Are you looking to make 2023 a turning point for your business and life? Are you determined to take control of achieving the success you have envisioned? If so, now is the time to start preparing.
In this episode of the Influence By Design podcast, I not only share how you can prepare to make 2023 your best year yet, but also how the energy of this Universal 7 year could impact your year.
Taking the time to set yourself up for success is crucial, as a goal without a plan is just a wish.
Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes preparation, hard work, dedication, and consistency to achieve your desired results. So make sure you take the necessary steps to prepare for 2023 and make it a successful year!
- The importance of knowing what you really want (02:51)
- Why you should set a theme each year (05:55)
- The impact of having fun in the workplace (08:21)
- Being the person you want to be at the end of the year (09:55)
- Aligning your plans with your human design (12:11)
- “When you understand your unique human design, you can stop trying to fit into other people’s cookie cutters.” -Samantha Riley
- “Ask yourself who you want to be at the end of the year, and be that person right now.” -Samantha Riley
- “If you want to change the world and create a bigger impact, start with yourself.” -Samantha Riley
- Influence By Design episode 410: Get Rich Without Being A Bitch with Vanessa Shaw
- Mad Men
- The Entrepreneurship Elevated Podcast with Mike Michalowicz
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We’ll work together to identify:
- Your current situation and immediate opportunities for growth
- Uncover the #1 thing holding you back from not being booked as an industry leader
- Develop a 3-step implementation plan to increase your authority and visibility
- Facebook: Samantha Riley
- Instagram: @thesamriley
- LinkedIn: Samantha Riley
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Samantha Riley 00:00
Ask yourself who you want to be at the end of the year. And once you know who that person looks like, you can be that person right now, and come up with the plan that you need to be able to get yourself there. My name is Samantha Riley, and this is the podcast for experts who want to be the unapologetic leader in their industry. We’re going to share the latest business growth, marketing and leadership strategies, as well as discussing how you can use your human design to create success in business and life. Inside and out. It’s time to take your influence, income and impact to the level you know you’re capable of. Are you ready to make a bigger difference and scale up? This is the influence by design podcast. Welcome to today’s episode of influence by design, I’m your host for today. As always, Samantha Riley, and Happy New Year, I hope you’ve had a fabulous holiday season and you’ve been able to rest and recover. After a big year. 22 was quite challenging for many people. And there was a lot of, you know, challenges from external sources. From a Numerology standpoint, I guess last year was a universal six year, which is all about love and healing and relationships. And many of us went on a big healing and introspective journey. But I am so excited for 2023. And what’s coming up. This year is a universal seven year. And it is here to come and shake things up. sevens are really spiritual number. And everything that we went through everything you went through last year was preparing you for this year, the deep life questioning and the deep personal revelations were all needed, they were all part of what brought you here so that you can move forward and truly appreciate what this year has to offer. This is the year of embracing your soul. And I hope that you get this beautiful feeling inside like I do. Like I said, it’s a very spiritual year. And the energy is really encouraging and supporting you to get to really know yourself. So the number seven is the seeker of knowledge. And it’s about being both the student and the teacher. So this year is all about having, or and you’ll probably notice this theme coming up a thirst for learning, for trying new things for expansion. And it’s actually also a theme around variety. So you may start all sorts of new things this year, and you may not complete all of them or many of them. So really dive within go within and really get to know yourself so that you can really understand what you want to say yes to and what’s not for you. Now, this energy is also encouraging you to commit to your sacred calling. And this is where the teacher part comes in. In everything you do, I want you to really bring through your values, commit to your standards and boundaries and really embrace your soul and your higher knowing. Share what you learn and experience in all of these things that are going to come into your life this year, so that you can help others to do the same. Now, when you’re in the shadow of this energy, it can tend to lead to negative thinking, you may find yourself this year losing sight of things or getting lost in your thoughts getting lost in your desire to be alone. So if you find yourself getting into this space, getting into the negative worrying, or the overthinking, really embrace things like journaling or going for a walk or meditation or whatever that thing is for you. Whatever that modality or healing is for you. Maybe it’s more in the physical even going and and working out or taking a dance class, whatever it is that calls to you to get out of your head and get back into that heart space. This is really about you embracing and integrating the head and the heart. So this is a year to really awaken to your greatest potential. And you need to know that if you want to change the world if you want to create a bigger impact if you really are here to do big things. It starts with self. So this is the year to initiate it’s the year to surrender and to do the deep inner work. So I don’t know about you, but it’s really early in the year and I’m already feeling this really expensive energy, you know, the years only just started, but I can feel it, it’s really potent and powerful. So I have put together some tips today so that you can really put the foundations in place to lean into this energy. I was gonna say use this energy, but we don’t use things to really embrace this energy. And so you can have a successful year. What does success mean to you? Because success is different for everyone get really clear on what it means for you. If we were having a glass of champagne together at the end of 2023. And I would love to by the way, what would we be celebrating together, get really clear on what this year could look like for you what you want it to look like for you. And most importantly, how do you want this year to feel. So once you really understand how you want this year to feel, my second tip would be to set a theme or to set a word. Now every year Leon and I choose a word, which will be the theme of our year. I’ve been doing it for the past 10 years. And when I met Leon, seven years ago, he started doing this with me. And this is a theme that is going to be you know how we want everything to feel and look this year. It’s like our filter that we put all decisions through that, you know, when we have an opportunity coming up for us, we can say, you know, does this feel like it will be a part of this theme, or does this feel like it won’t be? Now last year, our theme was wealth. And we focused on investing in all areas of our lives, the things that would set us up and look after us into the future. So we focused on investing in the traditional sense, as well as investing in our wellness in our fitness in our relationships. And we worked really, really hard in our business to grow. And we invested a lot of money back into our growth last year. Now we achieved our goal, or the theme that we set for that year. And when we reflected, we decided that moving forward into this year, we didn’t want it to feel as hard because we invested not just a lot of money back into our business, but a lot of time. So what we did is really reflected on not just what we wanted, but also how we could align more with our human design. And for both of us, it’s really important with our types to be enjoying what we do so our energy attracts the right people and opportunities to us. So when we thought about how last year felt how we wanted it to change moving forward into this year, we chose a theme this year of fun. Now we chose this because we know that when we’re having fun in all aspects of our life, in our business, in our personal lives and our relationships in everything that we’re doing, that we will attract the right people in the right opportunities to us. So whilst fun might not sound like a very logical theme to choose for a business, we know that when we’re having fun that all of the right things will be attracted to us. Now, we had our daughter, or my daughter, Leon stepdaughter and her fiance stayed with us over the new year. And we had so much fun. We went out for it. We had many beautiful meals out. We went for a walk in a rain forest went swimming in a waterhole, we hung out a lot at the beach, we went on picnics, we did lots of swimming, it was just so much fun. I almost felt like my heart was going to burst. I’ve been to the gym everyday this year, we’re going to be trying out ballroom dancing classes for the very first time this week. I’ve got no idea if we’re going to continue that. But we’re just seeing where this idea of fun takes us. And I can already feel that this has got such an impact on the way that we’re thinking about work and moving into the year. We had our first big team meeting this week when all our team came back on board. And we shared our company vision with them. And we also shared our word with them. And, you know talked about how that could look moving forward as a team. And we’ve also asked them to create and share their word for this year, their personal word, because here’s what I know, when everyone on our team is aligned or when everyone on any team is aligned with their personal goals. There is a why to why they’re all here. And it’s going to really help all of us move forward as a team. So choosing a word or a theme for the year is very, very powerful. Tip number three is to be the person right now who you want to be at The end of the year, and invest in your success as if it were today, not in a year’s time. So many people say things to me like, Sam, when I have more time, or when I have the money, or when I have more clients, or when I have a team, then I’ll do the things I’ve always wanted to do. And then I’ll be happy and successful. But the problem is, I don’t have those things yet. So I can’t do the things that are going to move me forward. They blame external situations for not being able to change and move ahead. So instead, ask yourself who you want to be at the end of the year. And once you know who that person looks like, you can be that person right now, and come up with the plan that you need to be able to get yourself there, be able to come up with a strategy on what you need to do, so that you can have the success and get to the goals that you want to achieve this year. So I want you to say to yourself, create this as your mantra, it’s not what I need to have before I can start. It’s not what I need to do. It’s who I need to be to get to where I want to go. But just remember, because you know who you need to be right now, to get to your goals at the end of the year, doesn’t mean you know how to get there. So this is where you need to choose to invest in the people that will help get you there. But you need to invest and make those decisions as the successful person that you are today. Choose to invest in the people that will help you get there, but invest today, not down the track. Think about the coaches and mentors that you need to invest with that are going to help get you there. Invest your time doing what needs to be done to get you there. And this is what I help my clients do in my program, the experts collective, I help them to really understand who they want to be today, so that they can put a plan in place and understand how it is that they can get to where they want to be in the next 12 months. Which brings me to tip number four, which I also helped my clients with. And that’s to align with your human design, you probably have heard me talk about a lot before, but you are born with a unique energetic blueprint that shows what you came here to do, and who you came here to be. The way you were designed to operate, make decisions, make money and lead your people is really unique to you. It’s like a fingerprint, there’s no one else like you. So personally, I’m designed to start things. I’m a big vision thinker. But I am not designed to get in the weeds and spend hours on implementation. If I do that, it really stalls our business. I’m designed to share my ideas at the right time and inspire the team so that I can delegate very early in the process. But this isn’t how my husband Leon is designed. If he tried to operate like me, it wouldn’t work. So when we both understood how we’re best designed to work, and also how each other is designed to work, it was a real game changer for us in our business. So when you understand your human design, you can stop trying to fit into other people’s cookie cutters. I’m a big believer, and I say all the time we say no to the cookie cutters. And we’re here to really embrace who you’re here to be and build your business in the way that you’re designed to build it. Because we’re all designed to build our business differently. And when you do this, and when you lean into this, it’s like those invisible hurdles that keep popping up will be gone and things will flow. Now flow doesn’t mean that things are always going to be easy. But what it does mean is that things in your business will change for the better. I’ve seen it time and time again. And it is so exciting when people have these big changes in their business and things get so much easier. So if you ever feeling like I do that 2023 is full of unlimited possibilities is time to get your personal plan in place. Remember, and I really want you to remember this a goal without a plan is just a wish. And a wish isn’t going to necessarily get you to where you want to go. So I’ve created a workbook called the million dollar plan, which will help you discover the nine key growth areas for your business that will give you more income, more freedom and more impact. This is something to help guide you to create your own unique plan. It will help you do things like come up with the formula to price your products in a way that you will reach your personal income goals. It’ll help you to Discover the key areas that are holding you back from the revenue growth that you really want to be making. It will help you uncover the tasks that are not giving you a return on investment for your time and your money so you can stop doing them so you can stop getting in the way of yourself. It will help you discover the numbers that you need to focus on to grow your business. Which let me tell you, it’s not your social followers. If you want a copy of the million dollar plan, go to summit the Riley dot global forward slash plan to download your free copy and use this time before life gets busy to really reflect and set yourself up for success, whatever that means for you in 2023 Thanks for joining me today. I look forward to sharing so many episodes with you coming up in 2023. I’ve got some amazing guests in the next few weeks, and the next few months that I will be having amazing discussions with but definitely here to help you on this fabulous journey of unlimited possibilities this year. Thanks for listening, and I’ll see you next week.
Samantha Outro
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