Do you feel like you’re putting in the hard yards in your business, yet the results are not evident in your bank account? If so, you might want to consider a shift in perspective and make use of offers that steer you toward increasing your revenue.
In this episode of Influence by Design, we talk about the high-ticket blueprint: breakthrough five and six figure months with ease with Desiree Stafford. Desiree has been helping coaches, healers, consultants, and other serviced entrepreneurs attract a steady flow of high-ticket clients.
Although increasing your revenue doesn’t always call for raising prices, it’s about understanding your zone of genius, owning the value you have to offer, and leaning into feeling worthy of what you’re charging.
When clients become aware of the business model that allows them to live the lifestyle they want, they begin acknowledging the transformations they bring and feel more confident to set prices that feel most aligned with them.
If you’re ready to lean into what you truly desire with your programs and pricing, this episode is for you.
- How Desiree helps clients get back to their own truth (01:39)
- What constitutes a high ticket offer, and how you can create one (04:27)
- The significance of having the desire to charge more (05:35)
- Determining what to include in your high-ticket offer (07:40)
- Serving clients better by understanding the true value they need and desire (09:25)
- The process of establishing pricing (11:47)
- The difference in pricing between being new or more experienced in your industry (14:25)
- Understanding what it means to feel worthy to charge more (15:57)
- Marketing transformations that attract high-ticket buyers (20:40)
- The impact of having the correct mindset to achieve personal and business success (23:35)
- “If it feels overwhelming for the client to deliver, it’s overwhelming for your client to consume, and that’s not what we want. We want our clients to be able to get results faster and easier.” -Desiree Stafford
- “Clean up the offer, remove the stuff that’s unnecessary and focus on the key things you need to teach your clients to help them go from the pain that they’re in right now, to the promises they desire.” -Desiree Stafford
- “When you’re able to create a business that feels good to you, energetically you attract more people into your world.” -Samantha Rile
- “When you’re charging a higher figure and you’re feeling worthy, you attract more clients that you love to work.” -Samantha Riley
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Desiree Stafford helps coaches, healers, consultants and other serviced entrepreneurs attract a steady flow of high ticket clients and breakthrough to 5 – 6 figure months with simplicity and ease.
Desiree Stafford Snippet 00:00
This is a desire that they have. And to trust themselves. If my clients have a desire to charge more than there’s a reason for that, I believe it’s their soul seeking expansion. And so that’s what I want them to lean into. And that’s what I want them to trust. And then once they decide, okay, I want to back myself in this way, I want to trust myself in this way. Then we identify, Okay, what’s the value that you’re adding to your client’s life? What’s the price point that you feel that you can stomach receiving for the value that you’re adding to your client’s life?
Samantha Riley Intro 00:17:
Welcome to the Influence By Design Podcast. I’m Samantha Riley, authority positioning strategist for coaches and experts. If you’re ready to build a business that gives you more than just a caffeine addiction, and you dream of making more money, having more time, and having the freedom to be living your best life, then you’re in the right place, it’s time to level up.
Welcome to today’s episode of Influence By Design, I’m your host Samantha Riley. And today we’re going to talk about a call topic, we’re going to talk about high ticket clients, and how you can use high ticket clients to break through to your five and six figure months with simplicity and ease. And I’ve invited today’s guest Desiree Stafford, and she helps coaches healers and consultants and other service entrepreneurs, to attract those high ticket clients. And we’re gonna have a really cool talk today about this topic. So welcome to the show disarray.
Desiree Stafford 01:23
Thanks for having me. I’m super excited to be here.
Samantha Riley 01:26
Yeah, I’m really looking forward to this. It’s a great topic. And from the conversation that we had, before we even started, I know that this is going to go down a very cool path. I’d love you to share a little bit about the types of clients that you work with, you know, we, you said that you work with coaches and consultants. But why do they come and work with you? And how did you get to be doing what you’re doing today?
Desiree Stafford 01:49
Yeah, most of the clients come to work with me, because they’re at a place of frustration in their business, they’ve gotten it to a certain level of success, but majority of my clients feel like they’re working too hard for too little. Right? These minds are doers, they are so committed to their work. And they love what they do. But they’re not seeing that being reflected in their bank account. And it’s usually taking a toll on their personal relationships and things like that, right. although that’s not always what they will present with. Yeah, that’s when we do their surface, that’s some of the stuff that we find out usually, it’s like, well, I just want to grow my business, but there’s so much more going on below the surface. And a lot of that has to do with them not really being true to who they really are. And they’re at a point of frustration with that. They often think it’s the money, which is a part of it. But the real one, I get to the heart of the matter, if you will, they are at this place where they’re ready to show up bigger, they’re ready to show up bolder, they’re ready to be the leaders that they came here to be. And they don’t have to do that. Typically, they built the business in a way that doesn’t support them in doing that. And that’s what often creates a lot of that frustration. So, like jam
Samantha Riley 02:57
Desiree Stafford 02:59
because it’s really getting them back to their own truth, it’s getting them back to this place of I want to build this business my way, not the way that everyone else the marketplace is doing it not the way my former coach or mentor told me to do it, I want to do it my way I want to build it around who I really am as a person and what I want to offer to my people. So it doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to change the offers. A lot of times when I help my clients raise their prices, it’s not necessarily changing the offer other than sometimes restructuring it a little bit so that they can deliver it with ease, feeling like they have to you know, put everything in the kitchen sink in it to raise the price. Yeah, you with really just connecting with what is it that I know that I’m really good at what’s my zone of genius and understanding what that isn’t owning the value that that adds to their clients lives. And that perspective shift in addition to elevating the way they see themselves, and giving themselves permission to be who they want to be those things combined blows your businesses up. And that’s
Samantha Riley 03:55
it, not only for I can hear what you’re saying there, not only does it blow their business up, because they’re bringing in the money that makes them feel comfortable. And I say that because even people that say, oh, it’s not about the money. There’s this certain number that people hit. And all of a sudden they’re like, Ha, this feels good. And and we don’t talk about that often enough. But when you’re able to create a business that feels good to you, energetically. You allow other people into your world. Yeah. Yeah. So. So let’s just go straight to the number because high ticket is about having a price or charging a price that’s higher than $47 or, or $97. Well, I’d love you to share what’s your idea of or how do you define high ticket?
Desiree Stafford 04:45
Think about high ticket. I let my clients always choose whatever price feels the most aligned to them because they’re the ones who have to ask for the price. And they have to see the value in the work that they’re doing with their clients in order to command those fees. And so my job I was really to make sure that client feels number one, they can see the value, because it’s so easy when we’re so good at what we do. And we’ve been doing it for years, it’s so easy to undervalue the value, right? Yeah, helping the client get present to that value, and then choosing the price that feels aligned and checking in with their body. So it’s not just up here, it’s like here, like, they feel grounded in it. So they can actually go out and they can ask for it over and over and over again and allow themselves to receive it without again, putting everything in the kitchen sink or feeling like they have to be available to the clients. 24/7.
Samantha Riley 05:32
Yeah, totally. So how do you get people? Or how do you help people to get out of their own way? Because the very, very first piece I’m hearing here is that the price of your offer needs to go up, what’s sort of the first thing that we can think about in putting our prices up?
Desiree Stafford 05:56
Well, the first thing is, it doesn’t need to go up with my clients, I’m very clear with them that this is a desire that they have, and to trust themselves, right? Like, if you have the desire to charge, like, I don’t want to convince anybody to sell high ticket. But if my clients have a desire to charge more than there’s a reason for that, I believe it’s their soul seeking expansion, right? And so that’s what I want them to lean into. And that’s what I want them to trust. And then once they decide, okay, I really want to go like, I want to back myself in this way. I want to trust myself in this way, then we identify, Okay, what’s the value that you’re adding to your client’s life? What’s the price point that you feel that you can stomach receiving for the value that you’re adding to your clients life, because in my personal opinion, the value that we add, as coaches as healers, as mentors, as people who are in the business of transformation, that is priceless, you are helping someone transform their entire life, you helping them get out of pain that they’ve been dealing with, usually for decades, right? And think about how it impacts that individual that you work with, but everybody else whose life is impacted by that individual, whether they were their partner, their kids, future grandkids, you know, I’m saying like, there’s so many people who are impacted positively. Right? Like that, to me is priceless. So that means this is what I always say to my clients, that means you can choose whatever price you want to choose, right, as long as you feel, I also help my clients see that the price in and of itself is neutral, right, it doesn’t have a meaning except the meaning that they assigned to it. So again, this is all about starting from within, it’s about you recognizing the value, it’s about you choosing the price, and it’s about you choosing to believe that you’re gonna attract the people who see the value as well, because that’s then you know, how you’re gonna show up in the marketplace, you’re gonna communicate that value over and over again, until the sales start coming in.
Samantha Riley 07:37
Hmm, I love this so much. So when someone makes the decision that I’m going to put my price up, I’m gonna move into that high ticket bracket. You mentioned before about you putting in everything except for the kitchen sink. And I really want to dive into this because this is something I talk about a lot. What is that balance of what goes into the program? How do you help your clients choose what the inclusions are within that program?
Desiree Stafford 08:07
For me, I believe that a high ticket buyers, a savvy person who’s tried a lot of things before, by the time they come to work with you, they just want to know exactly what they need to know to get the results. And so that’s what I have my clients put into their offer, if it feels overwhelming for the client to deliver, it’s overwhelming for their client to consume. And that’s not what we want, we want our clients to be able to get results faster and easier. That’s what they’re paying us for. Right? So you don’t need. When I think of low ticket versus high ticket. A lot of times, if anyone who’s watching has invested in low ticket, you may have noticed that there’s a lot of stuff. Yeah, 100,000, you know, worksheets. As a high ticket buyer, I’m not interested in any of that. I just want to know, what do I need to know? Right? Like, that’s what your clients are paying you for. So that’s what I help my clients do we like clean up the offer, we remove the stuff that’s unnecessary, and just focus on what are the key things that you need to teach your clients to help them go from the pain that they’re in right now to the promise that they desire? That’s it, and then how do you you know, protect against, if you will, the areas where your clients, you know, might not get results? Like, you know what I mean? Like what might come up for the client that could cause them not to succeed? And so we look at that we plan ahead for that. And we make sure that that’s built into the program as well. Hmm.
Samantha Riley 09:25
I want to dive in a little bit. You said if it’s overwhelming for the client, what is your definition of that? Because if someone is doing something new, it is often going to be overwhelming. And we’re helping our clients do something that they haven’t been able to achieve before. So what’s that balance of overwhelming and just too much stuff? Is that making sense? It does.
Desiree Stafford 09:53
Well, the first thing is if overwhelm is a feeling right? So the clients that I work with a lot of times I’m helping them understand how their thoughts are creating their feelings. And so they also help their clients understand how their thoughts create their feelings. So we can look at anything and decide that it makes us feel overwhelmed or not. And then there’s also from my clients perspective, when they’re including things in the offer, they don’t need to put in the offer, but they think they need to include it in order for the offer to be valuable. So those extra things that you think that you need to include in order for the offer to have value, remember, it’s not essential, get rid of it, right? Like it’s, it’s more of a worthiness thing than it has anything to do with actually serving the client. Hmm.
Samantha Riley 10:38
I think this is a really important conversation to have, because I often have new clients saying to me, but I want to make sure I’m giving value. And I’m always saying, but hang on a minute. stuff isn’t value, I don’t know where this idea of stuff equals value originally came from. But it’s so not true. In actual fact, our clients come to us because they’re busy, overwhelmed, overworked, they’re trying lots of different things. And they want simplicity, they wouldn’t be taking stuff away, not adding stuff. And let’s call adding stuff value, it’s not adding stuff equals overwhelm, and taking it away, and being able to simplify it is the value.
Desiree Stafford 11:25
I love that every word.
Samantha Riley 11:29
I just really wanted to dive into that. Because I think people really need to understand this, really need to understand this, that our clients are busy. And we just want to give them just just enough of what they need to be able to get the outcome that they’re looking for. Let’s jump into pricing. We did touch on it very, very quickly. But you know, when people are deciding, okay, well, I want to have a business that’s, that has products that’s unknown, five km month, a, like how were you helping them to figure out what needs to go into that to be able to charge that? I guess what I’m asking is what comes first the chicken or the egg? Are they coming up with the price first and then trying to pull the program together? Or are they like, well, this is the program and this is the price that matches?
Desiree Stafford 12:20
You can do it either way. Typically, with my clients, we are looking at the value that they bring to the table first. So it’s about getting them clear about what’s their zone of genius in the first place, like what’s your unique combination of gifts and skills? And then who’s the type of client that’s going to get the best? Or the highest value from that? And what’s the result that you’re helping them achieve? And that’s how we’re then coming up with a price. It’s usually based on what’s the outcome, the highest outcome that we think that the client can get. And that’s how we’re going to determine the price of it would be determined?
Samantha Riley 12:51
For what feels really great. So where’s that pricing conversation coming in? Like, are we pulling a number out of thin air?
Desiree Stafford 13:01
Pretty much, and then we’re checking to see how it feels in your body. You know, like, there is no right or wrong. It’s another thing I love to teach my clients there is no right or wrong, you can choose any number, even when you’re selling low ticket, you’re just picking a number. You’re not looking you shouldn’t, in my opinion, be looking at, okay, we’re not selling commodities, like we’re not selling, you know, nuts and bolts and stuff like that, like anybody can go anywhere and pick it off the shelf, we’re selling transformation. And there’s only one person in the entire world who can offer the transformation, the facilitation of transformation that you do, and that’s you, right, which means you cannot be price shop, which means you can charge whatever you want. So whatever price feels most aligned to you, that’s the price that you go with. And you obviously you’re gonna check in with your body, you’re gonna make sure that again, it’s not just coming from up here, but it’s also like you feel safe receiving that number, right. And this is something that you have to practice, even when you feel safe, once you pick it, you still have to practice it, because you’re gonna go out in the marketplace, and some people are gonna say it’s too expensive, or they can’t afford it, right, and then you’re out. So you have to be doing the work to really feel grounded in the value and feel that the number that you’ve chosen, it’s worth it. Right, because it’s not worth, it’s not you, we’re not talking about your individual work, which is priceless. Like, that’s never on the table. But we’re talking about choosing a number that we believe the value that we’re offering to our clients is worth.
Samantha Riley 14:20
What’s really interesting about this conversation is that I find a lot of people that are really, really good at what they do, like have been working in their zone of genius, 20, sometimes 30 years. Actually, it comes so easily to them, that they don’t value it and that the people with the more experience actually have trouble charging a higher price than people that are sort of a little bit newer into an industry. Have you found this
Desiree Stafford 14:50
100% Those are my clients typically. And I think it is a mindset I think it is a worthiness issue if you will One of the things that we work on is visibility as well, in addition to pricing. And this comes back to feeling free to be who you really are. And some of that has to do a lot of it, I should say, has to do with challenging the conditioning, that makes them think that they have to work so hard, and that they have to prove themselves worthy, and that they have to crawl their way up before they can feel like they’re the expert who can charge 10k or 30k, or whatever the price is, right? Remember that they get to decide that now. There’s not a pricing Genie that’s going to come and like, you know, anoint you worthy. That’s a decision that you get to make today. Right. So I think there is an also, I think generational, that there’s certain generations. Yeah, where they were exposed to things, you know, that maybe older generations were not exposed to. So it’s a different they’re coming at it from a completely different mindset.
Samantha Riley 15:55
Yeah, totally. So we were just talking, or you just mentioned about people feeling worthy to charge there. And we were talking about people that have this, you know, amazing expertise I see all the time you see all the time. What is, you know, you talk about them being worthy, so that they’re able to sell into that. But what does that actually mean? Like, what does that mean to be feeling more worthy? What is that journey of them feeling more worthy look like a
Desiree Stafford 16:25
lot of it starts with untangling the thoughts that are causing them to feel unworthy right now, the same thoughts typically that cause them to overwork, and hide in plain sight, are related to the reasons why they’re not charging the fees that they want to charge yet why they don’t feel worthy enough. So many of the clients that I work with, you know, are recovering people pleasers and perfectionist, right. And so we know that that’s linked to some stuff that they experienced growing up, typically, and then it gets reinforced in adulthood. So it’s a lot of untangling those stories, so that my clients can then choose to really live into the truth of who they really are, which is currently worthy. Right. So what’s the consistent work on that, because we have so many thoughts that are going on in our mind, that we’re often unaware of. So there’s so many unconscious thoughts, and there’s so many unconscious ways that we have our brains have, you know, perfectly kept us playing small. And so my work then is to help my clients identify those thoughts that they might not even be aware of, so that they can then choose a different story, a story that does make them feel worthy, and then choose to practice that because who we are being is a practice. And so a lot of times my clients don’t even realize that. So it’s, it’s understanding that and then helping them come up with tools and different techniques like usually give them tools, but also helping them come with different techniques to use those tools, so that they can keep practicing the feeling of being worthy, or any other feeling feeling of competence or being safe, or whatever other feeling they want to feel predominantly throughout their day. Because our feelings will ebb and flow. So it’s okay if you don’t feel great 100% of the time, but understanding how to manage your thoughts and how to manage your emotions. So their energy is a match to what they do want.
Samantha Riley 18:07
Do you know what I love about all of this their worthiness piece, the dollar piece, when you’re charging a higher figure. And when you’re feeling worthy. What happens is you attract those clients that you love to work with more. And what I often see and I’d love to hear your experience in this is that when people do put up their fees, and they feel more comfortable with that dollar figure, when they’re feeling more comfortable with their offer, and you know, they’re more confident is that they just attract these clients that they’ve always wanted to work with, rather than having. And this doesn’t sound nice, but I’m sure everyone that’s listening has felt this have some sort of resentment to clients that they don’t love working with. Yeah,
Desiree Stafford 18:50
absolutely. And the thing is one of the things I teach my clients because this is a part of my own journey, because I didn’t get it. At first, I thought that it was about the price. And I thought that it was about the amount of money I was making per month that would make me feel the exact way you just described, what I found is it’s not the price, and it’s not how much money I make a month. You know, I was like, oh, once I get the 30k month, I’m gonna feel competent, right? I’m gonna feel so worthy. Yeah, but that didn’t happen. And I went to 50k a month, same thing. I was like, I still feel like, you know, nervous that people gonna find out that I’m a fraud and 100 came up, I still felt the same stuff. Right. And so it was through that journey through that experience, quite frankly, was disheartening. Because I thought when I charged more when I made more than I would feel, no, it doesn’t work out. And at least I want to share that with your audience is because when you get that, then you can decide to feel the way that you want to feel now which is going to make it easier for you to charge what you want to charge and make how much money you want to make per month. And what you’re saying is accurate. It’s just for clients to understand what causes what, right so it’s not the result of making them Money, it’s not the result of raising your feet, that causes you to feel the way that you want to feel to attract the right clients. It’s choosing to feel the way you want to feel first, that allows you to feel safe, raising the fee and actually receiving the fee and making the money that you want to make. And of course, attracting the clients who are perfect fit for you.
Samantha Riley 20:18
Totally mic drop moment, that just that there, we could finish here, which we’re not going to and I’d be like, Oh my god, that was just brilliant, like that is done. Just go back and listen to that. Because that is huge. And that just that mindset shift will absolutely change your business that is just so good. All right, we’re charging high ticket, how does your marketing need to change compared to your $47 offer to your high ticket offer.
Desiree Stafford 20:52
So for me when it comes to marketing to a high ticket buyer, and this is my perspective, not everyone is the same. And this is what I offer to my clients, and many of them adopt the same thing. I am not one of those coaches and mentors who say you have to do it my way, I would want my client to do it their way, but I will offer them frameworks, and I’ll share with them my process of like how I think about things. And so when I do marketing, when I’m speaking to a high ticket buyer, I’m speaking to that person, hmm, my clients will say to me all the time, like are you in my head, like I am speaking directly to my person, because the people that I work with want to feel seen, right, like they are almost allergic to allergic to all the marketing that they see out there, right. But the community, the way that I communicate, it speaks to their soul, I like to have sold action. And so to my people, like my people, one of the reasons they hired was because they want to free themselves to be themselves. And that’s the type of client that they’re actually attracting their clients want to feel the same. And so part of that is being able to, like communicate to a person who’s reading your content, who’s watching your video, that they are seeing that they are understood that they are safe in your space, right. So a lot of the marketing is is focused in that way, in other words, speaking directly to the hearts and the minds of the people that you’re wanting to serve. And then also making sure that you are communicating the value, right, you’re giving them some perspective on what’s the problem with meeting and where they are right now. And you’re addressing the topic by problem, and you’re giving them some perspective, some insight to help them solve that problem. And you’re showing them what’s possible when they do that. And you’re talking about the value of working with you. A lot of times I like to talk about the lifetime benefit, right? So it’s not just just the immediate benefit, but how does their entire life get to transform when they work with you. And that’s how we how we do marketing in my world. Wow,
Samantha Riley 22:39
talking about that big, like you get this immediate benefit. And then this is this, you know, bigger thing is actually all coaches have that, I guess most coaches will say, Well, I start working with someone. And I say that we do this, but within a few months, they realize that it’s so much more than that. But we don’t often talk about that.
Desiree Stafford 23:05
I do. Because it’s different. It’s not like I want when people come to work with me, I want them to because this is a commitment. Right? I want people to recognize your life is going to look dramatically different at the end of this. And you’ve got to be prepared for that. Right? Like, I want you coming in making a well informed decision that we’re going to do some deep work, and it’s going to change everything. So are you ready? Are you willing to go all in for that?
Samantha Riley 23:35
Huh? What I can hear with what you’re talking about there is that, you know, that mindset that changes all areas of your life, I often say to my clients that we don’t have this bucket of business in our life that just is completely contained there. Our business is part you know, is intertwined with our relationships with our finances, with our health and wellness with family, all of these pieces intertwine. And when you know when one of them isn’t working as well as the other, it affects all of those other areas. So, you know, that’s what you’re talking about here, right? That when we get their mindset into a different place, everything changes. Absolutely,
Desiree Stafford 24:19
I will add one more thing too, because part of the reason I market the way that I market is because I’m speaking to women, and I’m specifically speaking to the type of women who are used to putting other people above them. In other words, making other people the priority in their life. And so there’s sometimes a little bit of guilt and shame around allowing themselves to really say, Hey, I’m gonna do this for me. So when I talk about the results that they can get, I like to help them see that you’re doing this for you first, and also see the benefit that it has to everyone else. And that like loosen some of that resistance. Because sometimes my clients will think Well, I don’t want to be selfish. Maybe they’ve been called selfish before those kinds of things. So it’s a way in which my clients can give themselves permission to make an investment in themselves a sizable investment in themselves, that is going to change their life and also recognize how it’s going to positively impact the people that they care about.
Samantha Riley 25:13
Hmm, totally. Now, you’ve got a masterclass that talks about how to add between 10 and $100,000 a month to your income. Can you tell us a little bit about what’s included in that and where we can go to register?
Desiree Stafford 25:27
Yeah, so I start out with the mindset stuff, I love mindset, if you couldn’t tell, I’m so passionate about the inner game, because that’s what makes the outer game work. Right. So we go into my talk about pricing, we talk about creating the offers, we talk a little bit about marketing. And I share some case studies in there so that you understand, like, what it really is like for my clients when they do this work. And some of the transformations that they experience. And there’s a mix of transformation. There is the financial, right. But then there’s also that personal that, you know, feeling more like themselves feeling at home with themselves and feeling proud of allowing themselves to show up fully the way that they want to show up. Like that’s the kind of stuff that lights me up. So we talk about all that kind of stuff in the masterclass and it’s available on my website, which is powerhouse
Samantha Riley 26:12
Beautiful. And of course, the link will be over in the show notes at influence by design Deseret, we’ve talked about all sorts today. But what is that one thing that you want to leave our listeners with, it’s really going to have them leaning in to high ticket offers
Desiree Stafford 26:31
faster. So the desire is the first sign and you have to trust it. So often we don’t realize how much power we have least the clients that I work with, have been so used to giving their authority away, right and they don’t give themselves permission to decide that they can be do and have whatever they want. And so I love to remind people to trust yourself. If you have the desire you have that desire for a reason. Is your soul inspiring you to play the bigger game that you’re meant to play to trust it?
Samantha Riley 27:01
Love that so much. Thank you so much for coming and sharing your wisdom today. It’s been an absolute pleasure to chat with you as well.
Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Influence By Design podcast. If you want more head over to for the show notes and links to today’s gifts and sponsors. And if you’re looking to connect with other experts who are growing and scaling their business to join us in the coaches, thought leaders, and changemakers community on Facebook, the links are waiting for you over at
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