We all have heard the same thing over and over again – “Take care of your well-being”. But what does this actually mean?
In this episode of the Influence by Design podcast, I sit down to talk about how to achieve success through well-being with Michele Scherr. Michele is a nurse turned health and well-being consultant.
Michele talks about epigenetics and how she uses AI to help people understand themselves, their colleagues and others. Through this new drive toward understanding human nature on an individual level, people are finding success by making informed decisions about their personal health and lifestyle choices.
Indeed, achieving true success begins with taking care of yourself first: being mindful of both your mental and physical health. Listen to this episode now to find out how you can be successful through well-being.
- What is epigenetics? (02:06)
- Why is knowing your ‘type’ important as an entrepreneur? (11:55)
- How AI used to discover more about your personal profile (14:13)
- The importance of finding your own foundation (17:45)
- How did Michele transition from nursing to epigenetics (26:51)
- Traditional medical field view on epigenetics (30:40)
- “As entrepreneurs, we’re hardwired to achieve the best results possible.” -Samantha Riley
- “I need to be in charge of my schedule instead of my schedule running me.” -Michele Scherr
- “To get the best out of your mind and your body as an individual, know what works for you.” -Michele Scherr
- “The key to success is to really understand that we’re all different.” -Samantha Riley
- Website: https://selfconfidenceandsuccess.com.au/
- LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/michele-scherr
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michele.scherr/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SelfConfidence.Success/
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Michele Scherr is a certified health and well-being coach, who uses an AI program to help people understand themselves, their colleagues and others. She has over 20 years of experience in leading, teaching, mentoring and coaching and has helped countless individuals be at their best.
Michele Scherr Snippet 00:00
So it transforms into all areas of your life. That’s what I mean by getting the best out of your mind and your body as an individual, knowing what works for you. And in the workplace, knowing what works for other people, is just fantastic for team, and production for our coach.
Samantha Riley Intro 00:27:
My name is Samantha Riley, and this is the podcast for experts who want to be the unapologetic leader in their industry. We’re going to share the latest business growth, marketing, and leadership strategies, as well as discussing how you can use your human design to create success in business and life. Inside and out. It’s time to take your influence, income, and impact to the level you know you’re capable of. Are you ready to make a bigger difference and scale up? This is the Influence By Design podcast.
Welcome to today’s episode of Influence By Design, I’m your host, Samantha Riley,
And tonight we’re going to talk about how to achieve success through well being and how your well being or the way you’re thinking about well being might be a little bit different, because it’s certainly a conversation that I’ve been challenged with a little bit and understanding how we are all just so unique. So I’ve invited Michelle show who’s a registered nurse. She’s a wife, a mother, a grandmother and a health and well being coach. And she’s going to talk about the emerging field of epigenetics, and AI as well as everything else that she’s going to talk about in regards to you being the best that you can be. So welcome
Michele Scherr 01:35
to the show, Michelle. Thanks, Sam. It’s an absolute pleasure. And I’m so excited to be here today.
Samantha Riley 01:40
I’m really excited to talk to you about this because as I mentioned, before we started recording, I have no idea what epigenetics is, you’ve been talking about it to me for a long time. And I’m just like, huh, and realize I actually don’t know what epigenetics even is. So I’d love you to start off by sharing what it is that you do and the types of clients that you work with.
Michele Scherr 02:06
Okay, all right. So essentially, it comes down to health coaching. But where on different is that we use a platform and AI platform, which synthesizes evidence based research from more than 15 Different Science in Medical streams. So if you can just think for a moment, if you go to a specialist, a doctor, a specialist, they know everything about their area. This platform knows everything about their area, and over 15 other different areas. And it it uses that information to bring the best out for each individual person. So the types of clients I work with people who genuinely want to improve their health. So whether it’s losing weight, whether it’s managing stress, whether it’s getting more energy, a lot of clients that I come to are about, oh my gosh, a lot of the clients that come to me are about, oh my gosh, I’m so exhausted all the time. I just, you know, I need to be able to keep up with my life. And I’m so exhausted. And other clients are about really, look, I know, I need to lose probably 1015 kilos, but I, I don’t know what diets good for me. And I don’t know, look, I’ve done the keto diet, I’ve done this diet, I’ve done that diet, I’ve done this, but the way it always comes back on I don’t know how to do this. So the other type of clients that I work with, and like I say we look at and as I was explaining to you before, when we are first conceived, we have an energy blueprint, which is hidden designers are really, really intuitive and know a lot about. And then we have a biological design, which is where I’m coming from the biological design, and everything we come in contact with everything that has an influence on us. So what we read, what we hear what we taste, what we smell, what we see, what we feel, everything that we put into our bodies has an influence of either getting genes to express or turning genes off and having them not express. So it might be a minor thing, but could be a major things. So a long term expression of your genes is how the skeletons grown. Mm hmm. A short term expression might be seasonal hay fever, or you’re exposed to something, it causes some genes to express them some other genes to not express and you’ve got all the symptoms of hay fever. So it really is about you start with your genotype. So that’s right conception, your genotype and then everything you In between that affects you produces who you are today. And that’s your phenotype. We deal with people’s phenotype to find out, okay? What can we bring back to the way they were designed, and only if it’s a problem, because we have all these adaptations that we go through as we grow. So as we are exposed, so you might have someone who is meant to be a ponder, you know, someone who likes lots of information likes to really think it through deeply. But when you see their behaviors, they’re actually quite decisive. And you know, they make decisions really quickly, and all that sort of thing. So that that’s an adaptation. Problem. If it’s not a problem, don’t fix it. Yeah, it’s only if it’s a problem that we’re looking at, okay, what could be contributing to this is owed? Is it lifestyle? Is it movement? Is it the way your minds working? Is it the people that are surrounding you? Is it the environment that you’re living in, there’s six different areas that we focus upon. For each person. We have 360, different, I guess, categories, we go to, but even if you’re in the same category, there are 7 billion people on the planet, even if you’re in the same category, as somebody else, you are totally different. As I was saying, Before, you block a grown up in different areas of the world, you’ve had different psychological exposures, you’ve eaten different food, you’ve done different jobs, you’ve met different people. So you will be totally different to the person that shares the same category as you.
Samantha Riley 06:45
Love it. Now, there’s six main types, I believe, I know that you have a lot of knowledge in this area. But can you break down what the main six types are?
Michele Scherr 06:58
Okay, so let’s start with the type called The Guardian. Now, the Guardian are the people that tend to be a bigger built, they tend to have, they’re the people that are the sturdy people, you know, they’ve got strong bone structures, they’re much bigger build, those people are designed, and they’re very driven by doing for others, very driven by doing for others. And one of the things I found when coaching with these types of people is, they find it difficult to set a goal for themselves. Hmm, interesting. For them, what they do is about others. So in setting a goal for them, you actually have to make it about the inner circle, the people that really care about to be the reason that they do what they do.
Samantha Riley 07:51
So when you’re talking about this person, immediately, sort of the islanders come to mind like the Mary’s and the tongue is and, you know, they’re all very tribal, but they’re also
Michele Scherr 08:02
family code. Yeah, that Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And the next group, so there are true, if you’re familiar with the term endomorph. There are true endomorphs. The next group are a combination of endomorph and ectomorphs, called the diplomats. Now, it’s always what I’m, I’m a diplomat. And so it’s kind of made me wonder why the US diplomat, apparently, it’s because we’re quite diplomatic. But I haven’t met terribly many diplomats that have signed, it’s not how we are necessarily, sorry, for us. It’s about it’s about resilience, it’s about going all the way, you know, going for the long term playing the long game. So it’s about digesting lots of material, and just being that sturdy, kind of resilient, yet, keep going keep going, I need to consider all this information, and I’m going to be in it for the long term, then we come around to people that are called statuses. Now, these people are true ectomorphs, in that, when they develop, they develop, initially very much the brain, the nervous system and the skin. So the sense of the taking in lots of information all the time. They’re the people that are they’re almost like a little bird, if you will, they’re kind of fluttering around here, there and everywhere and, and kind of, you know, then I think of it as if I want to know what’s going on within a group within a community. I’m gonna go to the sensor, because they’re the people that know that taking in all this information through their senses, and they know what’s going on. Then we come around to the Crusaders, the Crusaders, and as you can imagine, with the name, the crusade is a very much they need a mission. They’re very focused on their mission. And if you’re part of their mission, you’re in if you’re not part of the mission that they’ve got for themselves, then it’s not that they don’t care about you, or they disrespect you or anything. It’s just, you’re not part of the mission, I’m focused. So learning how to deal with that sort of thing is, if you’ve got them in the workplace, if you’ve got them at home, it’s knowing how can you contribute to the mission. Now, then we move around to the mezzo Molix, the mezzo morth are the activators and the connectors. So we’ll talk about activators first activators are your pocket rockets. They’re the people that just seem to go and go and go. Life is like a hit session, you know, the high intensity interval training. Yeah, life is like a hip set activators. So they’re the ones that are up in the morning, going and exercising, they’re not going to stop and they’re constantly doing staff. And yeah, it’s knowing that they need to do stuff. Then you’ve got the connectors, the connectors are a combination of the mesomorph and endomorph. And the connectors really are about they’re the people that keep communities together. They’re the people that really want to have, they want to have fun with you, they want to bring you along, they want to connect with you on an emotional level. And they do that through fun. They do that through eating. They do that through groups. And so that’s yeah, that’s the fix.
Samantha Riley 11:21
All right. So obviously, as entrepreneurs, we want to be well, because you know, we’re focused and creative and energized and productive and all of these types of things. How Does knowing your type play into that? What’s the link between a Crusader and what they eat? Because you talked about the energy of what they do? But obviously, then you’re bringing in eating styles or different types of food and exercise?
Michele Scherr 11:55
Absolutely same, absolutely. Start with a crusader. I love that you’ve asked me this question. With a crusader. What they eat is all about keeping their mind clear, because they’re very much about, like I said, they’re about their mission, they’re constantly thinking about their mission. So eating five times a day for a Crusader is about keeping their mind clear. So just an orange mid morning will help get them through to lunchtime, without foggy thinking. Whereas for an activator, eating five times a day, is about giving them the fuel they need for their movement. So take a different standard five times a day for two different reasons. And then for others, it might be only eating, as I was saying before, it might be only eating twice a day, with lots of fluids, because that’s what their bodies are needing. And then for another, it might just be three good meals a day. That’s all they need. Start off, you know, breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper, that sort of thing, a different type. So that’s scallions. It’s very individual. And so even though we say there are six types, like 60 subtypes within each of those types, and then however many of those subtypes, there are millions of individuals within that subtype. So it is very complex, which is why we use the AI to help us with the platform to help us work it all out. And the AI is very much directed on your health at this point in time. So we do regular biometric measurement measurements and that sort of thing to see how your body is responding. And as the body change, it then becomes its optimize stuff. So to does the recommendations about food, the recommendations about exercise, recommendations about social activity, environmental activity, lifestyle, all of that sort of thing, changes with body optimization and mind optimization.
Samantha Riley 14:05
So with the AI, is it done through some sort of biological testing? Or is it done through answering questions?
Michele Scherr 14:13
So it is a combination of biometric measurements. We don’t do any invasive testing. It’s done through biometric measurements. So we’ll start with the you know, the widest part of the skull will measure the jaw, the neck will measure the elbow, the wrist, the hand, the length of the palm, will do all those sort of measurements down the body to look at inflammation to look at how you have developed would use a lot of ratios to look at bone growth and that sort of thing. It is not invasive in that we use a tape measure but then there’s a questionnaire about your cultural heritage. This question is about the color of your eyes, the color of your hair, when you have a high forehead or you have a normal fart or a short fart, you know In fact that which gives us genetic information that we don’t necessarily need to take in our blood sample and test your DNA. Yeah,
Samantha Riley 15:09
I found it interesting because at first, I thought, if it’s answering questions, so I used to work in the health and wellness industry. And what I found when I started working with a new client, is the way that they answered questions was based on their beliefs and their conditioning. And often it took a lot of work to get to the point where they were like, Oh, you were right. I thought that, you know, I did well on eating this for breakfast, because I didn’t have anything to compare it against. So I always find it intriguing to know what the, I guess the collection of data phases really like? Yeah, because I find that when you don’t really have anything to compare against, it’s very difficult to understand what you see. Yeah,
Michele Scherr 15:59
absolutely. Absolutely. And that’s, I think it’s one of the things that we’ve, over time, it’s a habit that we’ve got into, well, where do I sit? Do I sit in? Am I Normal? Am I blown a lot? Like totally below normal? Mid average? Am I like, Where do I sit? Am I doing the right thing. And this type of coaching, this type of health coaching is about making sure that you’re comparing against you. Mm hmm. Because there’s no point in me comparing against you, for example, we use them, because I’m a different person, my body has different needs to your body. So this is like, going back to the beginning. This is the blueprint and going. Ah, so how far have I gone from my blueprint? Is it not a problem for me? And if it is a problem for me? How do I get back as close as I can to my blueprint? Yeah, for IE.
Samantha Riley 16:57
I don’t think there’s any entrepreneur that I know that wouldn’t want to achieve better results and get you know, more focus more productivity as entrepreneurs, I think we’re hardwired to always want to be, I can’t think of the word for it, you know, like getting the best results possible. Hacking is the word I was thinking of optimizing. Yeah, optimizing is probably a better word than hacking. But we do want to get the most optimal results we can with what we’ve got available to us. That’s what makes us entrepreneurs. What is an example of someone that you’ve worked with, that came to you, whether it was weight, or whether it was energy, whatever it was? And then, you know, what did you discover? And then what was able to change for that person? Obviously, not sharing any private details.
Michele Scherr 17:45
So yes, thank you. I am, I am bound by confidentiality. So the case study that I’ll give you is one that’s out in the public arena. And actually, no, I will give you one of my clients who is happy for me to talk about her journey. So she came to me and as part of her journey, she wants to lose weight. Okay, all right. So we did all the measurements and all of answer the health questionnaire. And she came out that she was a diplomat. And as I said before, there are six different areas that we look in and are kind of related as a hierarchy of needs. Or if people are familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this is a very similar thing. So for diplomats, where we start their foundation is all about their space, where they’re at. It doesn’t have to be, like clinically clean and ordered, and all of that sort of thing. It needs to be comfortable, because diplomats, generally in their own way, the theme is comfort and pleasure. So if they’re in an environment, which, you know, you know, you walk into a room or you walk into a particular place, and you just go, oh, my gosh, I can’t spend much time in here. It’s just a half door, my head in anxiety, yes. So it’s about finding that space for them that is comfortable, that is pleasurable. And for this particular client, what we found was, so we started with talking about her environment. And she had a mattress on the floor in our office, which had to go downstairs and a laundry was a mess, and you know, all of this sort of thing. She didn’t stay at home. I said, Okay, well, over the next week, before we get together again, I want you to start five minutes, just do one thing. So whether it’s take the mattress downstairs to the garage, or whether it’s to start on the lawn, you know, throw the rubbish out, whatever. Once you start one thing, and we’ll see it’s very similar to a lot of people. So you just start with five minutes. It’s like, oh, I’m doing it now. I might as well finish. Yeah, so she did. And she went through the house and she basically reordered everything. And it was like she sat down to it and Then the next thing we worked upon was her schedule. And making sure that she was getting her sleep needs, her nutritional needs, her activity needs all of that sort of thing. And we worked on that schedule and over a period of thing was about six weeks. That’s all we’ve worked on. She lost four kilos.
Samantha Riley 20:20
Wow. Just with that weight being lifted from your shoulders.
Michele Scherr 20:25
That’s right. That’s right. That’s a great picture for because she found that the laundry area of her house was the bit that caused her the most stress. Have you had a habit of when you go shopping, he’ll put all the shopping into a box and brings it home. And then the box goes in the laundry. So she had this pile up of boxes. And she’s just like, I need to get rid of those boxes. So she did and she had a lot of stuff that she’d been storing that she didn’t really want all of that sort of thing. So she got rid of that and transformed her laundry, as well as helping her out with the her timing. So space and time. And hey, presto, it was like weight had lifted off.
Samantha Riley 21:08
Wow, that’s so fabulous. And she didn’t
Michele Scherr 21:11
do anything specific about diet. She didn’t do anything specific about activity or exercise. She just continued the same. And yeah, that that was before we got to diet and exercise. So yeah, that was four kilos of weight that like you say, it’s a good good example, just to lift it up. Yeah, I
Samantha Riley 21:31
love that so much for you in going through this process. How is knowing this helped you in your business for you as a business owner, so maybe your clarity may be that your energy, whatever it is,
Michele Scherr 21:48
it’s actually been a fantastic for me in managing my energy. Because I now know that being the same type as the lady I was speaking about, I now know that I need to have my space comfortable, needs to be comfortable around me, I now know that I need to be in charge with my schedule instead of my schedule running me. So I time block. And I’ve instituted a few different things, I now know that if I eat in a pattern with the recommended foods, that I feel so much better, I have so much more energy. If I exercise at the right time of day doing the right sort of exercises, I’m building a stronger body. It certainly helps. So I know that I’ve mornings I spend my time planning and I’m planning, when I’m wanting to be creative when I’m really wanting to get in and get the do done. I do have an afternoon, because that’s when my mind is working with this. So it’s certainly helped me to really sort things out. Like I know that I typically, I would like to not start working till 10 o’clock in the morning. But I have one coaching call that starts at nine o’clock. So I made it okay, nine o’clock in the morning, it’s when I start work. So I have an easy morning because that’s what my system needs in terms of hormonal control and all of that sort of thing. So I had an easy morning leading up to that. And then, you know, just in planning, I do all of that sort of thing, but I’ll leave the tough stuff to the afternoon. Hmm, interesting.
Samantha Riley 23:23
And I’m guessing that there are other people that aren’t designed to get the tough stuff out of the way nice and early. Yeah,
Michele Scherr 23:33
absolutely. Absolutely. So it really comes into you know, I did a leadership workshop last year and talking to the women that attended it, it was for women in leadership, and just talking about the interactions in the office, and how to get the best out of people. Obviously, it was generic. And talk specifics, because we didn’t have specifics. Move is generic and how to get the best out of people. So if you have someone who was very mission focused, give them a mission, give them their parameters, and let them go. I agree to deliver, they need challenges to keep engaged. Whereas if you’ve got someone who routinely, like a diplomat, who likes to, to lots of information over and all of that sort of thing. You need to work with them. So you don’t put them under pressure, you put them under pressure, they’re still going to try and do their process of like, I’ve got to read all this information. So they’re going to do really long days and really work hard to get you your timeframe because they want to get you your timeframe. But you’ve just incredibly stressed them into doing things that they wouldn’t normally do. So you’ve got to work around and you know, in working with them to say how much information do you need to make a decision? How much information do you need to be able to, you know, to move this forward for examples. So, different ways of working with different People. So there is one particular group that you put them under an air vent, their mind will go foggy, whoa, just can’t think with air blowing on them. There are others that need, they need time and space away. So they need. So for the sensor in particular, any time where they’re not constantly interacting, they need time on the float tank, they need time where they’re not doing anything in through their senses. So putting them or having time where they can go and sit on their own is really good for a sensor. So it transformed into all areas of your life. That’s what I mean by getting the best out of your mind and your body as an individual, knowing what works for you. And in the workplace, knowing what works for other people, is just fantastic for Team cohesiveness and production for outputs. Yeah,
Samantha Riley 26:02
I love this so much, because you mentioned it right at the beginning. You know, there’s people that have tried the keto diet, and they’ve tried this. And they’ve tried that. And this is just bypassing all of that and helping you to understand what works really, really well for you. Because I’m sure we’ve all done something, either exercise at different times of the day, or eating in different ways where we just don’t feel that we’re at our best and we all love to feel at their best.
Michele Scherr 26:31
Samantha Riley 26:32
I’ve got a question regarding your traditional like career where you started in nursing. How did you make the transition from nursing into epigenetics? And how does the traditional medical field view? You know, what it is that or epigenetics?
Michele Scherr 26:51
Yeah, that’s probably a really a really long answer. But I’ll try and make it as brief as possible. So growing up, I always wanted to be a doctor. But then I kind of looked at it and went, Oh, my gosh, all that study. I want to have fun, you know, I want to live on live, I want to do all this stuff. I don’t I don’t want to be I don’t, I don’t want to be down with seven years of study and then having to study all the time. afterwards. Little did I realize that anything to do you have to keep learning. So anyway, I went nursing after school, and became a registered nurse to join the Air Force. And I was a sponsored undergrad. Lots of things happened during my Air Force career, nearly 20 years there. And I popped out the other end with some significant injuries and illnesses, which meant that I couldn’t go back to clinical nursing, which was really quite challenging for me, he’s gone. I’m about five and a half years on from D day when I left the airport. And it’s taken me quite a while to get around to how can I contribute. When I left, I was at an absolute I was in the hole, I was right down the bottom, really bad place because I felt I had no value. I felt I had nothing more to offer. I took my uniform off. And I didn’t know who I was or how I can contribute to life to my life, let alone anybody else’s life. And that was really hard. So I did a few things. That meant I got out in contact with people. And I really loved mentoring and coaching when I was in the Air Force. And so I decided I can hit net. I was kind of hesitant about the coaching stuff, because I didn’t really feel like I had the right to coach somebody. And anyway, so I tried out a few different forms of touring and coaching. And then I, during some networking, I came across this lady who was talking about, she was talking about hormones, and you know, do you like getting up early? Do you like to eat, you know, all of that sort of stuff. And I was like, Oh, that’s really interesting. And that lit my fire because I was always really into anatomy and physiology. That was something that I loved as when I was clinically nursing. And it really lit my fire. And then I went and did the training. And I’m just like, This is life changing? Yes. So yeah, it’s really lit my fire to get in and I can I can help people to make a difference in their lives. The whole idea is when we get out there to get rid of lifestyle diseases. So type two diabetes is a lifestyle disease basically tends to be a lifestyle disease. It’s not always but it does tend to be a lifestyle disease. You know, there are so many things that are lifestyle diseases that we can influence with epigenetics and with health coaching. I
Samantha Riley 29:46
love it so much that answer your question. Yeah, totally. I’m always intrigued to know how people got there, especially when they’re coming from traditional careers, I guess but you know, traditional beliefs and you know, and this is is a little bit different, not a huge amount, because it’s still based on science. But I was just intrigued to know, because what I love about this is the fact that you’re taking into account everyone’s uniqueness. And I think that is the key to success is to really understand because we’re also very different. And I think that so many problems with the whole health and wellness and diet industry, is that there’s this blanket rule, try this, and it just doesn’t work like that.
Michele Scherr 30:40
Right, that’s right. To answer the second part of your question about contemporary medicine and the How does it view epi genetics and that sort of thing? It’s a case of awareness, I think, because the medical model that we currently have, particularly in Australia is very reactive. So you’re developing, it’s not until you develop symptoms, or you develop an illness, that you actually get treatments for it. But what if we could prevent that? What if we can live close to how we were designed? So we do regular education sessions, and the Chief Medical Officer runs them? And from what he was saying, you know, wow, essentially, we are designed to live to about 120. It’s our lifestyles, that caught us back. So it’s the quality of the food we eat. It’s the the exercise that we do. It’s the conditions that we live under, that brings our lifespan down. So yeah, I found that very interesting. And I thought that, like, I find everything that we do very interesting, because it really speaks to me. But yeah, I think that we don’t have to get to old age and spend all our time at doctors, and doctors surgeries, and waiting for tests and waiting for the doctor to see me and then going to a specialist and all that something that doesn’t have to be alive. We can choose to be vital, we can choose to be active, we can choose, like I look at my mother in law, who’s 85 living her best life, she’s active, she’s driving, she’s vital, cheap, awesome. And I see so many others in the community that are very similar to that in the 90s. And they’re still driving, they’re still very aware, very alert, their bodies are still great, you know, they’re not giving up on them. And yes, that, you know, they slower than they were and stuff like that. But they’re still living a great life. You know, and that’s what I think, you know, I don’t want to be crippled. And yeah, I just don’t want to be that crunchy old person in the, in the nursing home.
Samantha Riley 32:56
Crunchy. I’m with you on that. For people that are listening, Michelle, and they’re intrigued about knowing their type, I believe you’ve got some sort of resource so they can start to learn a little bit about their own epigenetics. Absolutely. Can you share a little bit about that? Yeah, I’ve
Michele Scherr 33:16
got a PDF booklet, which is held talks for beginners. And it’s very much about a very quick blurb on where epigenetics has come from. So a very easy to read blurb on where epigenetics has come from. And then it goes through the health types, and it finishes with an option for you to do a health type test. It’s a free test that you can do to give you more insights. And, you know, mostly people are really interested in saying like, what helps happen, I will help stop and I. But once they know what health stop they are, they start looking around at people around them and going, Oh, I wonder what health type they are. Because it’s really useful for communication for relationships, you know, for all of that sort of thing to know. Like, for instance, if you’re working with a crusader if you have a relationship with a crusader, whether it’s a working relationship, a personal relationship, if you know that they are mission focused, then when they don’t include you in things, because they’re not trying to offend you. It’s just naturally how they are like, this is part of my mission, and you’re not part of that. So you know, you’re still in my heart or you’re, you know, you’re still a great friend or whatever. But yeah, this is what I’m doing. This is my mission. So whether that be training for a tripod or something like that there, you know, it’s not that they’re taking time away from you. It’s that they’re participating in what they need to do for their mission. So it’s really good to know all of the health types it’s really good. Obviously, it’s extremely beneficial to know your own health type and and how that plays out. But it’s good to know the other health types as well. And like I said, a website for free help test. Now the healthcare that it does, there are a number of questions and it’s about 80% X coverage. So for to get 100% accurate, you actually need to come to a provider and have the biometrics done and answer the questionnaire. So yeah, that’s what I’ve got for your listeners. And yeah, I’d love lots of people to know about this stuff. Cool.
Samantha Riley 35:16
So head over to influence by design podcast.com. And the links will be there. So you can download your free PDF and get the link to the test. Michelle, it’s been an absolute pleasure chatting with you today, I find this super intriguing. I’m always up for how can we be the absolute best that we can. Because when were well energized, focused, and were able to make a much bigger impact, and change many more people’s lives, which is why we’re here and why we do what we do. Right? If there was one thing that you could leave the listeners with today, in regards to this whole topic, what would it be?
Michele Scherr 35:56
Be curious, be curious. We have so many things that we believe because we’ve been socially conditioned. So we believe that we need to do a certain type of exercise, we believe that we need to eat a certain type of diet. Be curious, because this information will absolutely blow your mind by bringing it back to you rather than the group. It brings it back to you as an individual. So be curious would be my recommendation.
Samantha Outro 36:28
Love it. Thanks so much for joining us today is show us absolute pleasure chatting with you.
Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Influence By Design podcast. If you want more head over to influencebydesignpodcast.com for the show notes and links to today’s gifts and sponsors. And if you’re looking to connect with other experts who are growing and scaling their business to join us in the coaches, thought leaders, and changemakers community on Facebook, the links are waiting for you over at influencebydesignpodcast.com
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