seeing the light where, you know, the collective energy, I guess, is holding people back from moving forward? Because they just, you know, as a general, most people are really exhausted.
Tracy (31:36)::
Yeah. Oh, that’s, that’s a big question for the last question. So I’ll answer it as quickly as I possibly can, you know, in order for, collectively, us to move forward, it stems from us individually. And it feeds off of one another, right?
Because we are all in this, let’s call it giant, energetic vortex or field together. And so in order for there to be this change, and shift and growth within the collective within humanity, within business within how we do business, right, I mean, that’s where we’re going. I mean, we’re well, on our way. Mm hmm.
It will force you to look at your stuff. And so if you are experiencing exhaustion and overwhelm, and you can’t wait for the year to be over, and you’re like, how much longer can I do this? That is the signal to go within. Because when you have really become this higher frequency, right, this higher frequency of success, you’re not bothered, you’re not triggered by what’s going on in the collective.
Samantha (33:04):
The higher-frequency version of yourself doesn’t attract the lower frequency.
Tracy (33:09):
It can’t. It won’t even if it tracks it, it’ll feel so misaligned. That you just move on quickly. So Did that answer your question? And in what you were asking?
Samantha (33:24):
Yeah, I think so. Because I just think it’s, it’s really just opening the conversation, I guess. And that’s what we’re here to do open the conversation and have people were listening, start to think about where they’re at, start to feel where they’re at. And start to understand that there are options, because feeling trapped, and being frustration in that. entrapment is one of the most debilitating things for us, not just as business owners, but as you know, people that are here to not just play at our best, but to really bring a high level of our genius to society.
Tracy (34:06):
Absolutely. And, and, you know, those are the folks that you and I work with, right? And they have their business. And I want to think of another word for business, by the way, so we you and I can brainstorm about that.
Samantha (34:19):
I think that’s a great idea.
Tracy (34:22):
Right? But it’s really like bringing your legacy through, and legacy not in a monetary term, but your true essence of what wants to come through and be birthed in the world. And you want to do that’s your passion, right? That’s your purpose work. We can do meaningful work. And our business is just a vehicle for that.
Samantha (34:47):
100% 100% I had one of my clients tell me one day, Oh, he didn’t tell me we were having a discussion about legacy. And I had always thought And he’d always had the conversation with people around me that legacy was this thing that we leave. And he said, Well, what if we could actually live our legacy every day? Yes. And when he said that, to me, it was such a shift in the way I thought about what I was doing the way I spoke about what I was doing. Because, yeah, now we’re not just talking about oh, one day when I’m old enough that you know, I just pass on that people would think about me this way. No, let’s do this legacy work every single day from right now.
Tracy (35:32):
Yes. And that’s the passion. That’s the inspiration. That’s the magnetism.
Samantha (35:37):
Yeah, I love that. I love that. Now, you have worked out some really quantifiable areas to help people move from force to flow, and really shift the resistance to what they desire. Can you tell us more about this?
Tracy (35:54):
Yeah, I really created it. for three reasons. One is because when we are talking right through this conversation, that it’s really hard to use words, to describe, because a lot of is is energetic. It’s feeling-based, right? So so it’s hard for people to understand. So that’s one of the reasons why I created it. The second piece is I’m writing a book. So it’s based off of that.
And third is, so people can understand my clients can understand where they are. And where they end up, they can see an actual number, not only feel it and see the tangible results, but they can quantify it. And then we can have data for the collective.
So what it is, is it’s a comprehensive assessment, where we look at, again, all pieces and spheres of your life and business money, relationships, emotional, mental, energetic, spiritual consciousness, business, and we look at the resistance they currently have within your system in all these different areas. And then we can plot you on this tool, the scale of force versus flow. So you can see where you’re actually landing, and how you’re halting, and getting in the way of what you desire most, and he don’t even realize it.
Samantha (37:27):
I think this is so powerful to be actually to be able to see what’s going on, rather than just have it as a feeling like that quantifiable, you know, areas I think is cool. So for people that are listening that want to learn more about this, how do they go about that? How do they stay connected with you?
Tracy (37:47):
Yeah, absolutely. I’m on Instagram, I am Tracy eighths No, II, and my website is WWE our mind way. And I’m sure you’ll drop the link to that assessment in the show notes. So absolutely. I welcome anyone who wants to connect and love talking about this. But most importantly, I really love helping people really step into their full potency and live an extraordinary life.
Samantha (38:15):
I love that you finished with that potency, extraordinary. All of the right things, all of the amazing things. Tracy, thank you so much for coming on the show today and sharing your wisdom. It’s been an absolute pleasure.
Tracy (38:29):
Thank you, Sam loved it.
Samantha Outro (38:32):
Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Influence By Design podcast. If you want more head over to for the show notes and links to today’s gifts and sponsors. And if you’re looking to connect with other experts who are growing and scaling their business to join us in the coaches, thought leaders, and changemakers community on Facebook, the links are waiting for you over at
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