As an entrepreneur, gaining a deeper understanding of yourself is an invaluable asset to help achieve success and move through the failures. Your Human Design serves as your blueprint that not only guides your actions but aligns them with your true purpose.
In this episode of Influence by Design, we dive into the enthralling world of astrology and human design: your cosmic blueprint for life with Rochelle Christiane. She is a Holistic Health Coach, Human Design reader, and learning astrologer.
Human Design delves into our unique energetic imprint that helps us uncover our innate gifts and purpose and this can transform how we make decisions. Rochelle highlights embracing our authenticity and adds astrology as another layer to this cosmic journey.
In business, where change is constant, being able to adapt is invaluable. Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach to life, our unique energies and design elements can help us unlock our true potential. With this episode, you’re guided on how to discover who you truly are and align your life’s purpose in the most authentic and powerful way possible.
- Identifying the deeper purpose in the Human Design Chart (01:03)
- Understanding the concept of the North and South node (03:53)
- Decision-making based on the conscious mind and body’s wisdom (08:20)
- The significance of being in alignment with your Incarnation Cross (14:48)
- How astrology influences Human Design (19:46)
- The impact of Human Design on authenticity and personal branding (27:49)
- The importance of aligning your purpose and how to achieve it (38:05)
- How trauma masks our true authentic self (39:06)
- “You can know as much about your human design as you want. But if you’re living it, it’s not going to matter.” -Rochelle Christiane
- “When I’m trying to plan something, it’s really helpful to be able to understand the energy of that day so I will be able to embody and integrate into how I show up.” -Rochelle Christiane
- “You can’t rush wisdom, it comes from living the journey and the process.” -Samantha Riley
- “We learn so much more from our mistakes than we do from anything else.” -Samantha Riley
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Rochelle is a mom, writer, healer, holistic human design and body alignment coach. With a background in holistic health and nutrition, Rochelle believes that we should all feel good mind, body and soul. She is here to guide and support you back into your body so you can begin to make more aligned decisions, regulate your emotions and feel better overall. When you feel better, honor yourself and treat your body like the beautiful thing that it is, the rest of your life begins to flow! By tapping into your body, you begin to tune into the messages guided by spirit through your emotions.
Rochelle Christiane Snippet (00:00):
It always goes back to the body for me. And I think really understanding what your body is feeling how your body is reacting because again, it’s so easy to just not listen to ourselves. And so when it comes to your purpose when it comes to your north and south node, I think you and your own system know best and that’s so important is listening to yourself over anything else. Because then once you do that, then you’ll be able to like discern all this other information.
Samantha Riley Intro 00:30:
Welcome to the Influence By Design Podcast. I’m Samantha Riley, authority positioning strategist for coaches and experts. If you’re ready to build a business that gives you more than just a caffeine addiction, and you dream of making more money, having more time, and having the freedom to be living your best life, then you’re in the right place, it’s time to level up.
Welcome to today’s episode of Influence by Design. I absolutely love the episode that I’m bringing you today we’re talking about human design, how you can find your purpose in your chart. And our guests for show Christine is also talking about how we can layer our astrology over our human design chart.
Now for those who don’t know human design is your unique energetic blueprint. I’ve talked about a lot on the podcast before you can search human design on our podcast show notes page over at Samantha Riley dot global forward slash podcast and you’ll find a ton of episodes there in human design. If you haven’t heard of human design before, I thoroughly recommend episode 409 where I talk about my personal journey with human design and what it’s done for me and my business.
Also, if you’re not really sure about your chart, or how this conversation relates to you, or how you can find the information that we’re talking about in this episode, had to submit the Riley doc global forward slash advantage to download your copy of the Human Design advantage. This is a free resource to help you discover how to align to your design to achieve more profit and ease in your business.
So again, head to Smith Reilly dot global Ford slash advantage to get a copy of that. But if you’re ready to dive deep, then let’s roll the tape. Welcome to today’s episode of influence by design. I’m your host for today’s summit the Riley. And we’re going to talk about human design today with a little twist.
I’m very excited because I’ve invited Rachelle Christiane onto the show. And she really brings in a twist of astrology into human design. So we’re going to talk about how you can be more aligned, or how you can really step into who you really are. Because of course, we know that when you’re super aligned, it’s a lot easier to run your business have a brand that feels beautiful, and all of the things.
So Michelle, welcome to the show.
Rochelle Christiane (02:58):
Thank you. Thank you so much for having me.
Samantha Riley (03:00):
Now, bringing astrology into human design is something that I have never talked about. So I’m really excited about how this is all going to play out. Can we start off with human design? Let’s talk about purpose because I get asked about this all the time.
Where can we find out, you know, purpose in our chart? We’ve covered on this show about types before and authority. But we’ve never really sort of covered like that deeper purpose when we’re living in alignment with our type and our authority and strategy. Where can we kind of deep dive deeper into our chart to sort of start to pull out that gold?
Rochelle Christiane (03:46):
Well, I always say like your purpose is just to be yourself in your authenticity, of course, right? But when we’re looking at human design, it’s going to be your incarnation cross and your profile I love I love to dive into profile people because it’s always a thing that’s like so resonant.
Everyone’s like oh my gosh, that’s so me. Yeah, and from an astrological perspective, your incarnation cross is going to be your conscious Sun and Earth. So the top two numbers on the right hand side and then the top two numbers on the left hand side so it’s your conscious on Earth and your unconscious on an earth your personality in your design, and those four combined create your incarnation cross and in astrology this is your Sun and Earth which are opposites of each other.
So in astrology opposition’s any aspect that is in opposition to each other, really holds a lot of lessons for the other one. So if you’re let’s just say a Taurus sun that Scorpio energy Scorpio is opposite to Taurus and Zodiac wheel. And so that’s going to hold massive lessons for you to really embody the energy of that Taurus sun it’s going to have, you need to integrate it it’s like your north and south node, which is another huge piece in human design.
That really is going to help you also just find your way because ra talks about your G Center and the magnetic one monopole, which is this like illusion of separateness, right? It’s the thing that holds the conscious and unconscious sides together, it’s found in that G center. And he says that that magnetic monopole in your G center is the driver and the road is driving on is that North and South Node polarity.
And so that’s another huge piece. And again, without opposition, it’s the same thing, the north and south node, and then the Sun and Earth. Those are the two places in your design that are going to hold those opposition’s. And so they hold massive lessons for you in embodying and integrating those aspects. So you can fully come into your purpose and your authenticity, and who you’re meant to be.
Samantha Riley (05:38):
Right, there was a lot there. So let’s just, I love this so much. So if you’re looking at your chart, you’ve got your top two numbers on both sides on your personality and your design. And then your north node is like the upside down you and your south node is your it looks like a you they both have got fairly things. So your north node do want to just explain a little bit about the North Node and the South.
Rochelle Christiane (06:05):
Absolutely. So your north and south node there’s, they kind of come together. But there’s two different perspective from human design and astrology and astrology, your north node is sort of the direction that you’re headed in this life, it’s the way you’re meant to be. It’s sort of like that purpose piece of astrology.
So ever your north node is found is going to be probably where you’re going to find discomfort. Because that South Node is where you’ve sort of been if you believe in past lives, it’s sort of where you’ve played the role many times before, and you’re in past lifetimes, right? So the the energy of that South Node is where you’re going to find comfort.
So when you’re when you’re triggered, you’re more likely going to be leaning into that South Node, when you really should be leaning into should will scrap the woodshed. But when you’re really being asked to lean into the North Node in human design, they talk about Iran talks about that south node.
So we’re looking at the light lifespan from an Iranian perspective. So you’re on us takes 84 years to go around the sun. And so that’s what we consider now the human lifespan is about 84 years. So in human design, the first 42 years are typically played out by the themes of that South Node.
And so the second half of your life is really sort of when you’ve learned those lessons. And the key is not to reject them. It’s not to like not be them, right, because I think a lot of times when we’re triggered, or we’re falling back into that space, just for example, right now, we’re in an Aries, Libra axis in the collective.
So Aries is a starter energy, right? It’s the first sign of the zodiac and wants to go and do things. It wants to take action. It’s leadership, it’s all those beautiful things. It can be very selfish. That’s the shadow of Aries, right? I think he is Libra, whereas Libra is harmony, balance, justice, people pleasing.
So we want to integrate the south node so that we can lead with compassion, we can lead while we’re taking balance and harmony, all these beautiful Libra qualities and integrating them at that South Node. But what happens a lot of times, and we may find as a collective, we’re gonna lean into that people pleasing, right, leave it Libra has the energy of not standing up for itself, just to keep the balance and keep the peace when they know something is right.
They won’t say anything, because they want to the harmony of the whole is more important to them than being right, right. And so we want to like integrate those two. And so again, from that human design perspective, if let’s say if you have that balance in your life, if it is Aries and Libra. And of course the gates adds a little extra nuance and quality and lens to them, right. But just as a big picture.
We’re learning the lessons of Libra, in the first half of our life, we’re going to fall back into people pleasing, we’re going to maybe be a little bit codependent, we’re going to want to just have balance and harmony and not want to like shake things up.
But as you’re moving through your nodal returns, which is just when you’re collectively going back into the area, it’s about every 18 years, the notes will fall back into the same thing. So as you’re moving through that, so around 37 is when you’re going to have your second nodal return, which really is going to pull out those themes of that second half of your life, right, because you’re getting closer to 42.
They stay in science for about 18 months. And so as you’re moving through that you’re kind of like revving up to really step into that energy of Aries and whatever your north node is. And so it’s a really key piece.
And I think we go through these very cyclical things in life as a whole, right? And so this is just a huge key piece to human design and to finding yourself and I don’t think it’s something that can be rushed. And it’s not to say that you can’t find your balance earlier on in life or you know, anything but I think it’s it is very prominent that you will notice those themes throughout your life in the first half of our second half.
Samantha Riley (09:43):
I love that you said you can’t rush it. My belief and we all have beliefs and our own truths, but my belief is that you can’t rush wisdom. Wisdom happens through the journey and the process and you can sit there certainly people that are you know why certain their younger years than others, but essentially, like true wisdom that’s coming from people in there?
I’ve heard it called the second act or, you know, midlife or however you want to describe it. You know, I was joking with a friend the other day, I’m like, it’s the which he is, you know, it’s, it’s that witchy kind of wisdom energy that we bring forward. Can you tell us a little bit about the difference between the north and south node in the conscious side and the unconscious side, so the numbers on the right hand side to the left hand side of the chart?
Rochelle Christiane (10:37):
Yeah. So everything on the right hand side of the chart is your conscious personalities, they say, and it’s essentially your mind. So when we’re looking at that right hand side, if you go and pull your astrology chart based on your birth information, that’s the chart that you’re going to see is everything that’s on that right hand side, all that.
And then the other side, the unconscious side, so we can call it your unconscious, your subconscious, it’s your body, essentially, it’s everything that’s running in the background, right. And so when we’re looking at that, it’s really like the path that your body needs to take.
And I’m a big lesson for me in my life has been literally my physical body, because I think you can’t, I think a lot of us, especially on the spiritual path, we want to like embody all of these spiritual aspects, right, we want to just like be off in the clouds, and just be like, one with whatever and meditate and be taken outside of everybody, and do psychedelics and all these different things, which is beautiful, right?
There’s so many beautiful lessons in that. But my personal I am a Taurus, son. So I’m very much about the body. But like, for me, I mean, I feel like we are here in these physical bodies for very specific reason. And so that unconscious side, and it’s interesting, because you can actually pull your chart, your astrological chart for your body. And it’s fascinating, just to see what your actual body your physical vessel like needs to operate.
Samantha Riley (11:50):
Wow. And that’s different. Wow, like my brains just gone in a million different places all at once. So if you could, if we could put a picture inside my head, it’d be like fireworks right now, because it’s so nice places to go with this.
So let’s just recap what you just said. So that we can make sure that we’ve got it right, the North Node and the south node on the left hand side of our chart. That’s really what our body needs it. But it’s our mind that kind of takes over or it’s the the mind, it’s the right hand side of the chart that we’re talking about what the mind wants to take over.
This is the part that we’re really conscious of that we would know, we wouldn’t look at that and go yep, that’s totally us. But the left hand side, maybe not so much.
Rochelle Christiane (12:39):
Yeah, yeah. It’s all the things that run on autopilot. For example, I have gate 30. And my unconscious son, right, and gate 30 is the gate of cleaning fire. It’s feeling just expectations. And when they’re not met, it’s just like this huge crash of emotions. And I feel like emotionally, I’ve always been on this roller coaster.
And as much as my mind tries to control it, it always crashes right? When that expectation. So it’s something that our conscious mind, maybe can logically understand. But it can’t control what our body actually responds to.
So as I like, navigate those crashes, yeah, my mind can be like, Okay, this is the gate 30, like, I understand what’s happening, because I had an expectation of what was gonna happen, it wasn’t met, now all of a sudden, I’m in a low, right. But it can’t control what the body does, the body is going to do what the body does.
And so once we can sort of get on board with that, and that’s why I think human design is so much about the authority, right? Your strategy and authority, because it allows you to move out of your mind, and then put your trust more in your actual body and trusting that it knows what to do.
Samantha Riley (13:37):
Because he doesn’t know what to do. But you know, it’s the mind that thinks that maybe it doesn’t I remember, one of the biggest aha hours that I had when I very first was diving into human design was that we make all our decisions from the neck down.
And that’s always stood with me, like, how do I feel? How does this feel in my body, and that probably has been one of the biggest shifts was just understanding how much logic I’d sort of bought into my decision making, because that’s what we’re taught, right?
And understanding more to really listen to my body and to understand that my body does have the wisdom to be able to work through things. And that the mind, you know, we obviously need to be able to make decisions as well with our mind, but to really trust the wisdom of the body.
Rochelle Christiane (14:25):
Yeah, and the mind will always overthink it. There’s always another option, right? There’s always a pros and cons list with the mind. And I think yeah, when you can really come into the sensations of the body and really leaning into, okay, this is what my body feels like when it’s a no, this is what my body feels like when it’s a yes.
And I think sacral beings maybe have it a little bit easier, because they literally have that like sacral response, whereas like if your authority is emotional, which I find so difficult, but or even splenic right? I mean, I mean, there’s so many there’s different types of authority, but those are like the ones that kind of like stand out to me Like, yeah, really have all the authorities we need to trust our body. But I think the sacral probably, they just have a little edge up. Yeah,
Samantha Riley (15:09):
I have a sacral authority. And I’m super, super glad that I do. Because I just know that feeling straightaway and, and it’s just so easy where my husband is an emotional authority, you know, he has that whole, like, not sure, Hang on, wait a minute going on.
But I can see that he definitely struggles with that a lot more where I’m just like, bang, you know, we’ll be out. And it was actually really funny. We were out getting vitamins at our local organic store a few weeks ago.
And the I guess, nutritionist or I don’t know what her actual title is, but she was talking us through some different things. And, and I’m just like, she said, You know, I think this one and I Oh, I actually don’t know. And then like as a joke, my husband turned around and said, Well, what is the sacral? Say?
And, and straightaway, she clicked on to it. She was like, perfect. Like, she really went okay, let’s say is it yes or no? Did this is it yes or no that this it was just like straightaway, and I’m like, oh, that made it so easy. It was like, oh, it’s that one?
Okay, good. We’ve made that decision. We’re out. But it was actually really funny moment where we’re both of them kind of tapped into that. And yeah, Leon leaned on me. He was like, could you just make the decision for us?
Rochelle Christiane (16:23):
I love that, though. I love that. Like you have people around you that are just like so on board and like understanding of that, right? Because I think like so many of us are taught, go with your gut. What is your gut say? Well, we’re not designed to be that way. Right? And so it creates this confusion. And then of course, the mind is brought in another way too. But that’s it’s so beautiful.
Samantha Riley (16:41):
Yeah, absolutely. I’m very, very blessed. Very lucky. So you talked about North Node, South Node, incarnation crosses the Earth and the Sun. Can you explain the difference, or the I guess, the dance between the Incarnation cross and the north and south node for that purpose?
Because I think, you know, there is a lot of information in our chart that really can help us to stay, I guess, I was gonna say on track, but really in flow for who we’re we’re here to be. And I think that as entrepreneurs, and we’ve always got so many decisions and around us in, in all of the different ways that we can go that, that sometimes that just being able to lean on this a little bit can be make that journey a little easier.
Rochelle Christiane (17:29):
Huh? Yeah. So I mean, with your incarnation cross that 70% of your personality, right. So I mean, it’s really like I like to say it’s like the energy behind your purpose. So it’s not like, it’s gonna be like this. One thing is what you have to do, right? I mean, it can take in all sorts of different ways, but it’s like the energy behind it.
And so it’s like, that’s really the energy. And then the South North and South Node is sort of like it said, like that, that that highway that we’re taking, right, just like the path to that, that we can really sort of, like follow on there. I think, you know, Rod talks a lot about that.
And I think people almost like get sick of it when we’re just like always hammering on about like, type strategy and authority type strategy and authority, right? But it’s like, it is true, like you can know as much about your design as you want. But if you’re not following those, it’s not gonna matter. Right?
And so it’s, again, it’s bringing in that actual body like, Are you leading into your body? Are you knowing what your body’s telling you? Are you listening to your authority when it’s speaking, because I can know my incarnation cross on a logical level, I can know my north and south node on a logical level, right.
But if I’m still overriding my own system, it’s still not going to be in alignment. It’s not going to fall into place. But I think that’s, that’s like sort of that path, right? It’s like that energy that we’re bringing, and then the road that we’re actually taking towards that throughout our lifetime.
Samantha Riley (18:42):
love that so much. And I actually, I would love to know for you, how much do you go back and review? You know, and have a look and just remind yourself from a business perspective, or do you just kind of let it play out in the background?
Rochelle Christiane (19:02):
I do both. I try not to because I track the transits on my podcast, I have weekly transits. I have monthly transit update. So it’s like, on the back of my mind, I always know what’s happening, right. I know, like transits I actually am watching a program specifically on a day in October, that is the best for business, right?
So there are little things that you can do in that in that way. But I tend to like to, to look at it in review. So I can sort of like see what was happening or like what I missed or what I was experiencing. Because, you know, transits are one thing and then your specific chart or your specific energy, like overlaid on the transits really can impact so many different people in so many different ways.
But it’s it I find the most, like when I’m following that strategy and authority, it’s so beautiful to see how it actually plays out. You know what I mean? Like, I launched this one program once and the program that I run now, the very first time I launched it was like such a beautiful example of following my type charging authority because I am an Rational authority. But I have my sacral and my spleen defined and I have an undefined route.
So so often like the actual waiting my route is like make a decision make a decision, my sacral is like, yes, my spleen is giving me that one hit. I’m like, I don’t know what to do, right. And I so often like, another little like layer of human design, it depends what programming you have genetic matrix shows it, I’m sure you can, I mean, if you actually draw your own chart in, you can find it that way too.
But if you took all the conscious side and just drew in that on a chart or pulled it up, you can actually just see what your mind believes it is. So I lean into that a lot to like, so my mind is an emotional manifester. And so just the awareness of that is helpful because I will literally like I if I collaborate with somebody, or like for businesses, I get so lit up by something, which is my sacral.
And then my mind, which is emotional manifest is like, we got to do this now. Let’s do it now, right. But there’s always a point that I hit a wall, because I’m not listening to myself, right? I’m not actually going through that emotional authority.
So yeah, when I actually do take the time to like, create something and then have a response or somebody something the universe some way somehow was like this now or like inviting me into it or giving me something to respond to, right.
And then I can follow my wave and pull it through. So it’s always like in those times, like for business when I find the most success, and of course, just again, looking at the transits times where there’s maybe not as much intense energies. Right, that kind of makes things a little bit more easeful in my own chart are always helpful to
Samantha Riley (21:30):
I would love to talk about how the astrology comes in, because I haven’t actually heard anyone talk about it. And when I listened to your podcast, I was just like, wow, my brain was exploding as you were chatting away, can you I guess, give us the brief rundown of sort of how you use them to play together.
Rochelle Christiane (21:54):
So I, every week, I have a little astrology book. And so I’ll go through that just for my own personal practice, which I use on the podcast and, and with everything, but so I have all the transits.
And then I’ll look to the human design and see when the sun is changing gates or Mercury’s changed gates, because it just gives us extra beautiful, like flair to it. Right. So Libra, for example.
And it’s so funny, because some of the gates are so literal to the signs. But again, like Libra we talked about Libras, harmony, balance, justice, people pleasing all the things. And Libra every single gate in the spleen, or every gate of Libra is found in the spleen.
And so it’s so much about fear survival, but gate 18, which is the literally like the gate of justice, right, is like in a Libra sign. So it’s just like interesting to see the gates that is transiting and the energies that are then bringing that little extra nuance to the actual sign. And then I check the Human Design transits to see what what gates activate what centers, right, so then I can understand, you know, so if I’m looking at a transit and I, in my own design, have an undefined heart.
So my G center and my my heart are both under undefined. And so then being able to see when a transit activates that for me, like when the sun is maybe transiting gate 21 or something like that, that will turn it on for me. It’s just I know that that’s helpful, then because it’ll give me that extra like energy of like, oh, yeah, I got this, like, you know, and so a lot of times, in my own personal life stuff, I just try and do it in reflection, but when I’m trying to plan something, it’s really helpful to be able to use that to understand the energy of that day that I will be able to embody and integrate into how I show up,
Samantha Riley (23:33):
you know, with my business brain, when for someone like you knowing that if you are launching a product, or if you are running some sort of campaign is going to be so much easier for you to deal with, then when it’s not lit up.
And I think that that is really awesome. Because when we’re you know, people that are on the spiritual path, we feel those energies. Well, actually, I guess we all feel them, but they noticed them more, I guess, rather than sort of to it. Yeah, that’s the best way of saying it. Definitely. So you’re talking about not our own personal astrology here. But where the astrology is at any given moment? Hmm,
Rochelle Christiane (24:25):
well, it’s sort of both right, because yours layered on to it brings a different energy as well, then just the what the collective is experiencing, right, it’s added on to yours. And so it really depends, like there are times during the month, like you may look up, you can even Google it, I think like or Astro cafe, like has charts during the day or during the month for like the best times to start a relationship or the best time but there’s just like, all this sorts of stuff you can find online. But it also depends on your specific chart, right?
So if you’re just for an example, if you’re like, let’s think business, right, so we have Capricorn And, and Saturn, those are very systems oriented. Like right now we have Saturn moving through Pisces.
And so I see this a lot with a lot of these spiritual based businesses. Saturn is coming in and asking us to get serious like make a plan, get systems in place, like you can’t just be off in the fairies and expect everybody to come to you like, let’s get serious, let’s let’s do something like this, right? So we can sort of like look to like those types of transits when you’re looking at your business.
But let’s just say you have, I don’t know, Saturn conjunct, which just means they’re at the same degree or within a seven degree orb of each other. Pluto, right, that Saturn for you is always gonna be bringing you through death, transformation, rebirth, control power, that’s all the elements of Pluto, right.
So it’s one thing to know what the transits collectively are doing in the sky. But then it’s really helpful to layer it on to your own chart. I know, this is a lot of information. So I think like, I like listening to myself.
And I’m like, Okay, let’s bring it down. Because, like, it is a lot. But it’s, I think it’s so such a beautiful layer to and it’s not ever to make excuses. Like, there’s some times where I know something’s going to happen, or, like energetically, I feel so intense, right? And my logical mind wants to tell me like, oh, well, it’s just this transit.
And then my body is like, No, I’m just feeling like shit today. Like, I’m just like, I’m allowing myself I don’t know, if I’m allowed to curse on your pocket. But it’s allowing yourself the compassion and understanding and, and, and not just invalidating yourself because of the transits, you know, and so I think that’s an important piece to it, too, as we’re moving through everything, too.
Samantha Riley (26:30):
I really love that you said that, because I feel that we can almost make excuses, for it’s just the energy, that energy will help us or push us or trigger us or all of those things. But we still need to, I guess, have responsibility with that energy, which is definitely, you know, I’ll say to my husband, some mornings or, you know, like, you know, such and such as coming up this week, you might want to deal with that now, otherwise, you know, the energy will deal with it for you. And it’s never going to be good if that happens.
So it’s not about this is going to happen. This is what the energy is, it’s like, well, this is what the energy could bring up in people be really aware of it, be kind of prepared for it. Because now, you know, we need to take responsibility for whatever happens, you know, and we hear it, I’m sure you hear it all the time arts, Mercury Retrograde, you know, everything’s just gonna break and everything’s gonna be shit. Where I personally love Mercury Retrograde, like, it just brings up all sorts of like it.
To me, it takes, I guess, our language and our brand and different things that we’re doing with our IP to a whole new level if we really lean into it. So it’s not about saying things are not happening because of it’s like, how can we use this energy to take whatever we’re doing to the next level.
Rochelle Christiane (27:59):
And mercury, like Retrogrades, are, in essence asking us to slow down, right? And the reason why we find so much miscommunication during Mercury Retrograde is because we’re not slowing down, we’re trying to do things at the same speed or faster, or, you know, and then that’s when things are messing up.
Because we’re not taking the time to communicate, we’re not taking the time to double check something to make sure our what we wrote was accurate, or you know, things like that. And so that’s when there’s everybody’s like, Oh my gosh, don’t sign signed leases, or don’t start new businesses, or don’t sign a new job during Mercury Retrograde, if you’re, if you’re entering it into it, according to your strategy authority, if you’re entering into it slowly, and you know that it’s right for you go for it.
You know, I think that’s just but it’s like you said, I love the energy of all those. And I like to witness them happening. It’s just so fascinating when you’re looking at astrology and even like back in history, and just, it’s just so interesting, because it’s like, it continues to repeat these themes over and over and over.
And it’s you can’t I don’t know. I mean, you obviously nobody has to believe everything. Yet. For me, in my own mind. I’m like, it just makes sense. It clicks and I’m just, I’m just such a fan.
Samantha Riley (29:05):
Yeah, I love that you said it’s just it’s, it’s just about slowing down. And I think that’s understanding the energy. And what’s happening is so powerful, because it gives us that opportunity to understand that some of the rules that people have put on this energy, some of the rules that they talk about when they’re talking about human design like this is the way you have to be is all BS because the whole idea of human design, as far as I’m concerned is to to pare it back and to get back to who we authentically are and and in alignment with us. We’re meant to be you know, shedding the beliefs and the conditioning, not taking on a whole new set of beliefs and conditioning.
It’s about like, this is a guidance system. And then we need to understand and experiment with do that so that we can work out what’s true for us what works? Well, for us, it’s just a guidance system. And what I can hear from you is that being able to have a look at the way that astrology plays into it just gives you a little bit of extra guidance.
Rochelle Christiane (30:19):
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And I think something that was coming up as you’re speaking to, is when we’re looking at I mean, I think just as humans, we’re always trying to remember who we are, we’re always trying to find our purpose, we’re always trying to find a meaning or reason for this existence, right.
And with human design, astrology, of course, it’s that permission slip to just like be who you are. And also, I think a lot of times when we’re looking at our conditioning, like our undefined centers, or open centers, we’re always want to fill that right. It’s, it’s a place of most conditioning in our life, it’s where we hold the most shadows.
And something like recently, that’s just been like coming up a lot. It’s like just an example of like the G center, when you’re looking at the G center, when we’re given this idea of like finding who you are finding your truth, finding your purpose.
And all these things, if you have an undefined or open G center, that’s not your truth, your most authentic when you can actually show up and adapt to your environment, right, trying to find this fixed sense of self that our mind is trying to put on, I think that we’re almost being inauthentic to ourself, because we’re not allowing yourself to be adaptable and sort of change. And we’re holding a little shadow around, you know, I have an undefined G center. So I might behave differently with you.
And then my children and a spouse or my parents or friends, you know, I mean, that’s, that’s just the nature of the G center is to experience and of course, like your environment is so important. So knowing how your body responds in a certain environment. But for me, I held a lot of shame around that growing up.
Whereas like, everybody’s like, you act differently with this person, you act differently with that person. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, like, who am I, I don’t know who I am. Like, I think I’m wrong as I am.
And I think what I learned that I’ve like that, that is me, in my most authentic is being able to show up and be adaptable to the situation and the place and trusting my body to know that if I’m in the right place, everything’s good, right from the wrong place. Let’s like assess who I’m around and who I’ve taken into my wife. So
Samantha Riley (32:08):
I love the hat so much, I couldn’t love that any more. To be brutally honest. I was having a conversation, I feel like you, you were looking in a part of my life, as you were talking about that. I also have an open jeep.
And I was having a conversation with someone the other day, and she said, we were talking about personal branding. And it was it was a friend. And you know, we were kind of getting deeper and having a conversation that went down the rabbit hole.
And she was saying that she said that, you know, our brand, we need to be showing up the same all the time. And I said, but the way that we show up with our children isn’t the way that we show up with a group of friends. And it’s not the way that we show up with, you know, a group of clients. And she’s like, well, that’s inauthentic.
And I was like, what is it though, is it inauthentic because we show up in different ways with different people. Now even adding that layer of wall with an open G, that’s the way that we’re designed that just completely takes that whole conversation to a new level.
And for anyone that’s listening and is going oh my god, we’ve just been given a permission slip to, you know, have an amazing personal brand, and not feel like were making it up with different people essentially. Like, that’s just huge. That’s so big.
Rochelle Christiane (33:32):
Yeah, yeah, it was definitely, definitely a huge permission slip, right. And, and like, even going back to astrology, and the transits and tracking Human Design transits, it’s great to lean into an energy of a defined G center when it’s available.
Right. But even that’s going to add a different layer to who I show up, as you know, so I just think of anything, right? If you have an undefined throat, and you find yourself over speaking or trying to get attention, or, you know, I mean, just like leaning into the energy of what the undefined throat is, and allowing that and that being you at your most authentic, but I think there are, you know, like, like the woman who was telling you that there are so many societal standards of like how we need to behave, how we need to show up how we need to run a business, like for the first like, couple years that I was like, trying to figure out my own thing, everybody every business coach was like, nice down niche down to have one thing I was like, I’m an MG like, I don’t know how to just have one passion like, yeah, then you figure out ways of like, okay, this is my umbrella, right? Like, this is the thing that I love that lights you up.
And then when you come into my space, you’re gonna get all the other stuff, right. But I think it’s that is leaning into our authenticity, right? It’s not just being like, okay, only talk about human design, and the rest is going to be forgotten because this is what everybody says I’m supposed to do. It just doesn’t work that way.
Right. And I think that’s, that is being inauthentic and you’re gonna find it, it’s just not going to be fun, right? It’s gonna suck the life out of whatever you’re doing. Like, I used to do photography, right and when I just did that one thing, I just lost my passion. before, like, this isn’t fun anymore. I’ve done it, it’s over now, what else can I move on to? Yeah, that’s just the nature of them do so
Samantha Riley (35:06):
totally. And what I love about working with MGS is is then using that, like, well, how can you bring that passion in, if you still got a little bit of it with some learnings into whatever the next thing is, it’s not about throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but doing all the things that light you up, and I’m very much into niching down.
So it’s what you were talking about, then he’s very much the way that I do it. Now it’s like, okay, so it manifesting generators, you’ve got all these things? How can we turn all that into a niche of one? So that your niche is this so different everyone else’s, because you’ve got all of these different facets instead? So it’s just changing the idea of what a niche is? Essentially? Yeah,
Rochelle Christiane (35:54):
yeah, we’ve got something that was really different poppin
Samantha Riley (35:57):
I love this.
Rochelle Christiane (36:01):
I was gonna share something that sort of like a side note, but like one of the things that really helped me when I was like, trying to get clear on the major like pillars of what my business would be. And it wasn’t even this hadn’t even nothing to do with business. But I took it and I ran with it with my business.
But if anybody has heard of to to be magnetic, Laci Phillips, it’s basically like, she has all sorts of DIYs, right deep imaginings that help you uncover your shadows and just like, become your most authentic self. But she has something that’s like her authentic code. And it’s like, when you go through that, there’s like, I don’t know how many questions she asked was a whole series of questions like, what do you do with your money?
What do you most do with your time? What are you learning about when you have free time? What are you doing? And for me, I mean, I’m just, I have my son in my 10th house, which is your house of career.
So of course, for me, all my passions, and everything that lights me up is always going to be like, funneled into my career, that’s just the way it is. So that’s, I think, why I was like, so much able to take that into my business, but I mean, everything was human design, it was astrology, it was emotions, you know, like, all those are like my core pieces and travel, right, like freedom. Those are my core pieces.
So it’s like, I can look at those and like, kept coming back to that. And so when you talk about like, niching, that’s when I was able to be like, Okay, well, Human Design, and astrology are the big ones, everything else, we can kind of like funnel into there, right? It’s like finding yourself through these modalities.
And then we use the RAS Shadow Work, attachment theory, you know, all the other things are kind of like, funneled into that. So
Samantha Riley (37:17):
love it so much. Love, love, love. Now, you mentioned your podcast before, tell us a little bit about your podcast. Because for for people that are listening to this and going oh, my goodness, my mind is blown. I need to know more about this. Where can they go and find you?
Rochelle Christiane (37:32):
Yeah, so it’s called the emotional mastery podcast, you can find out everything Spotify, Apple, all the things. It’s really evolved. I’ve been doing it for four years. And in the beginning, it was sort of like an online journal.
I literally told nobody about it until like a year and a half in where I was like, alright, you gotta just either stop doing it or, or get serious. And so I got serious. But I do once a week, I have a solo episode where it’s just sort of like what’s on my heart, what’s on my mind was being called to share of course, there’s always going to be astrology, human design, like wrapped up in that, because that’s what I’m obsessed with.
And then the other week is a guest speaker. And so I just, I invite people on to share their stories, their journey, their tools for emotional regulation really is a lot of it. It’s not like Master, it’s not like I’m the master of my emotions, I don’t feel anything. It’s just like having the tools right that we can, when we’re moving through something be able to then we’re mastering the tools we’re mastering the ability to then self regulate.
And I just recently over the past three weeks, I added in an episode on Monday, which is literally like a 10 minute, just weekly transit update. People were asking for it. So I was like, we’ll try it out. So I’m sort of like newly in the weekly transits, but
Samantha Riley (38:40):
awesome. So get on that we’ll put the link to the podcast in the show notes so that you can go I will definitely be listening to the weekly transit, I listened to one of your monthly transits. And my mind was like, Oh, my goodness, they get to listen to her about three times to take it all in because there was so much going on.
I loved it. I ended up Rochelle, we started off talking about purpose, how can we be more aligned as coaches as entrepreneurs? What is the one thing that you want to leave our listeners with in relation to that, you know, really being aligned and on purpose?
Rochelle Christiane (39:18):
Yeah, I mean, I think just, it always goes back to the body for me. And I think really understanding what your body is feeling how your body is reacting, because again, it’s so easy to just not listen to ourselves.
And so when it comes to your purpose when it comes to your north and south node, anything that we’ve talked about, right, I think you and your own system know best. And I know for me, I had to get to a place where I sort of like left everything so that I can really tune into my body because I think that’s the most important thing, right?
When you’re listening to your body. Likely you’re then listening to your authority. There are there are exceptions there. I think if you have some trauma, there’s a little bit extra work to be doing to coming into your body.
But I just think that that’s so important is listening to yourself. Have over anything else, right? Because then once you do that, then you’ll be able to like discern all this other information.
Samantha Riley (40:07):
Hmm, I love that. I’m going to ask another question on I wasn’t going to trauma, you mentioned trauma, how much is trauma going to be masking our true authentic self,
Rochelle Christiane (40:25):
I am still on the path of recovering from trauma. And so I feel like a lot of times the all this information on a logical level has really, really helped me. And again, like I said, I think a lot of times it is like coming back into trusting myself, and also knowing, like doing all this other work, where I’m actually moving through triggers when they come up, right, and not just trying to suppress them or push them down.
Because your body your unconscious is trying to protect you, right, the ego is still trying to protect you, right, your whole system is trying to keep you safe. And so I think really, the first step is finding a way to know that you’re safe.
So whether that’s through meditation, a DI, a breathwork, some things that you know that you’re in a safe space that you can actually then be like, Okay, I’m going to come back to my higher self and see what my higher self has to say, in this moment, outside of the trauma. And so I think I think it’s a journey, I think it’s very, it is challenging. In the beginning, I think everybody goes at their own pace, I don’t know that there is a right or a wrong way to really navigate that as long as you’re sort of like showing up and in navigating it and understanding, you know, some things may trigger you more than others.
And so I think human design and astrology, for me, were really the catalyst in the beginning of my journey, that I was so confused between my system in my mind, I had no idea. I was like, this is just all chaos.
I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to show up, I don’t know who to be. And then when I found all of this, it was sort of like, I could like, exhale, I was like, Okay, I have somewhere to go from here. Like I feel I felt so seen in a way that nothing else made me feel my entire life. And so starting from there, and then reprogram my mind, and to know that I’m safe, and then you can sort of or not. And I hope that answered your question, I sort of went off on a little,
Samantha Riley (42:03):
like, you know, it was just perfect. And I love where you went with that. And I think that if we were going to, I guess leave one single thing. It was what you said in there about it’s a journey. And I think it doesn’t matter what is going on.
It’s always a journey. Like we never get to the end of our journey. We continue this journey the whole way through our life. And then, you know, depending on what we believe some people believe we, you know, continue into our next life.
But I think that just understanding that we’re humans having a human experience, and it’s about, you know, taking the learnings and experimenting and trying things on seeing what feels good, and just really embracing and enjoying the journey. And I think that that was what I took out of what you were saying.
Rochelle Christiane (42:54):
Yeah, absolutely. And if you ever third line, really embracing those mistakes, that journey.
Samantha Riley (43:01):
You know, we learned so much more from our mistakes than we do from anything else. So when we you’re right, and gosh, humans have a human moment. I’m sure I’m not the only one that that struggles with that sometimes, like, I feel like I do it. Well, most times, but every now and again, it really gives me a kick in the kick in the guts going yeah, come on. Right.
Absolutely. Yeah. Michelle, thank you so much for coming on the show. I’ve absolutely loved chatting with you. And yeah, like I said, go and check out Michelle’s podcast, emotional mastery, and take your human design and astrology to or understanding to a whole new level. Thanks so much for Shell for joining us today.
Rochelle Christiane (43:42):
Thank you so much for having me
Samantha Riley (43:44):
Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Influence By Design podcast. If you want more head over to for the show notes and links to today’s gifts and sponsors. And if you’re looking to connect with other experts who are growing and scaling their business to join us in the coaches, thought leaders, and changemakers community on Facebook, the links are waiting for you over at
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