As business owners, we often possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and experiences to thrive in our ventures. Yet lurking beneath the surface are subtle yet powerful factors that can hinder our progress. So how can we overcome these obstacles and unlock our full potential for success?
In today’s episode of Influence by Design, we talk about elevating your frequency for success with Daniel Rechnitzer. He is the Founder of Intuition Wisdom Institute and has been honing his intuitive abilities for over 25 years.
Our concept of personal identity and deeply ingrained beliefs shapes our reality, thoughts, emotions, and even physical well-being. Daniel encourages us to challenge these self-imposed limitations and explore the possibilities of a more expansive self-awareness.
Understanding the connection between thoughts, feelings, and wellness can be a game-changer for business owners as it offers an opportunity to transform restrictive self-views into empowering ones that leads to fulfilling endeavours.
Join us in this enlightening conversation that reminds us that true success begins within ourselves and initiates a journey that promises not only professional success but also personal growth and fulfillment.
- The concept of personal identity and its impacts on our lives (01:46)
- The impact of mind stillness to an entrepreneur (04:09)
- The process of creating mind stillness (06:19)
- Leveraging the brainwave states to get optimum results (09:15)
- The types of frequencies that our thoughts emit (16:20)
- How to engage in our high vibrational frequency (21:48)
- The EnlightenMe Machine and How Daniel uses it to heighten his awareness (27:32)
- Daniel’s recommended steps to clear out your limiting blockages (35:25)
- “If we truly want to go beyond our limits and achieve things we haven’t even imagined, we have to start being aware that this identity we’re carrying around isn’t who we are.” -Daniel Rechnitzer
- “Awareness gives us the ability to see the unseen, know the unknown, answer the unanswered, and solve all mysteries in life.” -Daniel Rechnitzer
- “As coaches, most of us have a depper awareness and that is why we do what we do. However, things still slow us down and stop us in our tracks every day because we’re humans having a human experience.” -Samantha Riley
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- YouTube: @IntuitionWisdom
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Daniel Rechnitzer is the Founder of Intuition Wisdom Institute, and is known for tapping into the intelligence of the Universe for Answers, Coaching and Healing. He is sought after speaker all over the world, he has produced and starred in two films: ‘Beyond The Secret – The Awakening’ and the upcoming “Beyond Limitations” . Daniel is the Author of two best-selling books: ‘The All Knowing Diary’, ‘Mind Lies – And The Truths That Will Set You Free!’ and has just released his newest book ‘Losing Your Mind – It’s The Only Sane Thing To Do’. He is also creator of the leading-edge healing machine ‘EnlightenMe Machine – designed to raise our vibrational frequency to Heal, Meditate and Manifest’.
Daniel Rechnitzer Snippet (00:00):
I feel that this several little steps number one is having the knowing like, Okay, I’m carrying around an identity. And it’s not the truth. That’s the first step. Let’s just have an awareness that then activates the next level of awareness, which is okay, what am I thinking right now?
What am I feeling? Am I feeling inadequate? Am I feeling insecure? And then let’s bring in awareness to what is generating that.
Samantha Riley Intro 00:30:
Welcome to the Influence By Design Podcast. I’m Samantha Riley, authority positioning strategist for coaches and experts. If you’re ready to build a business that gives you more than just a caffeine addiction, and you dream of making more money, having more time, and having the freedom to be living your best life, then you’re in the right place, it’s time to level up.
Welcome to today’s episode of Influence by Design. I’m your host for today’s Samantha Riley. And today we’re going to talk about a topic which absolutely speaks to every single one of us as coaches as business owners as entrepreneurs. And that is our mindset.
And as you know, if you listen to this show, often mindsets, a word that I don’t use, often I’ve talked about why I don’t like it, I don’t think that our mind is set. And that is exactly what we’re going to talk about today with my lovely guest Daniel recognizer. So welcome to the show, Daniel.
Daniel Rechnitzer (01:25):
Oh, thank you, Samantha, great to be on. And hello to everyone listening and watching.
Samantha Riley (01:30):
I’m so looking forward to this conversation, because you and I met for coffee the other day and chatted for hours and hours and hours. And I just know that this is going to go exactly where it needs to go.
But I guess the idea that I want to bring to today’s show is that, you know, as experts, we’ve got this amazing opportunity to create successful, profitable, purposeful, fulfilling businesses yet as expert that we are, you know, we’ve got all of these skills, all of these knowledge, you know, past experiences, we’ve also got this little voice in our head that says, Oh, I’m not good enough.
You know, I’m not smart enough. I don’t know how to do this. You know, I’m to this. I’m not enough of this. Yeah, I’d love you to start like, what do you want to say right off the bat to that?
Daniel Rechnitzer (02:19):
Well, you know, we have been accumulating and identity ever since we’re, you know, in the womb, we have been trying to figure out, who are we what are we. And we’ve been taking the cues from the people around us what they say how they feel what they think we’ve been taking cues as we grew up from how whether we’re grades are good, and whether we’re successful or not.
And over all these years, we’ve accumulated an identity that’s based upon beliefs, we’ve decided things about ourselves, we’ve made these conclusions, and all these beliefs and these conclusions and all our experiences, now formed who we believe we are. But Sam, none of that is real. All identity is based on beliefs.
And this is what gets so interesting is so you know, we’re wanting to be successful, we’re wanting to contribute, we’re wanting to be purposeful, but this identity is shaping our reality from the inside out. It is affecting our thoughts, the ideas, we attract our physical well being our relationships, and what we’re able to manifest and create.
So, you know, we truly wanting to go beyond, you know, our limits and achieve things we haven’t even imagined or conceived of, we have to start clearing or being even aware that this identity that we’re carrying around isn’t who we are, you know,
Samantha Riley (03:46):
what’s really weird. And I find this to be the strangest thing ever, is that often, you know, I’ll be chatting to a client and I’ve even had this happen with myself where there’ll be this thing that comes up like why can’t we do this? Hi, you know, I’m not smart enough.
Or, you know, I’m afraid of an insert anything under the sun here. Yeah, okay, let’s go with you’re not smart enough. And you know, I feel like that I’m going to be you know, crucified. If I tell the world that you know, this is the thing, and then when you really go, but do you really believe that? Like, are you smart?
And the person goes, Yeah, you’re I am. What’s going on with that gap? Because this has always really intrigued me that people will hold themselves back from taking action because of one of these beliefs. Yet when you really question it, they’re like, actually, no, that’s crap. I know. I’m smart.
Daniel Rechnitzer (04:36):
Yeah. What happens is these belief systems are in the subconscious mind. So we’re not really consciously aware of them. We’re consciously aware of how they make us feel inadequate, insecure, fearful, anxious, withdrawn, hesitant. We’re aware of their impact.
And because where we feel that pain, we move through life quite quickly to overcome the pain, we try and be successful or we distract ourselves. So we’re often moving so quickly, that we don’t stop long enough to go hang on.
That’s not even true. You know, and it is when you stop long enough. And this is why one of the big things we teach, and you’ll hear it in the, you know, enlightenment world and that the awakened world is, we have to create the stillness in the mind, because when there’s stillness, the mind is an active, and we actually can go hang on this not smarter. If that doesn’t feel true anymore.
I can see a lot of evidence to support that I am smart enough so and in that moment of that stillness, we can actually shift that belief we actually change that whole neural construct there. So yeah, we just so programmed, the mind is designed to keep us moving so quickly, that we never stopped long enough to realize it’s the mind that is making us crazy and sending us up the garden path.
It wants to stay in control. It wants to say active, it doesn’t want the line of awareness shined on it, because then it’s like, oh my God, you’ve seen me, you’ve seen me for the illusion that I am. I’m gonna, oh, it doesn’t want that. It wants to be who we think we are.
Samantha Riley (06:17):
Mm hmm. So how do we start to shift that illusion? Because it is it’s a lie. Right? Yeah. You talked about stillness, you know, is, you know, sitting and meditating for 10 minutes a day is is that good? Is that the be all and end all? Is that going to change it?
Daniel Rechnitzer (06:34):
I don’t think there’s any one way that’s the be all and indoors is nice as would love to say, you know, that’s it.
Samantha Riley (06:40):
But come on, we want the magic pill why we
Daniel Rechnitzer (06:44):
created something nearly, you know, nearly as a pill, we can talk about that. I feel that this several little steps. Number one is having the knowing like, Okay, I’m carrying around an identity. And it’s not the truth. But that’s the first step.
Let’s just have an awareness that this is think because who knows that? Like how many people know that their identity isn’t real? Like we believe in it, we even defend it. Right? Step number one is just coming to this new awakening. I mean, you weren’t taught at school. Imagine if you turned up in primary school, by the way Summit, you now you think you’re a failure, unloved, unwanted. And that’s not true.
We don’t get to get taught that right. So that that’s definitely step one, because that then activates the next level of awareness, which is okay. What am I thinking right now? What am I feeling? Am I feeling inadequate? Am I feeling insecure? And then let’s bring in awareness to what is generating that, Oh, my God, that’s right. I feel like I’m about to failure, I feel like I’m a disappointment. I’m re enacting these experiences and these beliefs that happened to me many years ago, having that awareness is the key, then the next thing I mean, we teach and we’ve been teaching for years, how to go into the subconscious mind and clear out these limiting beliefs.
And we use a couple of really powerful tools. One of them is what we call truth, we have limitless truth within us the answers within that the highest true self within that is a source of truth. And when you can tap back into truth that helps dissolve those limiting beliefs. And I mentioned with you when we were out was showing like I kept putting out to the universe, how do you know we have 1000s of these beliefs, but how do you clear them? And I’d love to talk to you about the enlightenment to heal a subconscious mind.
So when we’re ready to talk about that we can absolutely yeah, that’s that’s super fun. So you know, having the awareness that they’re even they’re starting to bring awareness to your day am I being driven by the beliefs like I’m gonna miss out I’m gonna run out people won’t be pressing me or I need to please people having an awareness as to are these beliefs in full effect on me right now?
Or am I in a nice still space, and I’m making decisions from a space of stillness and self love. So you learning? What space are we coming from in any moment? That’s really
Samantha Riley (09:10):
absolutely love it so much. So I was listening to a podcast the other day, and he was talking about the brainwaves when you first wake up and as you’re going to sleep are because you’re changing state and the brainwaves are going from and I’m not a techy person here, but something, you know, alpha, gamma beta, I actually don’t know very much about it.
But do you use these different states? Like is that for you something that is more important, or is that a time of the day that you meditate? Or you’re kind of just note we’re going to we’re going to do anything at any time when it feels good for us.
Daniel Rechnitzer (09:47):
I think it’s that way. So you know, there are definitely times in the night where you wake up and you’re more perceptive like, even last night I was in this like, dreamlike state and I’m having a full conversation with you know, the Higher Consciousness and giving me all these answers. I was very aware of it in the stream.
But I, you know, since early on, we’ve learned how to induce ourselves, if you will, into different brainwave states into alpha and theta and, and really deep, it just depends on what kind of what result you’re wanting. Like when we go into the subconscious mind, we’re not waiting for a particular time of day, we have a specific training that allows us to bring in that space into that frequency.
When we’re looking at healing the body. Again, that level of awareness is on cue on demand. And you know, I even go into where I might be with too much information, but I go into different dimensions. different dimensions are allowed, allow me to create different things and see different things.
We even teach people how to go into a dimension or where there’s no time. So you can actually see, well, if I take this decision, what’s the outcome? If I take that decision? What’s the outcome because the mind, the way we experience life, through the lens of the mind, is really dumbing down what’s possible for us.
And when you learn how to go beyond the mind to see reality that the mind, you’d be amazed at what we can access. And when we can talk to different parts of the body to find out what healing they need away and illnesses, they’re, like I said, we can move into spaces of awareness where there isn’t time.
So we can see where we’re heading and outcomes and changing trajectories, you know, we can connect with lots of different energies, lots of different information. And it just the mind is really holding us back in so many ways. In terms of our perception.
Samantha Riley (11:39):
What’s interesting is our minds are holding us back in the ways that you’re talking about there. But it is the thing that’s also going to move us forward. So you mentioned that really, we need to get an awareness of what that thing is. What if you don’t even have an awareness of what’s holding you back?
Daniel Rechnitzer (12:00):
Hmm, well, it’s time to have one, you know, we are on a journey of raising our awareness. Some of us have this ability where we could step into a car and we can feel if a spouse is angry at us, or we could walk into a house and we can feel whether there’s been an argument or as a mother, you know, oh, I know there’s something wrong with my child.
So awareness is something that’s growing with in all of us, that is part of our evolution now as to how much you want to grow that awareness is really what the exciting journey is. And that’s really where we take people at intuition.
Wisdom is how far do you want to go? I’ll give you an example. This might be challenging for some people, but this is what’s possible. So when when my wife was pregnant with my son 14 years ago, she was absolutely terrified of giving birth she was petrified of the pain is most women aren’t that’s what you get taught right?
You see women you know screaming so she actually brought her awareness and hot and until level she began connecting with the soul my son in her belly she was you know, three months pregnant or six months pregnant. And she could communicate with him and he actually showed her and she wrote all this down step by step how to have an all natural pain free birth. Wow. Yeah.
And this dialogue between them actually turned into a book I said, Oh man, you’ve got to share that with people. So word for word every day she sat and brought that information through and then she had an all natural pain free birth with him and and all natural pain, free birth my son, so we can take our awareness into all different areas, we can then heighten our awareness to perceive the contents of the subconscious mind, we can proceed heighten our awareness to I had someone the other day, I share this with you.
So very close couple of hours, call me up and said, my dad’s in hospital, he’s in a coma, which is very sad. And they think he’s gonna go in any minute, right? And she said, can you find out what’s going on? Because she knows this is kind of what I do. We’re very heightened awareness.
And I can access information and connect to lots of different things. And I could connect to him in this Comber space, I could connect to his consciousness. And I asked him and I said, what’s going on? And he said, I’m embarrassed. Right? He’s talking to me through my awareness, because I’m embarrassed and what’s wrong?
He goes, I don’t want people to see me like this. Like why he says, I’m not going to die. Why everyone is sitting around me in the hospital. They’re waiting for him to die to move on. They’re going, why isn’t he going and he said to me, said when they leave, I will go I’m embarrassed.
So I told them that and you know, it’s very hard for them to hear that they want to be there in the last moment, and they finally left and within like, something like six or eight hours of them leaving he left. He allowed himself to move.
So awareness gives us the ability To see the unseen, know the unknown and answer the unanswered all these, solve all these mysteries in life. So if you don’t have a huge awareness, number one, I’m going to challenge you and say that you have more of an awareness than you think. Yes.
And I’ll encourage everyone to start, you know, cultivating heightening awareness to perceive the subtle frequencies of intuition or the subtle frequencies from people around us, because it changes our life and it can save our life. I mean, how many times Sam, have you met? People could be a salesman, real estate agent or car salesman?
You’re like, Oh, I just don’t get a good vibe from this person. Yeah, totally. That’s awareness. Right? That’s awareness. And, but then there’s another awareness that tells you, Oh, I’m having an awareness, right.
So you need to know that that’s what’s going on, because it’s there to save our life. And it’s there to help us prosper. And I often think, you know, if you look at Queensland, for example, with pretty much chopped down every single tree that ever existed in Queensland, 60 years ago, or 80 years ago, if they had an awareness that, you know, these are pretty important things, maybe we shouldn’t do this.
So if we had a greater awareness, there’s a lot of things that we wouldn’t do in our own life. And there’s a lot of things that we wouldn’t do as a business or as a planet, we just wouldn’t do some of these things.
Samantha Riley (16:18):
Yeah, totally, totally. Now, you’ve mentioned frequency a lot, I was very first brought to this, or given this idea many, many years ago, and I can’t remember the name of the book. But you probably know what it what it is, I’m very visual person. So I can see the cover of and can’t remember the name of the title.
But you know, it’s essentially that the different frequencies are different emotions, or different things that are going on in our life, how much? I guess, you know, knowing that, what do we need to pay attention to? Or what do we need to know about the frequency of what we’re feeling as we’re going through this awareness stage and really paying attention to the feeling? What can you talk about in relation to frequency?
Daniel Rechnitzer (17:06):
Sure, so you mentioned a lot of very interesting aspects there. So I’m going to try and touch on all of those. So one of the things that people don’t know is, you know, we can look at a mobile phone and go that sending a frequency, we can look at a radio station or that sending a frequency from the transmitter to the radio and, and that’s that the human brain is one of the most powerful broadcasting stations there is it is always using frequencies.
Now, this is a couple of really important frequencies that we experience. One is thoughts, thoughts are an energy or a frequency. And different thoughts have different frequencies. So if we look at positive thoughts, such as I’m great, I’m wonderful, I love myself, I support myself, I back myself, I nurture myself, then what we call a very positive or high vibrational frequency, then there are thoughts that we call low vibrational frequencies, like I’m not good enough. I’m not lovable. I hate myself, I loathe myself, I wish I wasn’t here.
And on the other end of the spectrum, low vibrational frequencies. Now, they’re really important because the physical body and the brain is very sensitive to frequencies. And we all know this. On a experiential level. If we think positive thoughts, we feel good. So the body responds positively.
And if we think of negative thoughts, or have negative thoughts, the body is reacting to those. So our feelings show us how these different frequencies affect us. So if you think for example, Sam, let me just say, you think, Oh, I’m a failure, I’ve screwed everything up and my life doesn’t feel good, right?
That’s really against what the body wants to feel. And it’s a non truth and anything that’s a non truth really hurts our body. If you think something like I am loved and adored, and I cherish my beautiful family. Right, the body really can feel that and loves that.
So what we’re learning and what the body is there to show us is to say, if you are going to spend time in high vibrational frequency thoughts, self loving thoughts and praise and all of that stuff, you will go further in life, you will enjoy life and you will create more and excel then if you spend time in these low frequency thoughts, such as doubt, insecurity, scarcity, and self hate.
So that’s a really important to realize is that the body is affected by different frequencies. And this also for many people don’t realize this is where we get a lot of illnesses. And why we age the way we do is because not only do our immediate thoughts like how do I feel today affect us, but the subconscious mind is caring. carrying around a recording of every thought and every belief and every decision, every conclusion we’ve ever had about ourselves, and for most of us, they’re not positive.
Yeah. So we are holding ourselves in this lower frequency, which is making us age and making us tired, and is causing illness like some of the worst illnesses are from these dense clusters of beliefs that are stored inside the subconscious mind. And the subconscious mind stores itself in the body. So these frequencies are really affecting us.
So where we’re at, in the army, constantly hearing of people with illnesses and you know, severe things. And this is because we haven’t, as a society had the awareness of, well, what’s in our body, what am I carrying around since I was, you know, a charming carrying anger, this resentment, this self hate, since I was a tiny little kid, that’s toxic stuff to the body carry that stuff around for 3040 50 years.
So we are moving into a space where the way to heal and prevent a lot of these illnesses and relationship breakdowns and child issues and all that stuff, we’re coming to the point where we do need to have an awareness of what we’re thinking, what we’re feeling, what we’re carrying, and feelings are really important, because they’re actually showing us not who we are. Not what’s true about us, but they’re showing what thoughts feel like in the body, what we’re holding, what we’re carrying in.
So it’s really powerful to be aware of feelings visiting, a reason you don’t feel good is because you’re holding these thoughts and these frequencies that are not serving you. So I’m not sure if I answered whether you need to go there. But
Samantha Riley (21:40):
I as I said before, I don’t know where it’s gonna go. And I just trust that it’s going to go in the right place. But as you were talking about that, it’s really, you know, when you talked about the negative words, like I could really feel that it was so heavy in my body, when you talked about the, you know, the good words and self love, you know, I felt really light.
And when we think about what we need to do on a day to day basis as an entrepreneur, like we need to be in a creative state, we need to be, you know, able to connect with other people connect to our self, we need to be in this place where we’re able to do what we need to do to take our business in the way that it needs to go. You know, this stuckness is what really holds us back.
Yet I also know that it can creep in, you know, it’s it can be a slow burn and for me, any other people through you know, 2020 2122 it crept in. And you know, all of a sudden, we’re like, Oh, my goodness, like I can feel this, I can feel this heaviness.
And, you know, we’re definitely out the other side. But there’s still some some lurking things that can pop in every now and again, what are 100%? What can we do to really bring back that high vibrational frequency so that we can really show up in the best way possible?
Daniel Rechnitzer (23:10):
Yeah, yeah. Now, it’s a really, I mean, there’s a workshop just answering your question, there’s a book on that. So let’s talk about some things that people can do immediately. And let’s talk about things that make the really big lasting change.
So a couple of really important things are, one, the more we see, time we spend in higher vibrational things or places, the more we’re going to resonate at that level. So when we look at things that are made of nature, so the ocean, the the trees, the forest, the more time we spend in that, the more the higher we get to the vibrational frequency that we’ll be able to maintain.
So anything that’s kind of created from the mind, you know, city’s traffic, social media, some of these things, you know, add a lot of advertising and all that stuff, the news, that’s a lower frequency because it’s coming from that ego mind.
So if we kind of avoid more of that stuff, then we won’t get dragged down by it. And I think the big problem over that whole period of time from 20 to 2022, and 20 We’re all watching the news, right? We were like stuck, what’s next what’s happening? So we were really into that
Samantha Riley (24:28):
really sucked into that reality?
Daniel Rechnitzer (24:30):
Yeah, absolutely. We thought our survival and our well being dependent on it so they really got us good on that one. Watching, are we putting ourselves in high vibrational frequency areas nature and so on? And Are we avoiding the low things? Are we around people that are bringing a very high vibrational frequency or are we around people that not?
Foods foods are the same thing you know, there’s very high vibrational frequency foods, fresh healthy, nutritious things versus fried process packet stuff. That’s kind of the the everyday stuff to be careful of. The next level is, what am I thinking? What am I saying to myself? am I choosing the self loving path and saying, you know, picking myself up if I don’t get something right? Or am I punishing myself and my criticizing myself? Am I condemning myself?
Those kinds of words do not improve us, they do not give us more motivation. And they, they just lower us down if we kick ourselves when we’re down. Not good. So we’re going to have an awareness around Are we being praising supportive, nurturing, self loving, that’s what’s you know, a bit a bit of our toolkit and choosing to do loving things for ourselves? Are we? Are we going to slug ourselves or day to day and try and you know, get more money?
Or are we going to go, I’ll take it easy. I’m going to spend some time in the National Park and I’ll get a massage and I’m just gonna sit and look at the beautiful world around me like being doing things that we love, and that a joyous is really important. And then if you really want to get into the advanced stuff, so that’s that’s all the stuff that we teach is what how do you clear out the subconscious mind?
How do you work through all these belief systems and remove those so they’re not dragging you down? And Sam, one of the biggest areas that people don’t even know about, and it’s kind of been a pretty recent thing for me as well to understand the importance of it is what holds our energy down more than anything, is actually childhood trauma, that we’ve we’ve gone through whatever forms of abuse, shock, any kinds of trauma as a child that is stuck in the body, it’s in our cellular memory, what I’ve come to understand there’s nothing that is affecting our frequency, our vibrational frequency beingness more than trauma.
So if you really are wanting to go you know what, I want to make a big shift in my life, I want to raise my vibrational frequency, I don’t want to be carrying around, you know, you don’t sit these things that creep in, you know, that you relive that playback over and over in your head, if you want to get rid of that stuff. It’s based in the trauma, it’s based in healing the trauma, and that’s something we’ve we’ve just done a recent trauma healing workshop, which was mind blowing, it just, it just stops, the nervousness, the anxiety, the fears, the doubts, because that’s where it’s coming from, like it’s coming from what we learned as a child, or what we experienced as a child.
Samantha Riley (27:31):
Totally. Now, I know that you also have created a physical product that helps with this. I don’t know much about it, but I would love you to share, like a what it is and like how this came to be.
Daniel Rechnitzer (27:45):
Okay, cool. So there’s two now, I mean, since Yeah, we’ve just launched another one. But I’ll share the first one because it’s right where what we’re talking about. So this is called I’m not sure if we’re all just podcast, if you can,
Samantha Riley (27:59):
some people will be listening, some people will be able to see it. Okay, you might need to explain that a little bit
Daniel Rechnitzer (28:04):
for those that drive it in all its detail. Okay, so I’m holding up what what is essentially a copper box with some very special glass and ingredients inside of it. It has no batteries, there’s no electricity, but it’s generating a very powerful frequency.
Now, this frequency is actually perfect for pulling out and clearing the beliefs, the traumas, the memories that we have accumulated throughout our lifetime. And where this came about is it was pretty much during those last few years, I don’t ever like using that C word so that
Samantha Riley (28:44):
we don’t talk about it here. Those last few years
Daniel Rechnitzer (28:47):
of craziness. And I you know, I was doing a lot of I’ve been doing loads of healing on myself and helping people for years and years. And it was very clear to me that as a human being we are carrying around literally 1000s and 1000s of subconscious beliefs.
And you can see that in the book, you’ve got an front just in the contents, you know, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. So we have so many of these beliefs. I’m not wanted, I’m not respected. I’m not needed. I’m not heard, I’m overlooked. I’m not important about blah, blah, blah.
And I was like, Well, how do we get through, you know, these 1000s Like, it’s a big job, but clearing one at a time. It’s gonna take a while so I can in my meditations and putting it out there to the universe. I started to get shown, I went on this incredible journey semi this is this was amazing.
I started to go into this journey of looking at space and being shown that every star became really amazing. Every star is actually a different frequency. You know, we kind of look at stars and go oh, yeah, that’s right, that’s small, that’s blue that show whatever, but they actually are all very purposeful in a meeting a frequency
And that frequency could be anything from a self love frequency could be a healing frequency, it could be a success frequency or an encouragement or frequency. Whatever idea the universe has heard is being conveyed through this light. Light is intelligence, that is awareness light is genius. And so I started to be shown that there are certain stars that are actually supporting our life on planet Earth, obviously, our Sun, pretty critical to our wealth.
Samantha Riley (30:30):
Very, very critical actually critical,
Daniel Rechnitzer (30:33):
as I’m looking outside with this beautiful light, and nothing would exist without it. So we know stars are pretty important. But there are other stars that surround us that are also emitting a frequency that throughout history civilizations have known about, and I never really studied this stuff, if you’re into astrology, you’ll, you’ll have a pretty good grasp. And I was shown that there’s one particular star, it’s called Serious.
And I didn’t really know, I didn’t know about this stuff. But this is what I’m being shown in my meditations like there’s a star out there, that plays a role in in evolving human consciousness and fast tracking it and I was shown how to create almost like, if you will, an antenna, like how to connect to this into this, this frequency, bring it down and amplify it for people to use, but it’s already hitting us it’s already coming onto the planet.
But you know, all of these things are kind of filtered and gentle by the time they’ve gone through, you know, 1000 light years or whatever it is. They come, they’re quite gentle. So this was a way I was being shown how to create almost like a modem and antenna to ground that frequency. So this this device here that is a copper box for those you can’t see with the beautiful things inside, actually is a way to connect to that energy.
And it is so powerful in holding us accountable to being in our own truth. So when I hold it here, I’m happy to do a demo with you, Sam if you want but I’m not sure how much Oh yeah, not sure how much time we’ve got when I hold it here. You know, we talked about going to the different brainwaves. It immediately takes me into this very still very super aware Brainwave.
And I can start feeling and perceiving in my body, blockage, belief, belief, belief, belief, belief, blockage, blockage, blockage, and it just brings them into my awareness because we’ve spent a life pushing them down. We don’t want to know about
Samantha Riley (32:24):
go away, we don’t want to know you don’t want to don’t tell
Daniel Rechnitzer (32:27):
me I’m a failure. Don’t tell me I’m a loser. And tell me I think all these things about myself, let’s just pretend they’re not there. So this is a way to heighten our awareness.
I guess it’s like, you know, you get a paper bag. If you grease up a paper bag, and you get across on, you grease it up. And you can see into the paperback that yeah, that’s what this is. It’s kinda like giving you this transparency is to what we’re holding in the subconscious mind.
And having an awareness is like 50% of the healing, if not more, and then we can use that energy to pull it up and withdraw that out of us. So that’s what this is. This is called the Enlightenment machine. We launched it late last year to our database that’s becoming we’re launching it more and more this year. And it’s just so powerful.
Yeah, so the lightning is a tool for us to know what’s in the subconscious mind and clear what’s in the subconscious mind. And we’ve been using it on children, we’ve been using it on animals, we’ve been using it to heal business blockages, financial blockages, healing blockages, manifesting blockages, and we’ve been using it to heal intuitive blockages because we have reasons and beliefs that stop our intuitive capability.
So we’ve been using it for so many things. And I that was the big part of our trauma healing, we use that to extract pull out these clumps of trauma that are energy stuck in our body. So it’s been super helpful.
Samantha Riley (33:48):
I love that so much. I love it so much. I think that, you know, you’ve talked about this awareness. I think that as coaches, most of us have an awareness where, you know, that is why we do what we do. However, these things still slow us down and stop us in our tracks every day. And I say us because it’s me as well. We’re humans having a human experience, and no one is perfect. But that is the perfection in itself. Well, that’s that Yeah,
Daniel Rechnitzer (34:17):
that’s right. I mean, we are all dealing with the human condition, which is we came into these bodies and we took on these beliefs like everyone else was taking them on and we went yeah, I can be an I can be a mind I can be this I can be that. Sure.
That’s what’s going on around here. I’ll take it on. And so you know, as a child, we come in completely, like free and neutral and infinite. But then we start going Yeah, that’s me. I’ll take some of that. Fight with that. I’ll identify with this.
And then by the time we’re in our 30s and 40s. We start having this these reactions as like it whether it’s illness or aches or pains or or scarcity The relationship breakdowns are struggles, because all these identity traits that we were so like frivolous in AI in collecting, and now showing up to be oh my god, that’s not even me. No wonder it’s hurting.
So we’re trying to live this expansive life, but we’re living it through the constraints of the mind of the filter of all the identity. So.
Samantha Riley (35:24):
So for people that are like, Okay, I’ve known this for a while. And it’s time to move some of this stuff, it’s time for me to step into the version of me that I know that I’m here to be and to really take my business to the next level, take my life to the next level, and they want to, you know, they’re interested in what you’ve been talking about, what can they do to take the next step?
Daniel Rechnitzer (35:47):
Oh, brilliant question. Well, I would suggest come to intuition. Because we have these key paths to accelerate that process. You can use the lightning machine to just fast track and you can clear like, 100 of those blockages in like 15 minutes.
And we have the courses where you can go into your subconscious mind and reprogram one at a time if you like. We have cars that we’ll just depending on what you’re up for, like how big is your appetite? How big is your eyes?
How far do you want to go? We have the path there. And that’s it. Yeah, and we take everyone wherever they’re at, whether they’re just beginning or quite advanced, like your coaches listening, we can take people to, you know, to infinity and beyond just just depends on what people are up for what they’re ready for
Samantha Riley (36:36):
infinity and beyond. Let’s do it. Daniel, it’s been such a pleasure chatting with you today. You know, highly recommend Daniel and his work. So go and take a look. The links are over there on influenced by design and Daniel, thanks so much for coming and sharing your wisdom with us today.
Daniel Rechnitzer (36:51):
Oh, Samantha, it’s my absolute pleasure. Thanks for having me. And I hope to see you everyone on at intuition wisdom soon.
Samantha Riley (36:58):
Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Influence By Design podcast. If you want more head over to for the show notes and links to today’s gifts and sponsors. And if you’re looking to connect with other experts who are growing and scaling their business to join us in the coaches, thought leaders, and changemakers community on Facebook, the links are waiting for you over at
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