As a business owner, every decision you make has the potential to shape the company’s trajectory, influence its growth and impact its bottom line. However, the traditional way of making logical decisions is not always the best, so how can you make decisions that align with your authentic self and your unique authority?
In this episode of Influence by Design, Samantha and Leon talk about the impact of authority in your unique decision-making process. They discuss the 7 types of authority and how you are designed to make decisions that are aligned and correct for you.
We’re often told that the success of a business greatly depends on how fast you can make decisions, but not working in alignment with your decision-making process might lead to costly business mistakes and missed opportunities.
When you allow yourself to make decisions in a way that is aligned for you, you create an environment where you will attract people, places and opportunities to you.
Discover how you can transform your decision-making process by tapping into the wisdom of your inner authority, and experience the difference it makes in your business and life.
- The impact of authority in a business owner’s decision-making process (02:20)
- The role of authority in human design (04:38)
- There is no truth in the now with Emotional Authority (05:30)
- Why people with Sacral Authority need to trust their gut (07:35)
- The Splenic Authority and what it represents (09:27)
- How can people with Mental Authority make the best decisions (10:42)
- Ego Authority and the importance of listening to what’s currently being said (11:51)
- Self-Projected Authority and the value of safe spaces in making decisions (13:18)
- What’s the best way to make decisions for people with Lunar Authority? (14:12)
- Why making decisions on the spot is not always best for you and the business (15:58)
- “Knowing the authority type of your business or life partner makes it easier to make decisions together.” -Leon Flitton
- “I know that if I make decisions on the spot, I won’t necessarily make the best possible decisions for me.” -Leon Flitton
- “I would stall someone to make sure that I had time to think about what I want and make a good decision for me and for the business.” -Leon Flitton
- “Making decisions is not about really thinking or being logical. It’s about feeling and knowing that our body has the wisdom to make a decision at any moment.” -Samantha Riley
- “It’s really important to understand that if you’ve got mental authority you should not get caught in the mental trap, because the mind will want to question everything.” -Samantha Riley
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Samantha Riley Snippet (00:00):
One of the biggest benefits of understanding my authority in business has been around which collaborations or opportunities to take and which to leave. I’ve had a few collaborations go a little bit south, and they didn’t feel very nice. And I now am able to trust my gut and say to people, if it doesn’t feel right, hey, look, this doesn’t feel right for me right now. It doesn’t mean it’s a no forever. It’s just a no for now. And I think for me, that’s been one of the biggest differences I’ve noticed.
Leon Flitton Snippet (00:32):
If you can make decisions quickly in business, we’re told that quite often, but I think if you’re not in alignment, then with the decision making process, it’s going to probably cause you a bit of gray.
Samantha Riley Intro (00:23):
Welcome to the Influence By Design Podcast. I’m Samantha Riley, authority positioning strategist for coaches and experts. If you’re ready to build a business that gives you more than just a caffeine addiction, and you dream of making more money, having more time, and having the freedom to be living your best life, then you’re in the right place, it’s time to level up.
Welcome to today’s episode of Influence by Design. I’m your co host for today, Samantha Riley and joined by my partner in life and business, Leon Flitton, and today we are going to talk about authority, aren’t we, Leon? We haven’t covered human design on the podcast for a little while. And you and I were having a chat before. And we were like, No, this is a great topic to talk about.
Leon Flitton (01:27):
Yeah, it isn’t it I always say not very woowoo. But I think I really am.
Samantha Riley (01:33):
I think you’re a closet woowoo person that is out of the closet to be greeted. Now, like I said, we haven’t covered human design on the podcast for a while. And as my clients know, we can learn all sorts of fancy things about gates and channels and all sorts of things. But the thing with human design is if you’re feeling not aligned, you always need to come back to your type your strategy and your authority no matter. You know what you know, and sometimes I feel like people go really deep into their chart and learn rather than think, Okay, well, what do we need to experience and let’s go back to the basics.
And I think authority is such a big piece of this, because as business owners, our authority is our unique decision making process. And let’s face it in business, we’re making decisions all day, every day. So this is, you know, a huge impact on how we’re running our business day to day. Now, authority is how we become aligned with our design. And our authority, like I said, is our unique decision making process and with decision making. And this really has probably been one of the most beautiful things I’ve learned from human design was the permission slip that I’ve always wanted was that we make decisions through feelings that we have in our body, not our mind. And what I find really interesting about this topic is that we’re taught through the school system and through, you know, our childhood to make decisions logically. And this is the way that I always thought that I made decisions. It’s the way I taught my children to make decisions before I knew anything about human design. But we do make our decisions with the body. So it’s not about really thinking or being logical, it really is about feeling and knowing that our body has the wisdom to make a decision at any moment. And we’re going to talk about this today, not just about authority and the seven different types of authority, but also from the perspective of how Leon and I have different authorities and how it’s changed the way that we interact with each other. Because we have different authorities.
Leon Flitton (04:03):
It does explain a few things. It certainly
Samantha Riley (04:06):
does explain a lot of things from our, from when we first met. each other was a little frustrating, I guess.
Leon Flitton (04:18):
Yeah, I suppose what’s normal to me, is it normal to you, but
Samantha Riley (04:24):
that’s right. But understanding not only my authority, but understanding your unique decision making is really, really helpful. Okay, so the role of authority in human design, like I said, refers to the unique decision making process, but it specifically relates or refers to the decision making process that’s most aligned with your authentic self. It helps you navigate life choices and make decisions that are in harmony with your inner guidance and It talks to your magnetic monopole.
So the quantum can attract the people, places and opportunities to you that are right for you at this moment. So I think probably the best way to start is to talk through the different authority. There’s seven different types of authority. Now there is a hierarchy with authority, and it’s in relation to your defined centers.
So number one, or the, it’s not number one, like it’s not like, I’ve got, I’ve got this number one or authority. So I’m really, it’s just the first type, which is emotional authority. And emotional authority is associated with a defined solar plexus, which governs your emotions.
So people with an emotional authority need to write out their emotional wave before making decisions. Now, what is interesting about your emotional authority is there’s no truth in the now they need time to process feelings and to wait for an emotional clarity. And this is your authority, Leon. And when you when you found out that it’s okay to wait, and not just okay, but this is the way you’re designed. How did you feel in that moment, when I explained this to you?
Leon Flitton (06:25):
It actually made a whole lot of sense. But I just thought we were going with mine, because I’m so important.
Samantha Riley (06:34):
I was so confused that. Number one,
Leon Flitton (06:41):
it actually made a lot of sense. So I think particularly during my corporate career, when what I was doing, I had to be making decisions a lot and quickly because of the work I was doing. And a third thing that I always made probably not necessarily the best decision, but the decision I was happiest with. Because a lot of decisions you had to make and just well, you know, make the best of it. But I think wasn’t necessarily happy with what I made as a decision. Because I’d be on the spot and whether it was right or wrong. It just didn’t feel right.
Samantha Riley (07:16):
It was on spot. Yeah, yeah. There’s no truth in the now. Right. Yep. Yeah, we’re gonna dive into this a little bit later and talk about some of the ways that this has shown up in our life, especially as a couple, because that takes us to the next or the the sacral authority.
Now sacral authority is the most common type that most common authority, and it’s associated with a defined sacral Center, which represents lifeforce energy. And people with the sacral authority need to listen to their gut. So you know, when people are saying or listen to your gut, this specifically relates to people with the sacral authority, because we need or we know that feeling in our gut, which is either a yes or a no, it’s quite a black or white feeling. And it’s quite instant.
And now I’m very attuned to this feeling. I can feel it like straightaway. And I always knew and same as you, Leon, I always knew it. But as soon as I was able to label it as sacral authority, it made a lot easier to say, I know that I can trust my gut, rather than I’ve got this feeling. But I don’t know why and having my logic takeover and start to question, you know, why I was having that feeling?
Leon Flitton (08:33):
Well, it’s good, because I can assume what is the sacral? Say?
Samantha Riley (08:38):
You do. And I did have a laugh when we were. We were at the organic shop the other day, and we were speaking with the nutritionist. They’re asking about some new vitamins that we wanted to get. And she said, you know, you can get this one or this one or this one. And I was just like, oh, it’s not that one. Like, I don’t know why it’s just not that one. And I started I didn’t I started to get a little bit funny. And then you said that you like what did the sacral say? And the nutritionist was like, Oh, I love that. And she put both of them in my hands. And it was just so good in that moment to have that validity. I guess from someone that it’s okay. Trust your gut. You know what the answer is? I love that.
Leon Flitton (09:21):
Yeah, well made easy for me.
Samantha Riley (09:26):
Absolutely. So third, we have you splenic authority types, which and splitting authorities, a defined spleen center. And this represents instincts and survival. And this is that real intuitive, like we know. So if you’ve got a splenic authority, or there’s people in your life that have a splenic authority, they need to trust their intuitive flashes and make decisions in the present moment. You know, they know if something’s right or wrong straightaway, they will just they’ll feel it. They’ll know it. It’s really Instant.
Now, if you do have a splenic authority, just know that that intuitive paying that you get right at the beginning that it doesn’t return in the same way. So learn to listen to it and trust it. Because you know, in your body, what is right for you in the present moment?
Leon Flitton (10:19):
Is that like when you have multiple choice questions, and you answer it like, instantly the first time and normally it’s right, and then you
Samantha Riley (10:25):
question it, yeah,
Leon Flitton (10:26):
then you do the wrong.
Samantha Riley (10:28):
I never thought about it before. But you’re right, we always used to have a joke at high school, it’s like, you never ever go back and change it. Because there’s nothing worse than getting your paper back and going. right the first time you’re there,
we have your mental authority types. And the mental authority is associated with the Ajna Center, which represents thoughts and ideas. So if you’ve got a mentor or authority, or you know, someone with a mental authority, need to give yourself time to analyze and consider your options before making decisions. And also be very aware that your environment is important because you’ve got a lot of openness in your chart. So you’ll be picking up a lot of what’s going on around you.
Now, I’ve had a couple of clients that stand out that do have this type of authority. And both of them do need to talk things out a lot with me. So as a as a coach, I’m a really good sounding board for them to really work through their thoughts and ideas. So that that could be a tip for you. It’s really important if you’ve got a mental authority not to get caught in the mental trap, because the mind your mind will want to question everything. So don’t get caught in that trap. Because then you’re going into the logic you’re going into the mind, rather than feeling it in your body.
Next, we have ego authority, which is associated with a defined heart center. Now with an authority, an ego authority, you need to listen to what you’re saying in the moment and don’t try to control what’s coming out. Just listen to it because your ego will speak the truth. Now, this is an authority that is associated with manifest errs, my daughter has an ego authority. And she will speak things out like instantly in the moment. And the way I would describe it as someone that’s on the other end of that authority is sometimes it can be brutal.
Leon Flitton (12:28):
She’s probably right there, right?
Samantha Riley (12:30):
She is the most beautiful person, isn’t she? But man, if something comes out, sometimes it can just be really brutal. But she’s leaving her authority, it’s coming out exactly, you know, as it’s meant to. So as a manifester, don’t question what’s coming out, just allow it to come out. It’s it’s, your ego will speak the truth. Don’t try and control it. Because when you try and control it, that’s when it won’t be true. True to you. Interestingly enough, even though it is brutal to be on the receiving end, sometimes she’s always on point, right? Yeah. I learned so much from her because she just says what other people filter, I guess.
Yeah. And then we’ve got self projected authority, which is associated with the G Center. This is a need to speak out loud to make decisions. So it’s really, really important if you are a self projected authority to make sure that you’re in a safe space to bounce your ideas around. It needs to be people that understand your boundaries, people that understand your values, and the way you are because really, they’re just a sounding board that you need to speak things out so that you can make the correct decisions.
So if you’re the friend of someone with a self that has a self projected authority, just you know, hold space for them and allow them to speak out what they need to speak out to be able to come to their own conclusion. They’re not looking for you to fix things for them. They’re just they’re just looking for a sounding board.
And then finally, we have the lunar authority, which is associated with the moon. This is a reflector, someone that has all of their centers, undefined. So if you’re a lunar authority allow the course of a lunar cycle. So it’s like a 28 day cycle to flow through the Transiting authorities so that you can come to the best decision that you can. So allow yourself to feel allow yourself to sample experience all of the six other authorities and get the information from each of them to come up with the right decision for you.
Now, that’s a quick rundown of the authorities but I think that what I really want you to walk away with in this episode is to become comfortable with the way you make the decisions and make them in a way that’s right for you.
Now, let me give you an example of this later on, we’re often told that, that being in business, we need to make decisions quickly or the effectiveness or success of our business comes down to the speed or the velocity at which we can make decisions. Now, whilst that is kind of true, we can’t sit on a decision for a very long time and expect a, you know, a certain opportunity to maybe come to us, although even in saying that there, that is not true. Because if we’re in alignment, the opportunity will come to us, especially as for you, as an emotional authority, how I’d love you to give us an example of a time that you made a decision really quickly, because there was that that time pressure, and it didn’t work out well for you.
Leon Flitton (16:02):
Yeah, so I think you’re 100%, right. If you can make decisions quickly in business, we’re set, we’re told that quite often. But I think if you’re not in alignment, then with the decision making process, it’s going to probably cause you a bit of grief. So in my previous career in corporate, quite often I come across these these situations, and one of them was I had a choice of which job I was going to go for so applying jobs. And so which job to go for now, I had to make a decision which one to go for, and I had to do it on the spot. Now,
Samantha Riley (16:36):
how can you just describe why you had to make it on the spot? Because I think this is really important. Essentially?
Leon Flitton (16:43):
Yeah, well, yeah, no, essentially, my boss said to me, you didn’t make a call right now, which one are you going to go for which you know, in this one, or in this one, which which way you’re going to go. And I know that if I make decisions on the spot, I won’t necessarily make the best possible decision for me. So as it turned out, I made the decision, and it didn’t work out or pan out the way I thought I was gonna pan out.
And I think if I’d actually sat on that for another 24 hours, I would have made a different decision. So yeah, and so over my career that happened quite often. So from that, I actually had to kind of work out a bit of a process. So sometimes I would almost like stall someone to, you know, make sure that I had time to think about what I wanted to make make a good decision for me and for the business.
Samantha Riley (17:30):
Totally, totally. I do remember a time when We’d only been dating for a few months. And I didn’t know anything about human design. At that time. I didn’t know anything about authority. All I knew is that as a sacral authority, I could make decisions, like really fast. I just, you know, get that feeling. I knew what was right. Or I knew what was wrong. And I remember coming, having an idea just dropping of, hey, let’s go to New Zealand. Haven’t been there to want to go to New Zealand. And you’re like, oh, yeah, that sounds great. I’m like, Let’s book flights now. And I, this stands out to me so much, because the look of your on your face was like, your what? What are you going to do? And I didn’t I jumped online, and I booked those flights straightaway. And I guess you had you thought about it. And a couple of days later just went yeah, no, I’m not going to New Zealand. We didn’t we didn’t end up going because then what? You know, it wasn’t right for me.
Because just because we as a sacral we have a yes or no doesn’t mean it needs to stand forever, either. By the way, you know, then I was like, Okay, well, it doesn’t it doesn’t work for me now either. But if I I’m pretty sure if I had left it with you for a few days, we actually probably would have gone because you would have felt more comfortable with that decision. Even if we did go. Was that was the case? Yeah. So
Yeah. For me, one of the biggest benefits of understanding my sacral authority business has been around trusting my gut around which collaborations or opportunities to take and which to leave.
And this is something as a generator, I you know, I’m always like doo doo doo doo doo. And traditionally, in the past, I’ve always whenever I had any space in my life, I always picked up different opportunities, even if they weren’t right, you know, to the point of burnout. But I understand more now about that. I’ve had a few collaborations go a little bit south and they didn’t feel very nice. And I now am able to trust my gut and say to people if it doesn’t feel right hey, look, this doesn’t feel right for me right now. It doesn’t mean it’s a no forever. It’s just a no for now. Like let’s just leave this here and let’s reconvene or come back to this. And I think for me, that’s been One of the biggest differences I’ve noticed, you know, from having that sacral authority and really trusting that that firm yes or that firm? No,
Leon Flitton (20:11):
I think something to note as well is that when you know, what authority your business partner has, or your life partner has that makes it easier to make decisions together, I know that you’re gonna make a decision in minus 10 seconds, as I say, and I’m gonna take 24 hours. And that could cause problems sometimes, like, you know, if you go out for dinner and go, What kind of sources you like on that? You’ve already decided on like, five minutes later going, yeah, no, or have the baby. But, but yeah, so in business, I think understanding that can actually take pressure off trying to make a decision like and if you’re making a decision, and I know you get frustrated waiting for me, but if I try and force it through, then it’s doesn’t work either.
Samantha Riley (20:56):
So yeah. Even though you say I get frustrated, sometimes I do. But I want you to understand that it’s not a frustration at you. It’s just a frustration in general. Because now I understand that you do need time. I definitely want to give that to you. Because I know that that is in our best interest. Because you will be more comfortable with that. Yeah, yeah, your cycle is going just hurry up. Come on. Absolutely.
So super quick episode today. Talking about authority. Definitely have a look at what your authority is. It makes so much difference being able to make a decision through feelings. If you’ve got any questions at all, please. Whether it’s about your authority or about you know about how Leon and I manage our authority in the same room together, please reach out you can connect with us both on Instagram or Facebook. We’ll pop the links for you to connect with us in the show notes. And we would love to hear what you’ve taken from this episode. How you know what ideas has this sparked for you? Thanks so much for listening. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode, and we’ll catch you next week on another episode of Influence By Design.
Samantha Riley Outro (22:11):
Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Influence By Design podcast. If you want more head over to for the show notes and links to today’s gifts and sponsors. And if you’re looking to connect with other experts who are growing and scaling their business to join us in the coaches, thought leaders, and changemakers community on Facebook, the links are waiting for you over at
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